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2024/05/01 20:00


Last month, Sam Bankman Fried, a big name in the world of cryptocurrency, ended up in jail for tricking investors and causing trouble for his crypto company, FTX. This was a big shock for everyone interested in cryptocurrencies. It’s a clear warning that people running crypto businesses need to be careful and honest.


Here’s a simpler look at Sam Bankman-Fried’s story: He went from being super rich and famous in the crypto world to losing everything and going to jail because he didn’t play by the rules. This story is a big less for everyone interested in crypto about the importance of being fair and careful.


Sam Bankman’s Family BackgroundAcademic Life and Career: Life Before FTXEarly Education and Mathematical Genius MIT and a Minor in MathematicsJane Street Capital: A Foray into TradingAlameda Research and the Move to CryptocurrencyEmergence of FTX: Brought Popularity to Sam Bankman-Fried Lavish Lifestyle of Sam Bankman-FriedPurchase the Naming Rights of the Miami Heat’s stadiumDonations & Love For Effective Altruism MovementFTX Collapse: Beginning of Trouble For SBFCourt Sentenced 25 Years In Prison To SBFWhen SBF’s Girlfriend, Caroline Ellison Turned Up Against HimLessons For All Crypto Leaders & Entrepreneurs 

Sam Bankman’s Family Background

Sam Bankman-Fried born on March 6, 1992, in Stanford, California, in the United States. He comes from a family with a very intellectual bloodline, his mother, Barbara Fried, and father, Joseph Bankman, are popular figures in their respective fields. Sam Bankman-Fried has a brother named Gabriel Bankman-Fried. 

目次サム・バンクマンの家族背景学生生活とキャリア: FTX以前の人生初等教育と数学の天才MITと数学の未成年ジェーン・ストリート・キャピタル: 取引への進出アラメダ研究と暗号通貨への移行FTXの出現: サム・バンクマンに人気をもたらした - サム・バンクマンの揚げた贅沢なライフスタイル -フリードマイアミ・ヒートのスタジアムの命名権を購入する寄付と効果的な利他主義運動への愛FTX崩壊: SBFCにとって問題の始まり裁判所がSBFに懲役25年の判決を下したときSBFのガールフレンド、キャロライン・エリソンが彼に対して立ち上がったときすべての仮想通貨リーダーと起業家への教訓サム・バンクマンの家族背景サム・バンクマン-フリードは1992年3月6日、米国カリフォルニア州スタンフォード生まれ。彼は非常に知的な血統を持つ家族の出身で、母親のバーバラ・フリードと父親のジョセフ・バンクマンはそれぞれの分野で人気のある人物です。サム・バンクマン・フリードには、ガブリエル・バンクマン・フリードという名前の兄弟がいます。


Barbara Fried, an American legal scholar and professor emeritus at Stanford Law School, has made her mark through her extensive work on legal ethics. 


Moreover, She also writes about these ideas in a way that combines different philosophical views. Besides her work in philosophy, Barbara is known for her excellent short stories. 


Barbara Fried also helped start Mind the Gap, an organization that raises money for politicians from the Democratic Party and advises people in the tech industry on how to support political campaigns. On top of all this, she’s the mom of Sam Bankman-Fried, who started a big company called FTX that deals with digital money, like Bitcoin.


Joseph Bankman is a multifaceted intellectual, serving as the Ralph M. Parsons Professor of Law and Business at Stanford Law School. With a background that includes legal scholarship and psychology, Bankman’s work explores the interplay between law and psychological processes. 


His academic journey has included teaching roles at the USC Gould School of Law and contributions to the field of tax law. Notably, he proposed the ReadyReturn program in California to advocate for tax simplification and supported Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Tax Filing Simplification Act. Bankman also held a position at FTX, the cryptocurrency venture established by his son, Sam Bankman-Fried.

彼の学業には、USC グールド法科大学院での教職や税法の分野への貢献が含まれます。特に、彼はカリフォルニア州で納税簡素化を提唱するために ReadyReturn プログラムを提案し、エリザベス・ウォーレン上院議員の納税申告簡素化法を支持しました。バンクマン氏は、息子のサム・バンクマン・フリード氏が設立した仮想通貨ベンチャーであるFTXでも役職に就いていた。

SBF’s brother, Gabriel engages in political advocacy and philanthropy, emphasizing effective altruism and policy work through his group, Guarding Against Pandemics. This organization aims to lobby for increased government funding and preparedness against future pandemics. 

