市值: $2.8318T -0.150%
成交额(24h): $53.908B -55.580%
  • 市值: $2.8318T -0.150%
  • 成交额(24h): $53.908B -55.580%
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  • 市值: $2.8318T -0.150%

$86016.827096 USD



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$0.276271 USD



2024 年区块链格局:探索去中心化应用程序开发的顶级平台

2024/03/30 01:50

基于区块链的应用程序提供由智能合约管理的安全价值转移,彻底改变了各个领域。我们介绍 2024 年领先的区块链平台:以智能合约为主导的以太坊; Solana 的可扩展性; Hyperledger Fabric 保护企业隐私;用于以太坊扩展的多边形; XRP Ledger 实现速度和经济性;子网雪崩;和 Sei 以优化交易。每个平台都具有独特的优势,使开发人员能够构建适合其特定要求的去中心化应用程序。

2024 年区块链格局:探索去中心化应用程序开发的顶级平台

Navigating the Blockchain Landscape: Top Platforms for Building Decentralized Applications in 2024

探索区块链格局:2024 年构建去中心化应用程序的顶级平台

The burgeoning realm of blockchain technology has witnessed a proliferation of platforms, each vying for prominence in the development of decentralized applications (dApps). Blockchains empower trustless value transfers, governed by preordained terms enshrined in smart contracts, a technological innovation with far-reaching implications for sectors ranging from finance to supply chain management. This comprehensive analysis examines the leading blockchain platforms poised to shape the dApp landscape in 2024.

区块链技术的蓬勃发展见证了平台的激增,每个平台都在去中心化应用程序(dApp)的开发中争夺主导地位。区块链支持无需信任的价值转移,受智能合约中预先规定的条款管辖,这是一项对从金融到供应链管理等领域具有深远影响的技术创新。这项全面的分析探讨了准备在 2024 年塑造 dApp 格局的领先区块链平台。

Ethereum: The Unrivaled Titan of Smart Contracts


Ethereum remains the undisputed leader in the smart contract arena, having debuted in 2015 with groundbreaking capabilities. Programmed in Solidity, a versatile language drawing inspiration from C++, Python, and JavaScript, Ethereum's smart contracts have ushered in an era of decentralized applications encompassing cryptocurrency exchanges, lending protocols, NFT marketplaces, sophisticated trading platforms, and more.

以太坊于 2015 年首次亮相,具有突破性的功能,仍然是智能合约领域无可争议的领导者。以太坊的智能合约采用 Solidity 编程,这是一种从 C++、Python 和 JavaScript 中汲取灵感的多功能语言,它开创了一个去中心化应用程序的时代,包括加密货币交易所、借贷协议、NFT 市场、复杂的交易平台等。

Ethereum's dominance is reflected in its unparalleled market capitalization, dwarfing the combined market value of its nearest rivals among the top 100 smart contract blockchains. Beyond its market sway, Ethereum boasts the industry's largest developer community and an unmatched arsenal of tools for smart contract development.

以太坊的主导地位体现在其无与伦比的市值上,令前 100 名智能合约区块链中最接近的竞争对手的总市值相形见绌。除了市场影响力之外,以太坊还拥有业界最大的开发者社区和无与伦比的智能合约开发工具库。

The ubiquity of Ethereum's smart contracts framework has prompted many emerging blockchain platforms to embrace compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) as a competitive advantage. This compatibility allows seamless porting of existing Ethereum-based dApps and facilitates the creation of new smart contracts through user-friendly tools like Truffle and Remix.

以太坊智能合约框架的普遍性促使许多新兴区块链平台将与以太坊虚拟机(EVM)的兼容性作为竞争优势。这种兼容性允许无缝移植现有的基于以太坊的 dApp,并有助于通过 Truffle 和 Remix 等用户友好的工具创建新的智能合约。

Solana: The Scalability Contender


While Ethereum reigns supreme, Solana has emerged as a formidable challenger, primarily due to its superior scalability. Solana can accommodate a vast influx of transactions while maintaining relatively low transaction costs.

尽管以太坊占据主导地位,但 Solana 已成为强大的挑战者,这主要是由于其卓越的可扩展性。 Solana 可以容纳大量涌入的交易,同时保持相对较低的交易成本。

Leveraging a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism and implementing the Proof-of-History system to expedite node synchronization and transaction validation, Solana is poised to enhance its scalability even further with the impending release of Firedancer. This high-performance Solana client, developed by the illustrious high-frequency trading firm Jump Trading, has demonstrated the potential to process over 1 million transactions per second in test environments.

