这不是我第一次参加亚马逊 Prime Day;过去三年来,我一直一丝不苟地报道储蓄活动。所以当我告诉你这是一个 BFD

Amazon Prime members can save an additional 20 percent off select items from Amazon Luxury Stores during Prime Day. The promotion is valid for savings up to $1,000 and can be applied at checkout with code LUXPRIME24. Included items span fashion, accessories, and even beauty from high-end brands, including Rick Owens, Rodarte, Dr. Barbara Sturm, Monpure, and Pietro Simone.
亚马逊 Prime 会员可在 Prime Day 期间从亚马逊奢侈品店购买精选商品额外享受 20% 的折扣。该促销活动最多可节省 1,000 美元,并可在结帐时使用代码 LUXPRIME24 进行应用。商品涵盖时尚、配饰,甚至包括 Rick Owens、Rodarte、Dr. Barbara Sturm、Monpure 和 Pietro Simone 等高端品牌的美妆产品。
While the two-day sale sees markdowns on thousands of items across Amazon’s vast inventory, its designer brands have historically been excluded from discounts. But not this year! You can now score major savings on everything from Giuseppe Zanotti shoes to Perfect Moment ski gear and Moon Boots. Keen-eyed shoppers will also find a variety of swim sets, bridal-ready frocks, and more.
尽管在为期两天的促销活动中,亚马逊庞大库存中的数千种商品都出现了降价,但其设计师品牌历来都被排除在折扣之外。但今年不行!现在,您可以大幅节省购买各种商品,从 Giuseppe Zanotti 鞋履到 Perfect Moment 滑雪装备和 Moon Boots。目光敏锐的购物者还会发现各种泳装、新娘礼服等。
In case you haven’t heard, Amazon also offers pre-loved designer items from iconic labels like Gucci, Fendi, Chrome Hearts, Louis Vuitton, Thom Browne, Chanel, Hermes, Balenciaga, Dior, and more—and these items are marked down, too. If you don’t find anything in the Prime Day-specific offerings, there’s also several other designer sales running concurrently on Amazon, which offers up to 60 percent off other select items.
如果您还没有听说过,亚马逊还提供来自 Gucci、Fendi、Chrome Hearts、Louis Vuitton、Thom Browne、Chanel、Hermes、Balenciaga、Dior 等标志性品牌的二手设计师商品,而且这些商品均已降价, 也。如果您在 Prime Day 特定商品中找不到任何商品,亚马逊上还同时进行其他几项设计师促销活动,其中其他精选商品可享受高达 60% 的折扣。