SBF の弟であるガブリエルは、自身のグループ「Guarding Against Pandemics」を通じて効果的な利他主義と政策活動を強調し、政治的擁護と慈善活動に取り組んでいます。この組織は、政府資金の増額と将来のパンデミックへの備えを求めるロビー活動を目的としています。

The Bankman-Fried family, including Sam and Gabriel, has been active in various philanthropic and political efforts, aligning with their interests in effective altruism and broader societal impact.


Academic Life and Career: Life Before FTX

Sam Bankman-Fried’s journey from mathematical genius to the Founder of FTX, and ultimately, being a fraudster is no less than a web series like Money Heist. His academic journey began early and took him to prestigious institutions and roles before founding the cryptocurrency exchange, FTX.

学生生活とキャリア: FTXS までの人生サム・バンクマン・フリードの数学の天才から FTX の創設者に至るまでの道のり、そして最終的には詐欺師になるまでの道のりは、Money Heist のような Web シリーズに匹敵します。彼の学問の旅は早くから始まり、暗号通貨取引所である FTX を設立する前に、権威ある機関や役割を経験しました。

Early Education and Mathematical Genius 

Sam’s early interest in mathematics was garnered at Canada/USA Mathcamp in 2008, a summer program designed for mathematically talented high school students. He completed his high school education at Crystal Springs Uplands School in Hillsborough, California. 

早期教育と数学の天才 サムが数学に早くから興味を持ったのは、数学の才能のある高校生向けに企画された夏期プログラムである 2008 年のカナダ/米国のマスキャンプでした。彼はカリフォルニア州ヒルズボロにあるクリスタル スプリングス アップランド スクールで高校教育を修了しました。

His passion for numbers and a problem-solving mindset were evident early on, setting the stage for his later ventures into the complex world of cryptocurrency and trading.


MIT and a Minor in Mathematics


Bankman-Fried’s academic interest led him to the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he graduated in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in physics and a minor in mathematics. 

MIT と数学の副専攻バンクマン-フリード氏は学問への関心から名門マサチューセッツ工科大学 (MIT) に進学し、2014 年に物理学の学士号と数学の副専攻を取得して卒業しました。

While studying at MIT, he was also a part of a coeducational group house called Epsilon Theta, where he sharpen his collaborative and analytical skills.

MIT 在学中に、イプシロン シータと呼ばれる共学のグループ ハウスにも参加し、そこで共同作業と分析のスキルを磨きました。

Jane Street Capital: A Foray into Trading

Sam’s professional journey began with an internship at Jane Street Capital, a proprietary trading firm, during the summer of 2013. This experience introduced him to the world of trading international ETFs. Experience earned from here helped him laying the groundwork for his expertise in financial markets. After graduating from MIT, he returned to Jane Street Capital to work full-time, further developing his trading skills.

Jane Street Capital: TradingSam への進出 2013 年の夏、私設取引会社である Jane Street Capital でのインターンシップから、TradingSam のプロフェッショナルとしての旅が始まりました。この経験により、彼は国際 ETF 取引の世界に入門しました。ここで得た経験は、金融市場における専門知識の基礎を築くのに役立ちました。 MIT 卒業後、ジェーン ストリート キャピタルに戻り、フルタイムで働き、トレーディング スキルをさらに磨きました。

Alameda Research and the Move to Cryptocurrency

Shortly after SBF left Centre for Effective Altruism, he moved on to co-found Alameda Research with Tara Hedley in November, 2017. To begin new venture, he conducted fundraising to get fund injections from influential investors. 

アラメダ・リサーチと暗号通貨への移行 SBF が効果的利他主義センターを去った直後、2017 年 11 月にタラ・ヘドリーとアラメダ・リサーチの共同設立者となりました。新しい事業を開始するために、彼は有力な投資家から資金注入を受けるために資金調達を実施しました。

Alameda Research, a crypto trading firm, became a cornerstone in Bankman-Fried’s journey into the cryptocurrency world. He owned about 90% of a company called Alameda Research. His bold and creative way of trading cryptocurrencies was shown by his ability to move up to $25 million every day through smart trading strategies.

仮想通貨取引会社のアラメダ・リサーチは、バンクマン・フリード氏の仮想通貨世界への旅の礎となった。彼はアラメダ・リサーチという会社の約90%を所有していた。彼の大胆かつ創造的な暗号通貨取引方法は、スマートな取引戦略を通じて毎日最大 2,500 万ドルを動かす能力によって証明されました。

Unfortunately, along with FTX fall, Alameda Research was also collapsed as it has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in November 2022.


