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This blog was authored by Zakiya Randall, Technical Account Manager and co-written with Muru Bhaskaran, Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect.
该博客是由技术客户经理Zakiya Randall撰写的,并与Sr.专业解决方案建筑师Muru Bhaskaran共同撰写。
As the landscape of computing continues to evolve, there is a growing emphasis on supporting a diverse range of computing architectures. This shift is driven by the need for flexibility, efficiency, and performance optimization across different hardware platforms. Consequently, it has become increasingly important for developers and organizations to build container images that are compatible with multiple architectures (multi-arch).
AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that now supports managed GitHub Actions runners, which are self-hosted runners that allow users to configure their CodeBuild projects to receive GitHub Actions workflow job events. In this post, we demonstrate a solution that uses GitHub, GitHub Actions workflows, and CodeBuild to build native container images for both x86 and AWS Graviton-based compute on AWS. Upon completion of our GitHub Actions workflow, we will proceed to push our multi-arch images to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR).
AWS CodeBuild是一项完全托管的连续集成服务,现在支持托管的GitHub Actions跑步者,它们是自托管跑步者,允许用户配置其CodeBuild项目以接收GitHub Actions Workflow工作Flow工作事件。在这篇文章中,我们演示了一种使用GitHub,GitHub Action工作流程和CodeBuild的解决方案,以构建X86和AWS GRAVITON基于AWS的AWS COMPETE的本机容器图像。完成GitHub Action工作流程后,我们将继续将多ARCH图像推向Amazon弹性容器注册表(Amazon ECR)。
Solution overview
The architecture diagram illustrates the workflow that occurs upon committing a change to the GitHub repository, detailing the subsequent steps involved in pushing the container image to Amazon ECR.
该架构图说明了对GitHub存储库进行更改后发生的工作流程,详细介绍了将容器图像推向Amazon ECR所涉及的后续步骤。
Figure 1: Solution architecture diagram
The following prerequisites are necessary to complete this solution:
The following steps walk you through this solution.
Creating GitHub repository files
To begin creating the solution, you need a GitHub repository to store the Dockerfile, index.html file, and GitHub Actions workflow YAML file. Refer to Creating a new GitHub repository for step by step instructions. For this example, the following files should be committed to the root of the GitHub repository.
要开始创建解决方案,您需要一个GitHub存储库来存储Dockerfile,index.html文件和GitHub Actions WorkFlow yaml文件。请参阅创建一个新的GitHub存储库,以逐步说明。在此示例中,应将以下文件定为GitHub存储库的根。
Create two CodeBuild projects for the x86 and arm64 compute architectures
You must create two CodeBuild projects to run your GitHub Actions jobs. Your CodeBuild projects should follow the following naming structure for
您必须创建两个代码建筑项目来运行您的GitHub操作作业。您的CodeBuild项目应遵循-X86和-ARM64的以下命名结构。请参阅以下教程,以为X86和ARM64计算环境设置两个代码构建项目。您应该使用OAuth应用程序身份验证方法与GitHub存储库连接。对于X86和ARM64 CodeBuild项目,请选择与每个计算体系结构相匹配的支持的环境图像。您的buildSpec构建规格将被忽略。相反,CodeBuild将其覆盖以使用设置Compute Runner的命令。
Figure 2: CodeBuild Projects for x86 and arm64
Create an Amazon ECR repository
You also need to create an Amazon ECR repository to store the x86 and arm64 container images. Run the following AWS CLI command to create an Amazon ECR repository.
您还需要创建一个Amazon ECR存储库来存储X86和ARM64容器图像。运行以下AWS CLI命令来创建Amazon ECR存储库。
After creating and defining your Amazon ECR repository, you must define a role so that the CodeBuild runners can have permission to access and push your images to your Amazon ECR repository. The following role that you create allows you to push images to your Amazon ECR repository.
After creating the policy, go to the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) console to create an Identity Provider and choose OpenID Connect. For the Provider URL, choose https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com. For the Audience, choose sts.amazonaws.com.
创建策略后,转到AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM)控制台创建身份提供商并选择OpenID Connect。对于提供商URL,选择https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com。对于观众,选择sts.amazonaws.com。
2. After you create the provider, create a role and choose Web Identity. In the drop-down box, you should see the Provider URL for https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com. Choose this option and specify sts.amazonaws.com for your Audience. In the GitHub organization, specify your GitHub Organization and add the repository that you created in the initial setup. Choose Next.
Figure 3: Example of creating the role
3. On the Add Permissions page, choose the policy that you created in Step 1 so that you can push images to Amazon ECR. Choose Next. On the next screen, name the role and choose Create role.
3。在“添加权限”页面上,选择您在步骤1中创建的策略,以便可以将图像推向Amazon ECR。选择下一步。在下一个屏幕上,命名角色并选择创建角色。
Figure 4: Example of adding policy permissions
4. Go to Settings within your GitHub repository, and under Security in the left pane, choose Secrets and Variables. Choose the Actions tab within Secrets and Variables. Choose New repository secret. For the name, enter AWS_ROLE_ARN, enter the AWS Role ARN of the role that you created in Step 3, and choose Add secret.
Figure 5: Example of creating GitHub Actions secret for the AWS Role
5. Create another New repository secret for AWS_REGION. Specify the Region in which you created your resources and choose Add secret.
Figure 6: Example of GitHub Actions secret for the AWS Region
Prepare GitHub Actions workflow
A GitHub Actions workflow is a configurable automated process made up of one or more jobs and you can define these jobs in a YAML file. You are going to create a YAML file in the .github/workflows directory within your GitHub repository that defines the workflow for the solution. The YAML file for your GitHub Actions workflow contains the build
GitHub操作工作流程是由一个或多个作业组成的可配置的自动化过程,您可以在YAML文件中定义这些作业。您将在GitHub存储库中的.github/Workflows目录中创建一个YAML文件,以定义解决方案的工作流程。 github操作工作流的yaml文件包含构建
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