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事情发生了令人震惊的转变,前加密货币巨头 Sam Bankman-Fried 因震惊加密行业的巨大金融欺诈被判处 25 年监禁。此次逮捕严厉提醒加密货币领导人和企业家透明度和道德行为的至关重要性。
Last month, Sam Bankman Fried, a big name in the world of cryptocurrency, ended up in jail for tricking investors and causing trouble for his crypto company, FTX. This was a big shock for everyone interested in cryptocurrencies. It’s a clear warning that people running crypto businesses need to be careful and honest.
上个月,加密货币界的知名人士萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman Fried) 因欺骗投资者并给他的加密货币公司 FTX 带来麻烦而入狱。这对于每个对加密货币感兴趣的人来说都是一个巨大的震惊。这是一个明确的警告,即经营加密货币业务的人需要小心和诚实。
Here’s a simpler look at Sam Bankman-Fried’s story: He went from being super rich and famous in the crypto world to losing everything and going to jail because he didn’t play by the rules. This story is a big less for everyone interested in crypto about the importance of being fair and careful.
以下是山姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 的故事的简单介绍:他从加密货币世界的超级富豪和名人,到失去一切并因不遵守规则而入狱。对于每个对加密货币感兴趣的人来说,这个故事大大减少了公平和谨慎的重要性。
Sam Bankman’s Family Background
Sam Bankman-Fried born on March 6, 1992, in Stanford, California, in the United States. He comes from a family with a very intellectual bloodline, his mother, Barbara Fried, and father, Joseph Bankman, are popular figures in their respective fields. Sam Bankman-Fried has a brother named Gabriel Bankman-Fried.
内容山姆·班克曼的家庭背景学术生活和职业:FTX之前的生活早期教育和数学天才麻省理工学院和数学辅修简街资本:涉足交易阿拉米达研究和转向加密货币FTX的出现:为山姆·班克曼带来人气-弗里德山姆·班克曼的奢华生活方式-弗里德购买迈阿密热火队体育场的冠名权捐赠和对有效利他主义运动的热爱FTX 崩溃:SBFC 麻烦的开始法庭判处 SBF 25 年监禁当 SBF 的女友卡罗琳·埃里森 (Caroline Ellison) 与他作对时给所有加密货币领袖和企业家的教训山姆·班克曼 (Sam Bankman) 的家庭背景山姆·班克曼 -弗里德1992年3月6日出生于美国加利福尼亚州斯坦福。他出身于一个具有非常知识分子血统的家庭,他的母亲芭芭拉·弗里德(Barbara Fried)和父亲约瑟夫·班克曼(Joseph Bankman)都是各自领域的热门人物。萨姆·班克曼-弗里德有一个兄弟,名叫加布里埃尔·班克曼-弗里德。

Barbara Fried, an American legal scholar and professor emeritus at Stanford Law School, has made her mark through her extensive work on legal ethics.
芭芭拉·弗里德(Barbara Fried)是美国法律学者、斯坦福大学法学院名誉教授,她通过在法律伦理方面的广泛研究而取得了自己的成就。
Moreover, She also writes about these ideas in a way that combines different philosophical views. Besides her work in philosophy, Barbara is known for her excellent short stories.
Barbara Fried also helped start Mind the Gap, an organization that raises money for politicians from the Democratic Party and advises people in the tech industry on how to support political campaigns. On top of all this, she’s the mom of Sam Bankman-Fried, who started a big company called FTX that deals with digital money, like Bitcoin.
芭芭拉·弗里德 (Barbara Fried) 还帮助创立了“Mind the Gap”组织,该组织为民主党政客筹集资金,并就如何支持政治竞选向科技行业人士提供建议。除此之外,她还是 Sam Bankman-Fried 的母亲,Sam Bankman-Fried 创办了一家名为 FTX 的大公司,专门处理比特币等数字货币。
Joseph Bankman is a multifaceted intellectual, serving as the Ralph M. Parsons Professor of Law and Business at Stanford Law School. With a background that includes legal scholarship and psychology, Bankman’s work explores the interplay between law and psychological processes.
