這家初創公司在周三宣布,Noble備受期待的,屈服的USDN Stablecoin現場直播。發布會伴隨著新的“積分”運動

U.S. short-duration Treasury yields are currently at 4.15%. Those returns will be passed on to USDN holders, who can also choose to lock up their stablecoins in the Staking Vault for up to four months to earn points.
美國短期財政收益率目前為4.15%。這些回報將轉移給USDN持有人,他們還可以選擇將其穩定股鎖定在Stake Kingault庫中長達四個月以賺取積分。
The points can then be used to unlock benefits such as lower trading fees on exchanges, preferred access to new dapps and exclusive merchandise.
Those who prefer to keep earning yield will be able to do so in the Flexible Vault, which offers a boosted yield rate paid for by the forfeited yield from the Staking Vault.
Both vaults will offer a 30-day withdrawal period, after which users will be able to withdraw their USDN to use at any supported dapp or exchange.
Initially, USDN will be supported in the Keplr Wallet, with support for other wallets to follow. Users will be able to buy USDN with a credit card through Moonpay.
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