Emergence of FTX: Brought Popularity to Sam Bankman-Fried 

After the launch of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried quickly became a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency world. He founded FTX in April 2019, and the exchange opened for business the following month.  By September 2021, he and the senior staff of FTX had relocated from Hong Kong to the Bahamas. 

FTX の出現: サム バンクマン フリードに人気をもたらした FTX の立ち上げ後、サム バンクマン フリードはすぐに仮想通貨の世界で著名な人物になりました。彼は 2019 年 4 月に FTX を設立し、翌月取引所が営業を開始しました。 2021 年 9 月までに、彼と FTX の上級スタッフは香港からバハマに移住しました。

Bankman-Fried was celebrated as a “poster boy” in the crypto community, featuring on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2021. Later on, he appeared on Forbes’ 2023 Hall of Shame list. 


His involvement in regulatory discussions, investments, and potential acquisitions helped him to climb the ladder success the industry. Notably, in May 2022, it was disclosed that Bankman-Fried’s company had acquired a significant stake in Robinhood Markets.


Bankman-Fried’s has also made significant investments in various ventures, including a $500 million investment in Anthropic and more than $500 million in venture capital firms. 

Bankman-Fried’s は、Anthropic への 5 億ドルの投資やベンチャー キャピタル会社への 5 億ドル以上の投資など、さまざまなベンチャー企業にも多額の投資を行っています。


One There were reports in 2023 of him considering the purchase of the island country of Nauru for use as a bunker in an apocalyptic event, showcasing his eccentricity and wealth.


SBF openly supported effective altruism, which means he supported giving to causes that make the biggest positive impact. Gradually, People knew him for generously donating money to causes he cared about. However, SBF name was removed from the Giving Pledge list following his arrest in December 2022.

SBF は効果的な利他主義を公然と支持しました。これは、最大のプラスの影響をもたらす大義への寄付を支持したことを意味します。次第に、人々は彼が気にかけている活動に惜しみなく寄付を行っていることを知るようになりました。しかし、2022年12月の逮捕後、SBFの名前は寄付誓約リストから削除された。

Lavish Lifestyle of Sam Bankman-Fried

Once upon a time, there lived Sam Bankman-Fried, a titan of wealth having a net worth of $26.5 billion, positioning him amongst the elite of the Earth’s wealthiest individuals. Sam Bankman-Fried was like a king among the rich, known for his luxurious lifestyle and extravagant spending.


Sam Bankman-Fried’s lifestyle in the Bahamas was the epitome of extravagance which includes $35 million penthouse. This lavish residence included facilities like a private pool, bar, and a spacious living room equipped with a full-size grand piano, reflecting a life of luxury beyond the norm. 


The penthouse, positioned with dreamy ocean views, featured an outdoor pool surrounded by wicker lounge seats, a hot tub, and archways offering vistas across the sea.


To get idea about his wealth, here’s a glimpse of car collection Sam Bankman-Fried had: BMW X7 (worth $110,000), Mercedes GLS ($98,800), Audi A7 ( $68,900) and others.

彼の富について知るために、サム・バンクマン・フリードが所有していた車のコレクションを垣間見てみましょう: BMW X7 (11万ドル相当)、メルセデス GLS (9万8,800ドル)、アウディ A7 (6万8,900ドル) など。

Purchase the Naming Rights of the Miami Heat’s stadium

In 2021, FTX, under Sam Bankman-Fried, signed a 19-year agreement worth $135 million to obtain the naming rights for the Miami Heat’s stadium, subsequently named “FTX Arena.” 

マイアミ・ヒートのスタジアムの命名権を購入 2021年、FTXはサム・バンクマン・フリード監督の下、マイアミ・ヒートのスタジアムの命名権を取得するための1億3,500万ドル相当の19年間契約を締結し、後に「FTXアリーナ」と名付けられた。

This collaboration marked a significant tie up between the cryptocurrency exchange and the NBA team. 

このコラボレーションは、仮想通貨取引所と NBA チームの間の重要な提携を示しました。

However, the partnership ended following FTX’s bankruptcy declaration amidst investigations and legal issues surrounding the disappearance of nearly $1 billion in customer funds, leading to the termination of their business relationships.


Donations & Love For Effective Altruism Movement

Sam Bankman-Fried believed in using money wisely to solve world problems. He planned to give away most of his money, started a foundation called FTX Foundation to help with global issues, and promised to donate a lot of his wealth to charity.

