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了解 Validium 及其在 2024 年使以太坊更具可擴展性方面的作用

2024/01/29 18:44

在動態且快節奏的加密貨幣世界中,了解 Validium 在以太坊可擴展性中的作用至關重要。作為使用最廣泛的區塊鏈平台之一,以太坊採用了 Validium,這是一種增強其可擴展性的第 2 層擴展解決方案。 Validium 在鏈下處理交易並儲存數據,顯著提高了主網吞吐量。這種預防機制在遏制區塊鏈交易期間的盜竊和詐欺方面發揮著至關重要的作用,確保用戶授權從一個帳戶到另一個帳戶的每一次轉帳。透過了解 Validium 的角色,以太坊變得更具可擴展性,並且能夠滿足加密貨幣行業日益增長的需求。

了解 Validium 及其在 2024 年使以太坊更具可擴展性方面的作用

了解 Validium 及其在 2024 年使以太坊更具可擴展性方面的作用

Scalability is a crucial factor in enhancing success in cryptocurrency’s dynamic and fast-paced world; and this is where validium comes in. With Ethereum being among the most used blockchain platforms today, Anthropic has innovated validium to improve its scalability. But what exactly is Validium, and how does it make Ethereum more scalable?

可擴展性是在加密貨幣動態和快節奏的世界中提高成功的關鍵因素;這就是 validium 的用武之地。隨著以太坊成為當今最常用的區塊鏈平台之一,Anthropic 對 validium 進行了創新,以提高其可擴展性。但 Validium 到底是什麼?它如何讓以太坊更具可擴展性?

Validium is a blockchain layer-2 scaling solution used to process transactions and store data off the chain to improve the mainnet throughput. It’s a preventive mechanism that helps curb theft and fraud in blockchain transactions by ensuring that the user authorizes every transfer from one account to the other.

Validium 是一種區塊鏈第 2 層擴展解決方案,用於處理交易並將資料儲存在鏈外,以提高主網吞吐量。這是一種預防機制,可確保用戶授權從一個帳戶到另一個帳戶的每一次轉賬,從而幫助遏制區塊鏈交易中的盜竊和詐欺。

The technology provides Ethereum several benefits, including enhanced user privacy, lower transaction fees and faster transaction speed. It also eases congestion and improves security by using zero-knowledge proofs, which keep detailed data on transactions off the public blockchain.


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As the popularity and use of Ethereum continue to grow, its disadvantages and limitations are becoming more evident daily. However, Validium is here to solve these issues and take Ethereum to new heights by empowering users with efficient and seamless transactions.

隨著以太坊的普及和使用不斷增長,其缺點和限制日益明顯。然而,Validium 旨在解決這些問題,並透過為用戶提供高效、無縫的交易,將以太坊推向新的高度。

According to a tweet by OriginStake, ‘the zkEVM Validium is an adapted version of Polygon’s zkEVM node and contracts that utilize Avail’s data availability blockchain instead of Ethereum. The zkEVM reduces the amount of data that needs to be posted to Ethereum by up to 90%.’

根據 OriginStake 的一條推文,「zkEVM Validium 是 Polygon 的 zkEVM 節點和合約的改編版本,它利用 Avail 的數據可用性區塊鏈而不是以太坊。 zkEVM 將需要發佈到以太坊的資料量減少了高達 90%。

How Does Validium Work?

Validium 是如何運作的?

While looking into how this scaling solution works, we will discuss it in terms of how it handles various processes as follows:




Through the validium chain, users submit the transaction to the operator, a node responsible for performing transactions. However, some might use a sole operator to execute the chain or depend on Proof-of-Stake (POS) to rotate the operators.


The operator combines the transactions into batches and transmits them for proving on a proving circuit. The proving circuit receives the batched transactions and additional relevant data as inputs and sends a validity proof to verify the correctness of these operations.


Statement Commitments


A valid state is hashed as a Merkle Tree by storing the root in the main contract on the Ethereum blockchain. This root, also called the state root, behaves like a cryptographic commitment to the current account state and balance available on the validium.