约瑟夫·班克曼 (Joseph Bankman) 是一位多才多艺的知识分子,担任斯坦福大学法学院拉尔夫·帕森斯 (Ralph M. Parsons) 法律与商业教授。班克曼的研究背景包括法律学术和心理学,他的作品探讨了法律与心理过程之间的相互作用。
His academic journey has included teaching roles at the USC Gould School of Law and contributions to the field of tax law. Notably, he proposed the ReadyReturn program in California to advocate for tax simplification and supported Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Tax Filing Simplification Act. Bankman also held a position at FTX, the cryptocurrency venture established by his son, Sam Bankman-Fried.
他的学术经历包括在南加州大学古尔德法学院担任教学职务以及对税法领域的贡献。值得注意的是,他在加利福尼亚州提出了 ReadyReturn 计划,以倡导税收简化,并支持参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦的纳税申报简化法案。 Bankman 还在 FTX 任职,这是他的儿子 Sam Bankman-Fried 创立的加密货币企业。
SBF’s brother, Gabriel engages in political advocacy and philanthropy, emphasizing effective altruism and policy work through his group, Guarding Against Pandemics. This organization aims to lobby for increased government funding and preparedness against future pandemics.
SBF 的兄弟加布里埃尔从事政治宣传和慈善事业,强调通过他的组织“防范流行病”开展有效的利他主义和政策工作。该组织旨在游说政府增加资金并为未来的流行病做好准备。
The Bankman-Fried family, including Sam and Gabriel, has been active in various philanthropic and political efforts, aligning with their interests in effective altruism and broader societal impact.
Academic Life and Career: Life Before FTX
Sam Bankman-Fried’s journey from mathematical genius to the Founder of FTX, and ultimately, being a fraudster is no less than a web series like Money Heist. His academic journey began early and took him to prestigious institutions and roles before founding the cryptocurrency exchange, FTX.
学术生活和职业生涯:FTX 之前的生活 Sam Bankman-Fried 从数学天才到 FTX 创始人,最后成为诈骗犯的旅程不亚于《金钱抢劫》这样的网络连续剧。他的学术之旅很早就开始了,在创立加密货币交易所 FTX 之前,他曾在著名的机构任职并担任过职务。
Early Education and Mathematical Genius
Sam’s early interest in mathematics was garnered at Canada/USA Mathcamp in 2008, a summer program designed for mathematically talented high school students. He completed his high school education at Crystal Springs Uplands School in Hillsborough, California.
早期教育和数学天才 Sam 对数学的早期兴趣是在 2008 年的加拿大/美国数学营中产生的,这是一个专为数学天才高中生设计的暑期项目。他在加利福尼亚州希尔斯伯勒的水晶泉高地学校完成了高中教育。
His passion for numbers and a problem-solving mindset were evident early on, setting the stage for his later ventures into the complex world of cryptocurrency and trading.
MIT and a Minor in Mathematics

Bankman-Fried’s academic interest led him to the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he graduated in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in physics and a minor in mathematics.
麻省理工学院并辅修数学班克曼-弗里德的学术兴趣促使他进入著名的麻省理工学院 (MIT),并于 2014 年毕业,获得物理学学士学位并辅修数学。
While studying at MIT, he was also a part of a coeducational group house called Epsilon Theta, where he sharpen his collaborative and analytical skills.
在麻省理工学院学习期间,他也是一个名为 Epsilon Theta 的男女同校团体的成员,在那里他提高了自己的协作和分析能力。
Jane Street Capital: A Foray into Trading
Sam’s professional journey began with an internship at Jane Street Capital, a proprietary trading firm, during the summer of 2013. This experience introduced him to the world of trading international ETFs. Experience earned from here helped him laying the groundwork for his expertise in financial markets. After graduating from MIT, he returned to Jane Street Capital to work full-time, further developing his trading skills.
Jane Street Capital:涉足 TradingSam 的职业生涯始于 2013 年夏天在 Jane Street Capital(一家自营交易公司)实习。这段经历使他进入了国际 ETF 交易的世界。从这里获得的经验帮助他为他在金融市场的专业知识奠定了基础。从麻省理工学院毕业后,他回到简街资本全职工作,进一步发展他的交易技能。
Alameda Research and the Move to Cryptocurrency
Shortly after SBF left Centre for Effective Altruism, he moved on to co-found Alameda Research with Tara Hedley in November, 2017. To begin new venture, he conducted fundraising to get fund injections from influential investors.