利用权益证明共识机制并实施历史证明系统来加快节点同步和交易验证,Solana 准备在即将发布的 Firedancer 中进一步增强其可扩展性。这款高性能 Solana 客户端由著名的高频交易公司 Jump Trading 开发,已证明在测试环境中每秒处理超过 100 万笔交易的潜力。

Despite its recent popularity as a launchpad for meme coins, Solana's capabilities extend far beyond speculative assets. The Helium project utilizes Solana's blockchain for its token incentive system underpinning decentralized wireless networks like Helium 5G. Access Protocol, a platform empowering online publications with premium content offerings, also relies on Solana's scalability.

尽管 Solana 最近作为模因币的启动平台而广受欢迎,但 Solana 的功能远远超出了投机资产的范围。 Helium 项目利用 Solana 的区块链作为其代币激励系统,支撑 Helium 5G 等去中心化无线网络。 Access Protocol 是一个为在线出版物提供优质内容的平台,它也依赖于 Solana 的可扩展性。

Hyperledger Fabric: Tailored for Enterprise Applications

Hyperledger Fabric:专为企业应用程序量身定制

Hyperledger Fabric stands apart as an enterprise-grade permissioned blockchain framework. Permissioned blockchains, unlike public blockchains such as Ethereum and Bitcoin where anyone can operate a node, restrict participation to pre-approved entities. This selective approach ensures privacy and confidentiality, crucial for enterprises seeking to conduct transactions without compromising sensitive information that could undermine their competitive edge.

Hyperledger Fabric 作为企业级许可区块链框架脱颖而出。与以太坊和比特币等任何人都可以操作节点的公共区块链不同,许可区块链将参与限制为预先批准的实体。这种选择性方法可确保隐私和机密性,这对于寻求在不泄露可能削弱其竞争优势的敏感信息的情况下进行交易的企业至关重要。

As an open-source framework, Hyperledger Fabric is part of the broader Hyperledger project under the Linux Foundation's auspices. Other specialized frameworks under this umbrella include Besu, Iroha, and Indy.

作为一个开源框架,Hyperledger Fabric 是 Linux 基金会赞助的更广泛的 Hyperledger 项目的一部分。该框架下的其他专业框架包括 Besu、Iroha 和 Indy。

Polygon: Amplifying Ethereum's Potential


Polygon has carved a niche as an ecosystem of layer 2 blockchain platforms dedicated to augmenting Ethereum's scalability. The Polygon Proof of Stake (PoS) platform, the most prevalent within the ecosystem, is an Ethereum-compatible blockchain offering significantly reduced transaction fees.

Polygon 作为第 2 层区块链平台生态系统占据了一个利基市场,致力于增强以太坊的可扩展性。 Polygon 权益证明 (PoS) 平台是生态系统中最流行的平台,它是一个与以太坊兼容的区块链,可显着降低交易费用。

The Polygon PoS platform has attracted mainstream attention, with notable partnerships including Nike's .Swoosh initiative and Reddit's Collectible Avatars NFTs. Beyond PoS, Polygon is actively developing a suite of Ethereum-centric solutions, such as Polygon zkEVM and Polygon Miden, alongside the Polygon ID identity system.

Polygon PoS 平台吸引了主流关注,其著名合作伙伴包括 Nike 的 .Swoosh 计划和 Reddit 的 Collectible Avatars NFT。除了 PoS 之外,Polygon 还积极开发一套以以太坊为中心的解决方案,例如 Polygon zkEVM 和 Polygon Miden,以及 Polygon ID 身份系统。

XRP Ledger: Fast and Cost-Effective Transactions

XRP Ledger:快速且经济高效的交易

The XRP Ledger distinguishes itself as a high-speed, low-cost distributed platform for transaction settlement. XRP transactions are processed within three to five seconds, with transaction fees amounting to less than a tenth of a cent.

XRP Ledger 的特点是高速、低成本的分布式交易结算平台。 XRP 交易在三到五秒内处理完毕,交易费用不到十分之一美分。

The XRP Ledger offers diverse applications for distributed ledger technology. A noteworthy example is the Xahau sidechain, which empowers developers to create smart contracts directly interacting with ledger elements such as objects, balances, and transactions. This capability is achieved through Hooks, a feature programmable in various languages and subsequently compiled into WebAssembly, amplifying the ledger's flexibility and functionality.

