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當唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)週二從國會大廈山(Capitol Hill)講話時,他將獲得第一個機會出售美國人和國會的新提議,即美國需要建立戰略性的加密貨幣儲備。
President Donald Trump will get his first chance on Tuesday to sell Americans and Congress on his new proposal that the US needs to create a strategic reserve of cryptocurrency.
唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)總統將在周二獲得第一次機會出售美國人和國會,他的新提議,即美國需要建立戰略性的加密貨幣儲備。
The president unveiled the plan in two social media posts on Sunday, more than an hour apart, and it’s likely to raise questions of conflict of interest, considering Trump’s family involvement in the industry and the timing of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s move to drop a civil fraud case against a Chinese businessman who pumped $75 million into a crypto token that could benefit Trump’s family in the future.
The first post mentioned three smaller and lesser-known cryptocurrencies – XRP, solana and cardano, temporarily spiking their prices.
第一篇文章提到了三個較小且鮮為人知的加密貨幣 - XRP,Solana和Cardano,暫時高漲。
More than an hour later, he added that the largest and best-known cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ether, would also be involved.
Crypto president
Trump has been talking for a while about creating such a reserve, part of his pledge to make the US the “Crypto Capital of the World.”
Beyond the policy aspect of crypto, Trump also has a personal interest.
The company that owns Trump’s social media network, and where Trump is the largest shareholder, recently made clear its plans to invest $250 billion in the cryptocurrency industry.
Separately, the SEC last week dropped a civil fraud case against Justin Sun, a Chinese businessman who pumped $75 million into a crypto token that could benefit Trump’s family down the road. As CNN’s Allison Morrow noted at the time, it’s a 180 for the agency since the Biden administration, which was working to regulate cryptocurrency.
另外,SEC上週對中國商人賈斯汀·孫(Justin Sun)撤銷了民事欺詐案,他將7500萬美元抽入了一個加密代幣,這可能使特朗普的家人受益。正如CNN的艾莉森·莫羅(Allison Morrow)當時所指出的那樣,自拜登政府以來,該機構一直在努力規範加密貨幣。
The value of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin surged after Trump’s election, but have stalled in recent weeks. Yet Trump’s move away from regulation is exactly what libertarian-minded tech billionaires who backed his campaign want.
Trump appointed one of them, David Sacks, to be a crypto and AI czar in his administration. While Sacks has not yet released a financial disclosure and the terms of his employment are not clear, after Trump’s posts about a strategic reserve spiked the value of cryptocurrencies, Sacks said on X that he had sold all of his cryptocurrency before joining the administration. His firm Craft Ventures, however, is invested in Bitwise, an asset manager that offers crypto index funds.
特朗普任命其中一個,大衛·薩克斯(David Sacks),成為他的政府中的加密貨幣和AI沙皇。薩克斯在X上說,薩克斯尚未發布財務披露,但在特朗普關於戰略儲備金的帖子飆升了加密貨幣的價值之後,他的就業條款尚不清楚,但他在X上說,他在加入政府之前就出售了所有的加密貨幣。但是,他的公司Craft Ventures投資於Bitwise,這是一家提供加密指數基金的資產經理。
The argument for a strategic reserve
Those who support a cryptocurrency reserve say that the US taking a bold position in bitcoin could pay down the national debt at some point in the future.
The investor Michael Saylor, who said his company MicroStrategy has more than $50 billion worth of bitcoin, said on CNBC Monday that if the US buys 10 to 20 percent of the world’s bitcoin network for a long time – decades or more – it would eventually be worth many trillions of dollars.
投資者邁克爾·塞勒(Michael Saylor)表示,他的公司MicroStrategy擁有價值超過500億美元的比特幣,他在CNBC週一表示,如果美國在長時間或更長時間以來就購買了全球10%至20%的比特幣網絡,最終將是價值數万億美元的價值。
“What’s compelling about it is if the United States takes a position in the emerging crypto economy – if it buys up 10, 20% of the bitcoin network, we’re going to pay off the national debt, so why wouldn’t that be in the interest of the United States?”
“如果美國在新興的加密經濟中處於立場,那麼這是什麼引人注目的 - 如果它購買了10%的比特幣網絡的20%,我們將償還國債,那麼為什麼這不符合美國的利益?”
But for every bitcoin evangelist, there is an academic or banker from across the political spectrum who will point out that cryptocurrency investments might just as easily go up in smoke, which would be an unfortunate thing to happen to taxpayer dollars.
Trump has argued the US can simply take the more than 200,000 bitcoin it currently has seized through criminal and civil actions and start building from there.
Where to find the money to buy bitcoin
There are other proposals, like the one from Sen. Cynthia Lummis, a Wyoming Republican, to reallocate money from the Federal Reserve to buy up bitcoin or to leverage the US government’s gold reserves to raise funds for the bitcoin reserve.
還有其他提案,例如懷俄明州共和黨參議員辛西婭·盧米斯(Cynthia Lummis)從美聯儲重新分配資金來購買比特幣或利用美國政府的黃金儲備為比特幣儲備籌集資金的提案。
Both Trump and Musk have talked recently about planning a trip to Fort Knox to make sure the gold is still there, feeding a conspiracy theory. During Trump’s first administration, CNN used a public records request to obtain photos of then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell posing with gold bricks in the vault. McConnell even wrote his name on the wall.
特朗普和馬斯克最近都談到了計劃前往諾克斯堡的旅行,以確保黃金仍然存在,以餵養陰謀論。在特朗普的第一個政府期間,美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)使用公共記錄請求獲取當時的財務部秘書史蒂文·姆努欽(Steven Mnuchin)和前參議院多數黨領袖米奇·麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)在保險庫中與金磚相提並論的照片。麥康奈爾甚至在牆上寫下了他的名字。
It’s not clear there will be an appetite in Congress for tinkering with the gold reserve or otherwise spending taxpayer money to buy up bitcoin, but there will be an opportunity for insiders to talk about it when Trump and Sacks host a Crypto Summit on Friday at the White House for “prominent founders, CEOS, and investors from the crypto industry.”
目前尚不清楚國會會有一個食慾來修補黃金儲備或其他花錢購買比特幣,但是當特朗普和薩克斯週五在白宮舉行加密貨幣峰會時,內部人士將有機會談論它,以供“著名的創始人,CEOS,CEOS,CEOS,CEOS,CEOS,CEOS,以及來自Crypto Industry的投資者”。
Sen. Patty Murray, a Washington Democrat, complained on X that Trump should not be looking to invest Americans’ money in bitcoin
華盛頓民主黨參議員帕蒂·默里(Patty Murray)對X抱怨說,特朗普不應該希望將美國人的錢投資於比特幣
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