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Galaxy 與青年女性信託基金會合作進行的一項調查揭示了 45 歲以上的個人對於如果有機會重溫過去他們會做出的改變的見解。最遺憾的是缺乏自信,47%的受訪者表示希望更相信自己。其他遺憾包括財務規劃不足、優先考慮不健康的人際關係以及忽視教育。值得注意的是,18% 的受訪女性希望自己申請的是因為缺乏信心而覺得自己不適合的職位。
Unveiling the Wisdom of Experience: Life-Altering Regrets and Invaluable Lessons from Those Over 45
揭露經驗的智慧:改變生活的遺憾和 45 歲以上人士的寶貴教訓
In the twilight of their lives, individuals over the age of 45 embark on a profound journey of reflection, revisiting their past with a mix of nostalgia and regret. A thought-provoking survey conducted by Galaxy, in collaboration with the Young Women's Trust, has unearthed the collective wisdom of these experienced souls, revealing the poignant insights they have gleaned over the years.
45歲以上的人在人生的暮年,踏上深刻的反思之旅,帶著懷念與遺憾重新檢視自己的過去。 Galaxy 與青年女性信託基金合作進行的一項發人深省的調查挖掘了這些經驗豐富的靈魂的集體智慧,揭示了她們多年來收集到的深刻見解。
The Profound Power of Self-Belief
A resounding four out of five respondents lamented their lack of self-confidence during their youth, an observation that resonates with the countless individuals who have grappled with self-doubt and insecurity. The survey's participants unanimously agreed that bolstering their self-belief would have been a transformative force in their younger years.
Financial Prudence: A Cornerstone of Stability
The survey highlighted the importance of financial planning, with an overwhelming 40% of respondents expressing remorse over not saving more money during their formative years. This prudent advice underscores the significance of establishing a solid financial foundation early in life, a cornerstone of stability and security that allows individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations without the burden of financial constraints.
調查強調了財務規劃的重要性,壓倒性的 40% 受訪者對在成長時期沒有存更多錢表示悔恨。這項審慎的建議強調了在生命早期建立堅實的財務基礎的重要性,這是穩定和安全的基石,使個人能夠在沒有財務限制的情況下追求自己的夢想和願望。
Trusting One's Instincts: A Path to Empowerment
A resounding 35% of respondents emphasized the value of trusting their own instincts, a lesson that only time and experience can truly teach. The wisdom of this advice lies in recognizing the innate wisdom within us, allowing our intuition to guide our decisions and empowering us to navigate the challenges of life with confidence and clarity.
高達 35% 的受訪者強調相信自己直覺的價值,這教訓只有時間和經驗才能真正教會。這個建議的智慧在於認識到我們與生俱來的智慧,讓我們的直覺引導我們的決定,使我們能夠自信和清晰地應對生活的挑戰。
Breaking Free from Comparisons: A Journey of Self-Acceptance
In a society that often perpetuates unattainable ideals, the survey's participants wisely advised against the futile pursuit of comparing oneself to others. A remarkable 33% of respondents echoed the sentiment that this practice only leads to self-doubt and dissatisfaction. Embracing self-acceptance and celebrating our unique qualities is the true path to contentment and fulfillment.
在一個經常存在無法實現的理想的社會中,調查參與者明智地建議不要徒勞地與他人進行比較。高達 33% 的受訪者表示這種做法只會導致自我懷疑和不滿。接受自我並慶祝我們獨特的品質是通往滿足和成就感的真正途徑。
Asserting Boundaries: A Shield Against Negative Influences
Protecting oneself from unhealthy relationships and toxic individuals emerged as a crucial lesson for 33% of respondents. This advice underscores the importance of setting clear boundaries, asserting our needs, and surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive influences that nurture our well-being.
對於 33% 的受訪者來說,保護自己免受不健康的人際關係和有毒個人的侵害成為重要的一課。該建議強調了設定明確界限、表達我們的需求以及以積極和支持性的影響包圍我們自己以培養我們的福祉的重要性。
Learning from Regrets: A Catalyst for Growth
Almost three out of ten respondents (29%) acknowledged the futility of dwelling on regrets, instead advocating for embracing the lessons learned from past experiences and moving forward with resilience. This wisdom reflects the transformative power of regret, a potent catalyst for personal growth and the pursuit of a fulfilling life.
近十分之三的受訪者 (29%) 承認沉溺於遺憾是徒勞的,而是主張吸取過去的經驗教訓,並堅韌地向前邁進。這種智慧反映了後悔的改變力量,是個人成長和追求充實生活的強大催化劑。
Unhealthy Relationships: A Drain on Vital Energy
Echoing the advice to set boundaries, 26% of respondents expressed regret over remaining in unhealthy relationships. This valuable lesson serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing our own well-being and recognizing the corrosive effects of toxic relationships on our physical, emotional, and psychological health.