透過將根儲存在以太坊區塊鏈的主合約中,有效狀態被散列為默克爾樹。該根也稱為狀態根,其行為類似於對 validium 上可用的當前帳戶狀態和餘額的加密承諾。

To update the state, the operator must create a new state root once done performing the transactions and then submit it to the contract on the chain. If validated, the proposed state is validated, and the new form is approved.


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Deposits and Withdrawals


To deposit, a user must move the funds from Ethereum to validium by depositing ETH or any other ERC-compatible token in the on-chain contract. This contract transmits the deposit operation off-chain, and the user’s account is credited with the amount. Additionally, the operator batches this transaction.

要存款,用戶必須透過在鏈上合約中存入 ETH 或任何其他 ERC 相容代幣,將資金從以太坊轉移到 validium。該合約將存款操作傳輸到鏈外,並將金額記入用戶的帳戶。此外,運營商會批量處理該交易。

To withdraw to the mainnet, the user must initiate the transaction from the validium and submit it to the operator, where the transaction is validated and included in a new batch. However, users’ assets are eliminated before they exit the network. Once the batch’s validity proof is verified, the user can call the main contract to withdraw the initial deposit.

要退出到主網,用戶必須從 validium 發起交易並將其提交給運營商,交易在運營商中得到驗證並包含在新的批次中。然而,用戶的資產在退出網路之前就被消除了。一旦批次的有效性證明通過驗證,使用者就可以呼叫主合約提取初始保證金。

Sometimes, this L2 scaling solution allows direct withdrawals from the on-chain contract without going through the operator. However, the user must provide Merkel proof to verify the inclusion of the account in the state root.

有時,這種 L2 擴容解決方案允許直接從鏈上合約提款,而無需透過營運商。但是,用戶必須提供默克爾證明以驗證該帳戶是否包含在狀態根中。

Submission of Batches


Once done executing a batch of transactions, the operator transmits the validity proof to the verifier contract and recommends a new state root to the main contract. If the proof is validated, the main contract updates the state on the validium and finalizes the batched transactions.


Essentially, validium is a pure off-chain scaling protocol. Unlike zk-Rollups, which require block producers to publish transaction data, this scaling solution only requires block headers to publish transaction data.

本質上,validium 是一個純粹的鏈下擴容協議。與 zk-Rollups 需要區塊生產者發布交易資料不同,這種擴容解決方案只需要區塊頭來發布交易資料。

Read our comprehensive guide on how to modify or cancel a pending Ethereum transaction!


Validium as the Solution to Ethereum’s Scalability

Validium 作為以太坊可擴展性的解決方案

Validium is providing specific solutions to the challenges faced by Ethereum, such as high fees, network congestion and scalability faced by Ethereum. Validium scales Ethereum in the following ways:

Validium 正在為以太坊面臨的挑戰提供具體的解決方案,例如以太坊面臨的高額費用、網路擁塞和可擴展性。 Validium 透過以下方式擴展以太坊:

Lowering Transaction Fees


Making transactions via Ethereum is quite expensive due to the high gas fees charged per transaction. However, with validium, some transaction subsets can be performed off-chain, hence avoiding payment of gas fees. This helps users save money – regardless of how small the amount may seem.

由於每筆交易收取高額汽油費,透過以太坊進行交易相當昂貴。然而,使用 validium,某些交易子集可以在鏈外執行,從而避免支付 Gas 費。這可以幫助用戶省錢——無論金額看起來有多小。

Supporting Processing of Microtransactions


Validium facilitates the conduction of offline transactions, helping avoid higher per-transaction gas fees. This makes it viable to conduct microtransactions without paying crazy transaction fees. 

Validium 促進離線交易的進行,有助於避免更高的每筆交易 Gas 費用。這使得無需支付瘋狂的交易費用即可進行微交易。

Boosting Platforms that Offer NFTS

推動提供 NFTS 的平台

Deployment of Validium on NFT platforms helps users buy and sell NFTs without paying high gas fees per transaction. The integration with NFT marketplaces makes these assets more accessible and thus eases economic difficulties regarding digital assets.

