Web3 开发人员是新兴技术领域创新的驱动力,同时他们获得了大量工具来帮助他们开发应用程序
Web3 developers are the driving force behind the emerging tech landscape. They're presented with numerous tools to assist them in developing applications, but they're also faced with restrictions, which can be surpassed with a scalable blockchain network.
Web3 开发人员是新兴技术领域背后的驱动力。他们获得了大量工具来帮助他们开发应用程序,但他们也面临着限制,而这些限制可以通过可扩展的区块链网络来克服。
Scaling limitations are major drawbacks for most blockchains, with some needing a major overhaul in their architectural design to allow developers to seamlessly build on-chain.
Working as a technical lead at the BSV Association (BSVA), Darren Kellenschwiler has been exposed to the perils of developers building on blockchain networks, given their unfamiliarity with the technology. This pushed the BSVA to work on upgrading the BSV blockchain’s topology to push the boundaries of its scalability while making it easier for developers to actualize their concepts. It also collaborated with a key industry player in the IT sector to help them get on board.
作为 BSV 协会 (BSVA) 的技术主管,Darren Kellenschwiler 一直面临着开发者在区块链网络上构建的危险,因为他们不熟悉这项技术。这促使 BSVA 致力于升级 BSV 区块链的拓扑,以突破其可扩展性的界限,同时使开发人员更容易实现他们的概念。它还与 IT 领域的一家主要行业参与者合作,帮助他们加入。
At the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit in Zurich, Kellenschwiler told CoinGeek that making things simpler for developers new to the space is what the BSVA was aiming for when it introduced the Mandala upgrade, an improvement designed to enhance availability, scalability, and operational efficiency of the BSV network.
在苏黎世举行的亚马逊网络服务 (AWS) 峰会上,Kellenschwiler 告诉 CoinGeek,BSVA 在推出 Mandala 升级时的目标就是让刚接触该领域的开发人员变得更简单,这是一项旨在增强可用性、可扩展性和可操作性的改进BSV 网络的效率。
“Just make it really simple; use the tools that all developers are used to already, not try and reinvent the wheel here, just make life easy,” he said, adding that the Association offers software development kits (SDKs) and other app-specific components like Overlay Networks and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) to make building on-chain relatively easier.
“让它变得非常简单;使用所有开发人员都已经习惯的工具,而不是尝试在这里重新发明轮子,只是让生活变得轻松。”他补充说,该协会提供软件开发工具包 (SDK) 和其他特定于应用程序的组件,例如 Overlay Networks 和 Simplified支付验证(SPV)使链上构建相对容易。
While these tools have been made available, the challenge now is how to get them to the broader market. This is where the BSVA’s partnership with AWS enters the picture.
虽然这些工具已经可用,但现在的挑战是如何将它们推向更广阔的市场。这就是 BSVA 与 AWS 合作的切入点。
Cloud computing firm AWS acts as a go-to-market where developers can find all the deployed Web3 solutions they can use for app development.
云计算公司 AWS 充当市场开拓者的角色,开发人员可以在这里找到可用于应用程序开发的所有已部署的 Web3 解决方案。
“AWS just makes it really cheap to start something…spin something up. So, it’s not a lot of work involved in getting that up and running,” Kellenschwiler said.
“AWS 使启动某项工作变得非常便宜……启动某项工作。因此,启动和运行不需要太多工作,”Kellenschwiler 说。
BSVA’s strategic collaboration with AWS is anticipated to support the wider adoption of the BSV blockchain and facilitate peer-to-peer transactions to create micropayment economies, as what Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned for the network. It will also become a model for other blockchains to follow, attracting more developers to the blockchain space and encouraging them to dabble with other emerging technologies in developing solutions.
BSVA 与 AWS 的战略合作预计将支持 BSV 区块链的更广泛采用,并促进点对点交易,以创建小额支付经济,正如中本聪对该网络的设想。它还将成为其他区块链效仿的典范,吸引更多开发人员进入区块链领域,并鼓励他们涉足其他新兴技术来开发解决方案。
Watch: Understanding the changing topology of BSV
观看:了解 BSV 不断变化的拓扑
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