Alameda Research 和转向加密货币 在 SBF 离开有效利他主义中心后不久,他于 2017 年 11 月与 Tara Hedley 共同创立了 Alameda Research。为了开始新的事业,他进行了筹款活动,以获得有影响力的投资者的资金注入。
Alameda Research, a crypto trading firm, became a cornerstone in Bankman-Fried’s journey into the cryptocurrency world. He owned about 90% of a company called Alameda Research. His bold and creative way of trading cryptocurrencies was shown by his ability to move up to $25 million every day through smart trading strategies.
加密货币交易公司 Alameda Research 成为 Bankman-Fried 进入加密货币世界之旅的基石。他拥有一家名为 Alameda Research 的公司约 90% 的股份。他通过智能交易策略每天交易高达 2500 万美元的能力,体现了他交易加密货币的大胆而富有创意的方式。
Unfortunately, along with FTX fall, Alameda Research was also collapsed as it has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in November 2022.
不幸的是,随着 FTX 的下跌,Alameda Research 也倒闭了,因为它已于 2022 年 11 月申请美国破产法第 11 章破产保护。
Emergence of FTX: Brought Popularity to Sam Bankman-Fried
After the launch of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried quickly became a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency world. He founded FTX in April 2019, and the exchange opened for business the following month. By September 2021, he and the senior staff of FTX had relocated from Hong Kong to the Bahamas.
FTX 的出现:为 Sam Bankman-Fried 带来人气 FTX 推出后,Sam Bankman-Fried 迅速成为加密货币世界的知名人物。他于 2019 年 4 月创立了 FTX,该交易所于次月开业。到 2021 年 9 月,他和 FTX 的高级员工已从香港搬迁到巴哈马。
Bankman-Fried was celebrated as a “poster boy” in the crypto community, featuring on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2021. Later on, he appeared on Forbes’ 2023 Hall of Shame list.
Bankman-Fried 被誉为加密货币界的“海报男孩”,曾入选 2021 年《福布斯》30 位 30 岁以下精英榜。随后,他又出现在《福布斯》2023 年耻辱堂名单中。
His involvement in regulatory discussions, investments, and potential acquisitions helped him to climb the ladder success the industry. Notably, in May 2022, it was disclosed that Bankman-Fried’s company had acquired a significant stake in Robinhood Markets.
他参与监管讨论、投资和潜在收购帮助他在行业取得成功。值得注意的是,2022 年 5 月,有消息称 Bankman-Fried 的公司收购了 Robinhood Markets 的大量股份。
Bankman-Fried’s has also made significant investments in various ventures, including a $500 million investment in Anthropic and more than $500 million in venture capital firms.
Bankman-Fried’s 还对各种企业进行了大量投资,包括对 Anthropic 的 5 亿美元投资以及对风险投资公司超过 5 亿美元的投资。
One There were reports in 2023 of him considering the purchase of the island country of Nauru for use as a bunker in an apocalyptic event, showcasing his eccentricity and wealth.
SBF openly supported effective altruism, which means he supported giving to causes that make the biggest positive impact. Gradually, People knew him for generously donating money to causes he cared about. However, SBF name was removed from the Giving Pledge list following his arrest in December 2022.
SBF 公开支持有效的利他主义,这意味着他支持为能产生最大积极影响的事业捐款。渐渐地,人们认识了他为他关心的事业慷慨捐款。然而,SBF 的名字在 2022 年 12 月被捕后被从捐赠誓言名单中删除。
Lavish Lifestyle of Sam Bankman-Fried
Once upon a time, there lived Sam Bankman-Fried, a titan of wealth having a net worth of $26.5 billion, positioning him amongst the elite of the Earth’s wealthiest individuals. Sam Bankman-Fried was like a king among the rich, known for his luxurious lifestyle and extravagant spending.