寄付と効果的な利他主義運動への愛 サム・バンクマン・フリードは、お金を賢く使って世界の問題を解決すると信じていました。彼は財産のほとんどを寄付することを計画し、世界的な問題を支援するためにFTX財団と呼ばれる財団を設立し、多くの財産を慈善団体に寄付することを約束しました。

He moved to the Bahamas in 2021 because they had new rules that were good for digital money businesses. He didn’t just focus on making money; he also gave a lot to the community and the government there. For example, he donated $1.4 million in masks and Covid tests, and helped out after Hurricane Dorian. He tried to mix doing good things with smart business strategies to make FTX known and respected in the Bahamas.

彼が2021年にバハマに移住したのは、バハマにはデジタルマネービジネスに有利な新しい規則があったからだ。彼はお金を稼ぐことだけに集中していませんでした。彼はまた、地域社会と政府に多くの寄付をしました。たとえば、彼はマスクと新型コロナウイルスの検査に140万ドルを寄付し、ハリケーン・ドリアンの後にも支援した。彼は、FTX をバハマで知られ、尊敬されるようにするために、良いことと賢明なビジネス戦略を組み合わせようとしました。

Even though he talked about living simply and focusing on helping others, FTX in the Bahamas was actually quite the opposite. The people working there had lots of perks, like free meals and big parties, showing that the company spent a lot and lived in luxury. They also held fancy events and tried to get on the good side of local leaders, showing a mix of spending money and trying to influence people in the Bahamas.

彼はシンプルに暮らし、他の人を助けることに集中することについて話していましたが、バハマの FTX は実際にはまったく逆でした。そこで働く人々には、無料の食事や大規模なパーティーなどの特典がたくさんあり、会社が多額の費用を費やし、贅沢な生活を送っていたことがわかりました。彼らは派手なイベントも開催し、地元の指導者たちに好意を寄せようとし、お金を使うこととバハマの人々に影響を与えることを組み合わせて見せた。

FTX Collapse: Beginning of Trouble For SBF

The FTX and Alameda Research collapse began in November 2022 after a report surfaced showing Alameda’s significant holdings of FTX’s native token, FTT, suggesting financial instability.


The FTX crash happened amid a lot of finger-pointing. It began when people found out that Sam Bankman-Fried’s company, Alameda Research, had most of its $14.6 billion assets in hard-to-sell cryptocurrencies, with the biggest part being FTX’s own token, FTT. 


Alameda Research had $3.66 billion in FTT that wasn’t locked up and $2.16 billion in FTT as collateral. News spread quickly, causing FUD. Then, one unknown account sent 30 million FTT tokens, worth about $584.8 million, to a Binance account.

アラメダ・リサーチは、ロックアップされていないFTTを36億6000万ドル、担保としてFTTを21億6000万ドル保有していた。ニュースはすぐに広まり、FUD を引き起こしました。その後、1 つの未知のアカウントが、約 5 億 8,480 万ドル相当の 3,000 万 FTT トークンをバイナンス アカウントに送信しました。

“Due to recent revelations that have come to light, we have decided to liquidate any remaining FTT on our books,” CZ tweeted.


That same day, Binance’s CEO, CZ, surprised everyone by saying they would sell off the FTT tokens they got from leaving FTX’s ownership. This sale started the unexpected crash of FTX. CZ said the sale of 30 million FTT tokens was part of beginning of it.

— CZ 🔶 BNB (@cz_binance) 2022年11月6日 同じ日、BinanceのCEOであるCZは、FTXの所有権を離れることで得たFTTトークンを売却すると述べて皆を驚かせた。この売りがFTXの予期せぬ暴落の始まりとなった。 CZは、3,000万枚のFTTトークンの販売がその始まりの一部だったと述べた。

CZ tweeted that they decided to sell all FTT tokens after finding suspicious activity on FTX. Binance ended up with roughly $2.1 billion in cash and FTT tokens.


The sale led to a big drop in FTT token prices, causing panic. People quickly took their money out of FTX, fearing a collapse like Terra Luna’s. FTX faced about $6 billion in withdrawals in just 72 hours, causing more panic.

この売却によりFTTトークンの価格が大幅に下落し、パニックを引き起こした。テラ・ルナのような崩壊を恐れ、人々はすぐにFTXから資金を引き出した。 FTXはわずか72時間で約60億ドルの出金に直面し、さらなるパニックを引き起こした。

To prevent drastic withdrawals, FTX stopped customer withdrawals on November 8, 2022.

大幅な出金を防ぐため、FTX は 2022 年 11 月 8 日に顧客の出金を停止しました。

Court Sentenced 25 Years In Prison To SBF

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder and former CEO of FTX, was sentenced to 25 years in prison on March 28, 2024, for doing one of the largest financial frauds in history. 

