该条款在 2023 年 8 月通过的 DPDP 法案中引入,但对验证方法缺乏明确性,而新规则草案旨在解决这一问题。

The Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act's draft rules stipulate that children under 18 must obtain parental or guardian consent to use social media platforms. This provision was included in the DPDP Act, which was passed in August 2023, but the methods for age verification were unclear. The new draft rules aim to address this issue.
The proposed rules, which are open for public feedback until February 18, suggest using a government-issued ID or a token that has been authenticated by a Digital Locker service provider to verify a child's age.
拟议的规则在 2 月 18 日之前向公众开放反馈,建议使用政府颁发的 ID 或经过数字储物柜服务提供商验证的令牌来验证儿童的年龄。
An example in the draft explains the process: If a child (C) wants to create an account, the platform, which is referred to as the Data Fiduciary (DF), must verify parental consent. The parent (P) would identify themselves as a registered user with verified identity and age details. Before processing the child's data, the DF must confirm the reliability of the parent's identity.
草案中的一个例子解释了这个过程:如果孩子(C)想要创建一个帐户,则被称为数据信托人(DF)的平台必须验证父母的同意。家长 (P) 将通过验证身份和年龄详细信息将自己标识为注册用户。在处理孩子的数据之前,DF必须确认家长身份的可靠性。
Since 2023, the Act's provisions on children's data have sparked debates. Tech giants like Meta and Google have pushed for lowering the legal age threshold from 18 to 14, arguing that the current definition poses challenges for platforms targeting teenagers. However, despite industry pressure, the government has maintained the age limit of 18 in the draft.
自2023年以来,该法案关于儿童数据的条款引发了争论。 Meta 和谷歌等科技巨头一直在推动将法定年龄门槛从 18 岁降低到 14 岁,他们认为当前的定义给针对青少年的平台带来了挑战。然而,尽管有行业压力,政府在草案中仍维持了18岁的年龄限制。
The DPDP Act aims to strengthen children's data protection, but it also raises concerns about implementation and compliance for digital platforms. Public feedback on the draft rules will be crucial in determining the final guidelines.
DPDP 法案旨在加强儿童数据保护,但也引起了人们对数字平台实施和合规性的担忧。公众对规则草案的反馈对于确定最终指南至关重要。