山姆·班克曼-弗里德的奢华生活方式 曾几何时,山姆·班克曼-弗里德是一位财富巨头,净资产达 265 亿美元,跻身地球上最富有的精英之列。萨姆·班克曼-弗里德就像富人中的国王,以奢华的生活方式和挥霍无度而闻名。
Sam Bankman-Fried’s lifestyle in the Bahamas was the epitome of extravagance which includes $35 million penthouse. This lavish residence included facilities like a private pool, bar, and a spacious living room equipped with a full-size grand piano, reflecting a life of luxury beyond the norm.
萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 在巴哈马的生活方式是奢侈的缩影,其中包括价值 3500 万美元的顶层公寓。这座豪华住宅拥有私人泳池、酒吧和配备全尺寸三角钢琴的宽敞客厅等设施,体现出超乎寻常的奢华生活。
The penthouse, positioned with dreamy ocean views, featured an outdoor pool surrounded by wicker lounge seats, a hot tub, and archways offering vistas across the sea.
To get idea about his wealth, here’s a glimpse of car collection Sam Bankman-Fried had: BMW X7 (worth $110,000), Mercedes GLS ($98,800), Audi A7 ( $68,900) and others.
为了了解他的财富,以下是 Sam Bankman-Fried 拥有的汽车收藏:宝马 X7(价值 110,000 美元)、梅赛德斯 GLS(98,800 美元)、奥迪 A7(68,900 美元)等。
Purchase the Naming Rights of the Miami Heat’s stadium
In 2021, FTX, under Sam Bankman-Fried, signed a 19-year agreement worth $135 million to obtain the naming rights for the Miami Heat’s stadium, subsequently named “FTX Arena.”
购买迈阿密热火队体育场的冠名权 2021 年,萨姆·班克曼-弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 领导下的 FTX 签署了一份价值 1.35 亿美元的为期 19 年的协议,获得了迈阿密热火队体育场的冠名权,随后将其命名为“FTX Arena”。
This collaboration marked a significant tie up between the cryptocurrency exchange and the NBA team.
此次合作标志着加密货币交易所与 NBA 球队之间的重要合作。
However, the partnership ended following FTX’s bankruptcy declaration amidst investigations and legal issues surrounding the disappearance of nearly $1 billion in customer funds, leading to the termination of their business relationships.
然而,在 FTX 因近 10 亿美元客户资金消失的调查和法律问题而宣布破产后,双方的合作关系结束,导致双方业务关系终止。
Donations & Love For Effective Altruism Movement
Sam Bankman-Fried believed in using money wisely to solve world problems. He planned to give away most of his money, started a foundation called FTX Foundation to help with global issues, and promised to donate a lot of his wealth to charity.
捐款和对有效利他主义运动的热爱萨姆·班克曼·弗里德相信明智地使用金钱来解决世界问题。他计划捐出大部分资金,成立了一个名为 FTX 基金会的基金会来帮助解决全球问题,并承诺将大部分财富捐给慈善机构。
He moved to the Bahamas in 2021 because they had new rules that were good for digital money businesses. He didn’t just focus on making money; he also gave a lot to the community and the government there. For example, he donated $1.4 million in masks and Covid tests, and helped out after Hurricane Dorian. He tried to mix doing good things with smart business strategies to make FTX known and respected in the Bahamas.
他于 2021 年搬到巴哈马,因为那里制定了有利于数字货币业务的新规则。他不仅仅专注于赚钱;他还专注于赚钱。他还为当地社区和政府做出了很多贡献。例如,他捐赠了 140 万美元用于口罩和新冠病毒检测,并在多里安飓风过后提供了帮助。他试图将做好事与明智的商业策略结合起来,让 FTX 在巴哈马群岛广为人知并受到尊重。
Even though he talked about living simply and focusing on helping others, FTX in the Bahamas was actually quite the opposite. The people working there had lots of perks, like free meals and big parties, showing that the company spent a lot and lived in luxury. They also held fancy events and tried to get on the good side of local leaders, showing a mix of spending money and trying to influence people in the Bahamas.