在 NFT 平台上部署 Validium 可以幫助用戶買賣 NFT,而無需為每筆交易支付高額的 Gas 費用。與 NFT 市場的整合使這些資產更容易獲得,從而緩解了與數位資產相關的經濟困難。

Easing Congestion in the Ethereum Network


Carrying out many Ethereum transactions on-chain creates network bottlenecks. With validium, it diverts some of the transactions, especially the micro-ones, off-chain to ease congestion on the main network.

在鏈上進行許多以太坊交易會造成網路瓶頸。透過 validium,它將一些交易(尤其是微型交易)轉移到鏈下,以緩解主網路的擁塞。

Scaling Decentralized Applications (dApps)

擴展去中心化應用程式 (dApp)

Scaling dApps while maintaining security and decentralization is challenging. Validium gives Ethereum dApps a direct pipeline to facilitate off-chain processing of small crypto payments. This enables it to handle more transactions and users per second.

在保持安全性和去中心化的同時擴展 dApp 具有挑戰性。 Validium 為以太坊 dApp 提供了直接管道,以促進小額加密支付的鏈下處理。這使其能夠每秒處理更多事務和使用者。

dApps aim to eliminate transaction fees and third parties in the crypto world. You can read more on dApps here!

dApp 旨在消除加密世界中的交易費用和第三方。您可以在這裡閱讀有關 dApp 的更多資訊!



Validium offers solutions to scalability issues in Ethereum. This protocol acts as a catalyst for transactions on the Ethereum blockchain by utilizing off-chain processing, zero-knowledge proofs, and verification of batches to improve transaction speeds, enhance user privacy and cut transaction fees. With its advantages and many use cases, validium has the potential to revolutionize blockchain technology and promote the adoption of dApps. 

Validium 為以太坊的可擴展性問題提供了解決方案。該協議透過利用鏈下處理、零知識證明和批量驗證來充當以太坊區塊鏈上交易的催化劑,以提高交易速度、增強用戶隱私並降低交易費用。憑藉其優勢和眾多用例,validium 有潛力徹底改變區塊鏈技術並促進 dApp 的採用。

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Difference Between Validium and ZK-Rollups?

Validium 和 ZK-Rollups 之間有什麼區別?

Validium and ZK-rollups are blockchain scaling solutions. These solutions aim to increase the number of transactions per second on the blockchain network while ensuring the network is secure. Nonetheless, validium and ZK-rollups differ in handling data availability, impacting their trade-off on security, decentralization, and scalability.

Validium 和 ZK-rollups 是區塊鏈擴展解決方案。這些解決方案旨在增加區塊鏈網路上每秒的交易數量,同時確保網路安全。儘管如此,validium 和 ZK-rollups 在處理資料可用性方面有所不同,影響了它們在安全性、去中心化和可擴展性方面的權衡。

What is Scalability in Ethereum?


Scalability in Ethereum means the ability of Ethereum to be used by multiple users without sacrificing its functionality. Scalability aims to improve transaction processing speed on the Ethereum network. As per statistics, Ethereum’s capability to handle transactions is limited to 7-15 transactions per second, hence the need for scalability.

以太坊的可擴展性意味著以太坊能夠被多個用戶使用而不犧牲其功能。可擴展性旨在提高以太坊網路上的交易處理速度。根據統計,以太坊處理交易的能力僅限於每秒 7-15 筆交易,因此需要可擴展性。

What is Layer 2 Scaling for Ethereum?

什麼是以太坊的第 2 層擴充?

Layer 2 scaling is a solution that improves both transaction speed and transaction throughput on the Ethereum blockchain. This scaling facilitates transactions off-chain (layer 1), thus helping reduce transaction gas fees.

第 2 層擴展是一種提高以太坊區塊鏈上的交易速度和交易吞吐量的解決方案。這種擴展促進了鏈下交易(第 1 層),從而有助於降低交易 Gas 費用。


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