04 / 29- 加密货币市场动态中比特币暴跌、以太坊上涨、Furrever 代币飙升
- 2024-04-29 22:10:39
- 加密货币市场正在经历重大变化,由于比特币 ETF 的低迷,比特币 (BTC) 跌破 64,000 美元。以太坊(ETH)也受到了影响,在比特币减半后面临着维持势头的挑战。然而,以太坊质押者增加了 Beacon 链质押合约的持有量,支撑价格突破 3,000 美元。在这些发展中,Furrever Token (FURR) 已成为一项有前途的投资,其持续预售超过 1,020,000 美元,并拥有由近 4,000 名成员组成的强大社区。其价格承受能力和增长潜力吸引了投资者,将 Furrever Token 定位为加密货币领域的知名参与者。
- NFT 市场低迷:清洗交易和 Memecoin 繁荣导致销量下降
- 2024-04-29 22:07:25
- The NFT market has experienced another week of decline, with trading volume falling 18%. Bitcoin and Solana-based NFTs have been the most affected. Despite the drop in sales, the number of collectors and traders buying NFTs has increased. Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Solana were the top-traded blockchain networks for NFTs this past week. The most expensive NFT sold last week was Crypto Punks #635, which went for over $12 million. The NFT market is expected to bounce back once the current memecoin season fades out.