尽管他口中说生活简单,专注于帮助他人,但巴哈马的 FTX 却恰恰相反。在那里工作的人有很多福利,比如免费餐和大型聚会,这表明公司花了不少钱,生活也很奢侈。他们还举办了一些盛大的活动,试图讨好当地领导人,表现出花钱的方式,并试图影响巴哈马人民。
FTX Collapse: Beginning of Trouble For SBF
The FTX and Alameda Research collapse began in November 2022 after a report surfaced showing Alameda’s significant holdings of FTX’s native token, FTT, suggesting financial instability.
FTX 崩溃:SBF 麻烦的开始 FTX 和 Alameda Research 的崩溃始于 2022 年 11 月,此前一份报告显示 Alameda 大量持有 FTX 原生代币 FTT,这表明金融不稳定。
The FTX crash happened amid a lot of finger-pointing. It began when people found out that Sam Bankman-Fried’s company, Alameda Research, had most of its $14.6 billion assets in hard-to-sell cryptocurrencies, with the biggest part being FTX’s own token, FTT.
FTX 崩盘是在诸多指责中发生的。当人们发现 Sam Bankman-Fried 的公司 Alameda Research 其 146 亿美元资产中的大部分都是难以出售的加密货币时,其中最大的一部分是 FTX 自己的代币 FTT,事情就开始了。
Alameda Research had $3.66 billion in FTT that wasn’t locked up and $2.16 billion in FTT as collateral. News spread quickly, causing FUD. Then, one unknown account sent 30 million FTT tokens, worth about $584.8 million, to a Binance account.
Alameda Research 拥有 36.6 亿美元的未锁定 FTT 和 21.6 亿美元的 FTT 作为抵押品。消息传播得很快,引起了 FUD。然后,一个未知账户向币安账户发送了 3000 万个 FTT 代币,价值约 5.848 亿美元。
“Due to recent revelations that have come to light, we have decided to liquidate any remaining FTT on our books,” CZ tweeted.
“由于最近曝光的消息,我们决定清算账簿上剩余的 FTT,”CZ 在推特上写道。
That same day, Binance’s CEO, CZ, surprised everyone by saying they would sell off the FTT tokens they got from leaving FTX’s ownership. This sale started the unexpected crash of FTX. CZ said the sale of 30 million FTT tokens was part of beginning of it.
— CZ 🔶 BNB (@cz_binance) 2022 年 11 月 6 日同一天,币安首席执行官 CZ 出人意料地表示,他们将出售从 FTX 所有权中获得的 FTT 代币。这次出售引发了 FTX 的意外崩盘。 CZ 表示,出售 3000 万枚 FTT 代币只是其开始的一部分。
CZ tweeted that they decided to sell all FTT tokens after finding suspicious activity on FTX. Binance ended up with roughly $2.1 billion in cash and FTT tokens.
CZ 在推特上表示,在发现 FTX 上的可疑活动后,他们决定出售所有 FTT 代币。币安最终获得了约 21 亿美元的现金和 FTT 代币。
The sale led to a big drop in FTT token prices, causing panic. People quickly took their money out of FTX, fearing a collapse like Terra Luna’s. FTX faced about $6 billion in withdrawals in just 72 hours, causing more panic.
此次出售导致FTT代币价格大幅下跌,引发恐慌。人们迅速从 FTX 撤资,担心像 Terra Luna 那样的崩溃。 FTX在短短72小时内就面临约60亿美元的提款,引发更多恐慌。
To prevent drastic withdrawals, FTX stopped customer withdrawals on November 8, 2022.
Court Sentenced 25 Years In Prison To SBF
Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder and former CEO of FTX, was sentenced to 25 years in prison on March 28, 2024, for doing one of the largest financial frauds in history.
法庭判处 SBF 25 年监禁 FTX 创始人兼前首席执行官 Sam Bankman-Fried 于 2024 年 3 月 28 日因实施历史上最大的金融欺诈案之一而被判处 25 年监禁。
Sam Bankman-Fried is headed to jail for the next 25 years. He won’t be in a super secure prison, but instead, he’s going to be placed somewhere near his family in the San Francisco Bay Area. But the bottom line is, he’s still going to jail.