裁判所がSBFSに懲役25年の判決 FTXの創設者で元最高経営責任者(CEO)のサム・バンクマン・フリードは、史上最大規模の金融詐欺の一つを行った罪で、2024年3月28日に懲役25年の判決を受けた。

Sam Bankman-Fried is headed to jail for the next 25 years. He won’t be in a super secure prison, but instead, he’s going to be placed somewhere near his family in the San Francisco Bay Area. But the bottom line is, he’s still going to jail.


SBF faced charges including two casesnof wire fraud, two cases of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, one case of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, one case of conspiracy to commit commodities fraud, and one case of conspiracy to commit money laundering. 


These charges came as a result of Bankman-Fried misappropriating billions of dollars of customer funds deposited with FTX, defrauding investors of more than $1.7 billion. This also includes defrauding lenders to Alameda Research of more than $1.3 billion.


When SBF’s Girlfriend, Caroline Ellison Turned Up Against Him

Caroline Ellison, who used to be the boss of Alameda Research and dated Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), played a big part in the legal trouble that got him 25 years in prison. 

SBFのガールフレンド、キャロライン・エリソンが彼に敵対したとき 元アラメダ・リサーチのボスでサム・バンクマン・フリード(SBF)と交際していたキャロライン・エリソンは、25年の懲役刑となった法的トラブルに大きな役割を果たした。

When she spoke out against him in court, she said she also did some wrong things with him, which really helped prove he was guilty of a bunch of serious crimes like fraud. 


When Ellison shared her story, it was very emotional. She talked about how relieved she felt when their business problems started to show because it meant she didn’t have to hide the truth anymore. She explained how they tricked the people who lent them money and used the money from FTX customers to pay off debts, which was really risky. 

エリソンさんが自分の話をしたとき、とても感動しました。彼女は、ビジネス上の問題が明らかになり始めたとき、もう真実を隠す必要がなくなったことを意味し、どれほど安心したかについて語った。彼女は、彼らがどのようにしてお金を貸してくれた人たちを騙し、FTX の顧客からのお金を借金返済に使ったかを説明しましたが、これは非常に危険でした。

Caroline Ellison even talked about a time they had to bribe officials in China to get their money back, showing just how far they were willing to go.


Ellison admitted to fraud and money laundering, giving everyone a clear look at how they were abusing the rules. She pointed out how they faked their financial stability to the people lending them money and wrongly used FTX customer money to help their business during tough times, all because Bankman-Fried told her to. This showed just how much they were lying in their business dealings.


Caroline Ellison helped the prosecutors by agreeing to share information in court, which got her a less severe punishment. Even though she admitted to serious wrongdoings, her agreement meant she wouldn’t be punished as harshly. Her story shows how mixing personal and work relationships, along with being too greedy and dishonest, can lead to big legal and moral problems. It’s a lesson on the dangers of chasing success without caring about right or wrong.


Lessons For All Crypto Leaders & Entrepreneurs 

In the meteoric rise and disastrous fall of Sam Bankman-Fried, there lies a very important tale for all leaders in the cryptocurrency realm. Bankman-Fried, once hailed as a crypto tycoon in the crypto community, saw his empire collapsing due to a lack of transparency and moral breaches. 

すべての暗号通貨リーダーと起業家への教訓 サム・バンクマン・フリードの流星的な台頭と悲惨な転落には、暗号通貨の領域のすべてのリーダーにとって非常に重要な物語が隠されています。バンクマン・フリード氏は、かつて仮想通貨コミュニティで仮想通貨王として称賛されたが、透明性の欠如と道徳違反により彼の帝国が崩壊するのを目の当たりにした。

This narrative underscores the critical importance of upholding trust and integrity within the volatile cryptocurrency industry. 


Leaders must remember that innovation should not come at the cost of ethical standards and accountability. Fast growth and big earnings shouldn’t make us forget to be honest and responsible to our investors and everyone else.


Moreover, the Bankman-Fried saga highlights the need for strict internal controls and the adherence to crypto regulatory frameworks designed to protect market integrity and consumer interests. 


As the crypto market continues to evolve, leaders must prioritize building robust mechanisms for transparency, compliance, and risk management. 


Trying to copy Bankman-Fried’s early goals without taking lessons from his mistakes will just keep causing people to doubt and be wary of the crypto business. It’s imperative for crypto leaders to take this story as a lesson in humility and the importance of ethical leadership.


Read more about Sam Bankman Fried


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