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A family in India's northernmost region of Jammu and Kashmir is selling the country's most expensive mangoes for Rs 10,000 ($125) apiece, local media reports.
The family, based in the Kashmir valley, began grafting different types of mangoes in 2003 to create new varieties. Their efforts have paid off, as they are now harvesting unique mangoes that are highly prized by buyers.
"We started grafting different types of mangoes in 2003. We used to get a maximum of 8 to 10 mangoes from a single tree, but now we get 12 to 15 mangoes," said Bashir Ahmad, the family patriarch, to Kashmir-based news outlet The Kashmir Walla.
“我們從2003年開始嫁接不同類型的芒果。我們過去最多可以從一棵樹那裡獲得8至10個芒果,但現在我們得到了12至15顆芒果,”家庭族長巴希爾·艾哈邁德(Bashir Ahmad)說,這是克什米爾的新聞媒體(Kashmir Walla)。
"We have also been able to increase the size of the mangoes. Earlier, the mangoes used to weigh 500 grams to 800 grams, but now they weigh 1.2 kilograms to 1.5 kilograms."
The family's mangoes are in high demand, with buyers willing to pay top dollar for the fruit. The mangoes are also being exported to Gulf countries, further increasing their value.
"We are selling the mangoes for Rs 10,000 each, and we are getting good rates," Ahmad said. "We are also exporting the mangoes to Gulf countries, where they are in high demand."
艾哈邁德說:“我們以每人10,000盧比的價格出售芒果,我們的價格良好。” “我們還將芒果出口到需求量很高的海灣國家。”
The family's story has captured the attention of the Indian public, who are amazed by the quality of the mangoes and the high prices they fetch.
The mangoes are also a testament to the family's hard work and dedication. They have spent years grafting different types of mangoes and experimenting with new techniques in order to create the perfect fruit.
"We faced a lot of difficulties in the beginning, but we never gave up on our dream," Ahmad said. "We are happy that we have been able to achieve something special."output: A family in India's northernmost region of Jammu and Kashmir is selling the country's most expensive mangoes for Rs 10,000 ($125) apiece, local media reports.
艾哈邁德說:“一開始我們遇到了很多困難,但我們從未放棄過自己的夢想。” “我們很高興我們能夠取得特殊的成就。”輸出:印度最北部地區的一個家庭和克什米爾的一個家庭正在以10,000盧比(125美元)的價格出售該國最昂貴的芒果,每人分別為125美元($ 125)。
The family, based in the Kashmir valley, began grafting different types of mangoes in 2003 to create new varieties. Their efforts have paid off, as they are now harvesting unique mangoes that are highly prized by buyers.
"We started grafting different types of mangoes in 2003. We used to get a maximum of 8 to 10 mangoes from a single tree, but now we get 12 to 15 mangoes," said Bashir Ahmad, the family patriarch, to Kashmir-based news outlet The Kashmir Walla.
“我們從2003年開始嫁接不同類型的芒果。我們過去最多可以從一棵樹那裡獲得8至10個芒果,但現在我們得到了12至15顆芒果,”家庭族長巴希爾·艾哈邁德(Bashir Ahmad)說,這是克什米爾的新聞媒體(Kashmir Walla)。
"We have also been able to increase the size of the mangoes. Earlier, the mangoes used to weigh 500 grams to 800 grams, but now they weigh 1.2 kilograms to 1.5 kilograms."
The family's mangoes are in high demand, with buyers willing to pay top dollar for the fruit. The mangoes are also being exported to Gulf countries, further increasing their value.
"We are selling the mangoes for Rs 10,000 each, and we are getting good rates," Ahmad said.
"We are also exporting the mangoes to Gulf countries, where they are in high demand."
The family's story has captured the attention of the Indian public, who are amazed by the quality of the mangoes and the high prices they fetch.
The mangoes are also a testament to the family's hard work and dedication. They have spent years grafting different types of mangoes and experimenting with new techniques in order to create the perfect fruit.
"We faced a lot of difficulties in the beginning, but we never gave up on our dream," Ahmad said.
"We are happy that we have been able to achieve something special."
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