26% 的受訪者回應了設定界線的建議,並對維持不健康的關係表示遺憾。這寶貴的教訓提醒我們,必須優先考慮自己的福祉,並認識到有毒關係對我們的身體、情緒和心理健康的腐蝕性影響。
Job Satisfaction: A Key to a Meaningful Life
A significant 26% of respondents emphasized the importance of leaving a job that fails to bring fulfillment, a sentiment that underscores the profound impact our work has on our overall well-being. This advice encourages individuals to seek employment that aligns with their values, passions, and aspirations, creating a fulfilling and meaningful life.
顯著 26% 的受訪者強調離開無法帶來成就感的工作的重要性,這種情緒強調了我們的工作對我們整體福祉的深遠影響。該建議鼓勵個人尋找符合其價值觀、熱情和願望的就業機會,創造充實而有意義的生活。
Seeking Help: A Sign of Strength, Not Weakness
Challenging societal stigmas, 24% of respondents acknowledged that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. This valuable lesson highlights the importance of seeking support from others when needed, recognizing that we are all interconnected and that there is no shame in reaching out for assistance.
面對社會恥辱,24% 的受訪者承認尋求幫助是力量而非軟弱的表現。這寶貴的教訓強調了在需要時尋求他人支持的重要性,並認識到我們都是相互聯繫的,並且尋求幫助並不可恥。
Grass is Not Always Greener: A Lesson in Perspective
A wise 22% of respondents cautioned against the alluring but deceptive belief that the grass is always greener on the other side. This sage advice encourages us to appreciate the present moment and recognize that happiness and fulfillment can be found in our current circumstances, regardless of the perceived allure of external factors.
22% 的受訪者明智地警告說,不要相信「那邊的草總是更綠」這一誘人但具有欺騙性的信念。這個明智的建議鼓勵我們珍惜當下,並認識到無論外部因素如何吸引,我們都可以在當前的情況下找到幸福和滿足。
Gender Disparities: A Persistent Obstacle to Confidence
Further analysis of the survey data revealed a notable gender disparity, with approximately one in five (18%) of women expressing regret over not having the confidence to apply for roles they believed they were underqualified for. Additionally, 23% of women acknowledged that they had remained in jobs longer than they should have. These findings underscore the persistent obstacles women face in the workplace, highlighting the need to address gender biases and create a more equitable and supportive environment for all.
對調查數據的進一步分析顯示出顯著的性別差異,大約五分之一(18%)的女性對沒有信心申請她們認為自己不合格的職位表示遺憾。此外,23% 的女性承認她們在工作崗位上待的時間比應有的時間長。這些調查結果強調了女性在工作場所面臨的持續障礙,強調需要解決性別偏見並為所有人創造一個更公平和支持性的環境。
Claire Reindorp, CEO of the Young Women's Trust, aptly observed, "It's no surprise that confidence crops up as an issue for women throughout this research. Right from the start of our working lives we aren't given equal chances in the workplace, and we're not paid fairly – young women earn a fifth less than young men each year. We need to undo archaic attitudes that lead to widespread sexism, inflexible work and lack of support for progression."
年輕女性信託基金會執行長克萊爾‧雷因多普(Claire Reindorp) 恰如其分地指出:「在這項研究中,自信成為女性面臨的一個問題,這並不奇怪。從我們的職業生涯一開始,我們在工作場所就沒有獲得平等的機會,而且我們的薪酬不公平——年輕女性的收入每年比年輕男性少五分之一,我們需要消除導致普遍性別歧視、工作僵化和缺乏晉升支持的陳舊態度。
These findings align with a 2019 study conducted by YouGov, which revealed that one in three (34%) of Britons lack confidence in their personality, a number that is higher among women (37%) than men (31%).
這些發現與YouGov 2019 年進行的一項研究一致,該研究顯示三分之一(34%) 的英國人對自己的個性缺乏信心,這一數字在女性(37%) 中高於男性(31%) 。
The collective wisdom of those over 45 provides invaluable insights into the transformative power of self-belief, financial planning, trust, boundary setting, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life. By heeding their advice, younger generations can navigate the complexities of life with greater confidence, resilience, and clarity, empowering them to create a future that aligns with their aspirations and values.
45 歲以上族群的集體智慧為自信、財務規劃、信任、界線設定和追求充實生活的變革力量提供了寶貴的見解。透過聆聽他們的建議,年輕一代可以以更大的信心、韌性和清晰度應對生活的複雜性,使他們能夠創造一個符合他們的願望和價值觀的未來。
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