XRP 账本为分布式账本技术提供了多种应用。一个值得注意的例子是 Xahau 侧链,它使开发人员能够创建直接与对象、余额和交易等账本元素交互的智能合约。这一功能是通过 Hooks 实现的,Hooks 是一种可以用多种语言编程的功能,随后编译成 WebAssembly,从而增强了账本的灵活性和功能。

Additionally, the XRP Ledger incorporates a built-in automated market maker (AMM), enabling users to seamlessly exchange digital assets issued on the platform. This AMM functionality mirrors decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, providing a decentralized venue for asset trading and liquidity within the XRP Ledger ecosystem.

此外,XRP Ledger 还内置了自动做市商(AMM),使用户能够无缝交换平台上发行的数字资产。该 AMM 功能反映了 Uniswap 等去中心化交易所,为 XRP Ledger 生态系统内的资产交易和流动性提供去中心化场所。

Avalanche: Scalability with Smart Contract Support


Avalanche, a Proof-of-Stake blockchain, combines scalability with smart contract support. Its defining feature is Subnets, allowing developers to create highly specialized blockchains leveraging the security provided by validators participating in Avalanche's Proof-of-Stake consensus protocol. Subnets can consist of a single blockchain or connect multiple blockchains.

Avalanche 是一种权益证明区块链,将可扩展性与智能合约支持相结合。其定义功能是子网,允许开发人员利用参与 Avalanche 权益证明共识协议的验证者提供的安全性来创建高度专业化的区块链。子网可以由单个区块链组成,也可以连接多个区块链。

The Avalanche ecosystem revolves around the Primary Network, a specialized subnet comprising three blockchains designed for specific use cases:

Avalanche 生态系统围绕主网络展开,这是一个专门的子网,由三个专为特定用例设计的区块链组成:

  • Platform Chain (P-Chain): Staking and validation
  • Contract Chain (C-Chain): EVM-compatible smart contracts and dApps
  • Exchange Chain (X-Chain): Sending and receiving funds

Avalanche's blockchain platform can process over 4,500 transactions per second, with transactions reaching finality in an average of 0.79 seconds.

平台链(P链):质押和验证合约链(C链):EVM兼容的智能合约和dApp交换链(X链):发送和接收资金Avalanche的区块链平台每秒可以处理超过4,500笔交易,交易达到最终结果平均 0.79 秒。

Sei: A Lightning-Fast Trading Platform


Sei has emerged as a blockchain tailored specifically for asset trading, boasting an impressive capacity of 20,000 transactions per second and transaction finality in less than half a second.

Sei 已成为专为资产交易量身定制的区块链,拥有每秒 20,000 笔交易的令人印象深刻的容量,并且交易在不到半秒的时间内完成。

A key differentiator is its Twin-Turbo consensus mechanism, enhancing efficiency in the blockchain's validation process and speeding up transaction validations.

一个关键的区别在于其 Twin-Turbo 共识机制,提高了区块链验证过程的效率并加速了交易验证。

The Sei development team is committed to ongoing improvement, with the community eagerly anticipating the launch of Sei v2. This upgrade aims to seamlessly integrate the benefits of Sei with Ethereum development tools.

Sei 开发团队致力于持续改进,社区热切期待 Sei v2 的推出。此次升级旨在将 Sei 的优势与以太坊开发工具无缝集成。

The Blockchain Landscape: A Crowded Marketplace


The blockchain market is teeming with numerous platforms, each vying for attention from users and developers. However, not all blockchains are created equal. Selecting a platform should involve careful consideration of its unique features and capabilities.


Our recommendation is to prioritize the larger, more established platforms before venturing into lesser-known options. Ethereum and Solana offer unparalleled features and capabilities, with other platforms only recommended if they provide distinct advantages not available on these established giants.

我们的建议是优先考虑更大、更成熟的平台,然后再冒险进入鲜为人知的选择。以太坊和 Solana 提供无与伦比的特性和功能,只有当其他平台提供这些老牌巨头所不具备的独特优势时才推荐使用。

Navigating the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Landscape


For those interested in investing in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, we recommend exploring our comprehensive guide to the best cryptocurrencies for investment opportunities.





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