萨姆·班克曼-弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 未来 25 年将入狱。他不会被关在超级安全的监狱里,而是会被安置在旧金山湾区靠近他家人的地方。但最重要的是,他仍然会入狱。
SBF faced charges including two casesnof wire fraud, two cases of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, one case of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, one case of conspiracy to commit commodities fraud, and one case of conspiracy to commit money laundering.
These charges came as a result of Bankman-Fried misappropriating billions of dollars of customer funds deposited with FTX, defrauding investors of more than $1.7 billion. This also includes defrauding lenders to Alameda Research of more than $1.3 billion.
这些指控是由于 Bankman-Fried 挪用了存放在 FTX 的数十亿美元客户资金,欺骗了投资者超过 17 亿美元。这还包括向 Alameda Research 的贷款人诈骗超过 13 亿美元。
When SBF’s Girlfriend, Caroline Ellison Turned Up Against Him
Caroline Ellison, who used to be the boss of Alameda Research and dated Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), played a big part in the legal trouble that got him 25 years in prison.
当 SBF 的女友卡罗琳·埃里森 (Caroline Ellison) 与他作对时 卡罗琳·埃里森 (Caroline Ellison) 曾是阿拉米达研究公司 (Alameda Research) 的老板,曾与萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (SBF) 约会,在导致他入狱 25 年的法律纠纷中扮演了重要角色。
When she spoke out against him in court, she said she also did some wrong things with him, which really helped prove he was guilty of a bunch of serious crimes like fraud.
When Ellison shared her story, it was very emotional. She talked about how relieved she felt when their business problems started to show because it meant she didn’t have to hide the truth anymore. She explained how they tricked the people who lent them money and used the money from FTX customers to pay off debts, which was really risky.
Caroline Ellison even talked about a time they had to bribe officials in China to get their money back, showing just how far they were willing to go.
Ellison admitted to fraud and money laundering, giving everyone a clear look at how they were abusing the rules. She pointed out how they faked their financial stability to the people lending them money and wrongly used FTX customer money to help their business during tough times, all because Bankman-Fried told her to. This showed just how much they were lying in their business dealings.
埃里森承认了欺诈和洗钱行为,让每个人都清楚地看到他们是如何滥用规则的。她指出,他们如何向借钱给他们的人伪造财务稳定,并在困难时期错误地使用 FTX 客户的资金来帮助他们的业务,这一切都是班克曼·弗里德告诉她的。这表明他们在商业交易中撒谎的程度有多大。
Caroline Ellison helped the prosecutors by agreeing to share information in court, which got her a less severe punishment. Even though she admitted to serious wrongdoings, her agreement meant she wouldn’t be punished as harshly. Her story shows how mixing personal and work relationships, along with being too greedy and dishonest, can lead to big legal and moral problems. It’s a lesson on the dangers of chasing success without caring about right or wrong.
Lessons For All Crypto Leaders & Entrepreneurs
In the meteoric rise and disastrous fall of Sam Bankman-Fried, there lies a very important tale for all leaders in the cryptocurrency realm. Bankman-Fried, once hailed as a crypto tycoon in the crypto community, saw his empire collapsing due to a lack of transparency and moral breaches.
给所有加密货币领导者和企业家的教训 在山姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 的迅速崛起和灾难性衰落中,对于加密货币领域的所有领导者来说,有一个非常重要的故事。班克曼·弗里德(Bankman-Fried)曾被誉为加密货币界的加密货币大亨,但他的帝国却因缺乏透明度和道德违规而崩溃。
This narrative underscores the critical importance of upholding trust and integrity within the volatile cryptocurrency industry.
Leaders must remember that innovation should not come at the cost of ethical standards and accountability. Fast growth and big earnings shouldn’t make us forget to be honest and responsible to our investors and everyone else.
Moreover, the Bankman-Fried saga highlights the need for strict internal controls and the adherence to crypto regulatory frameworks designed to protect market integrity and consumer interests.
As the crypto market continues to evolve, leaders must prioritize building robust mechanisms for transparency, compliance, and risk management.
Trying to copy Bankman-Fried’s early goals without taking lessons from his mistakes will just keep causing people to doubt and be wary of the crypto business. It’s imperative for crypto leaders to take this story as a lesson in humility and the importance of ethical leadership.
Read more about Sam Bankman Fried

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