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你可以放心地稱其為加密貨幣歷史上最瘋狂的日子:美國歷史上第一位支持加密貨幣的總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在周末用他自己的模因幣$Trump震撼了金融和加密世界。
In what can safely be called the craziest days in crypto history, Donald Trump, the first pro-crypto president in US history, shook up the financial and crypto world at the weekend with his own memecoin $Trump.
在可以安全地稱為加密貨幣歷史上最瘋狂的日子裡,美國歷史上第一位支持加密貨幣的總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在周末用他自己的模因幣$Trump震撼了金融和加密世界。
The crypto community was initially skeptical – a hack was suspected, even Elon Musk was unsure what the coin was all about. But over the course of Saturday, it became clear: $Trump actually comes from Trump himself.
加密社群最初持懷疑態度——懷疑是駭客攻擊,甚至伊隆馬斯克也不確定這枚硬幣到底是什麼。但在周六的過程中,情況變得很清楚:$Trump 實際上來自川普本人。
What happened next was unprecedented in the 16-year history of the highly volatile crypto industry: In the first 24 hours, the $Trump token launched on Saturday night shot up from 18 cents to as much as 33 US dollars, posting a 13,000 percent increase in value in the process. 200 million coins came into circulation immediately – Up to 800 million more tokens are planned over the next 3 years.
接下來發生的事情在高度波動的加密貨幣行業 16 年的歷史中是前所未有的:在最初的 24 小時內,週六晚上推出的 $Trump 代幣從 18 美分飆升至 33 美元,漲幅達 13,000%過程中的價值。 2 億枚代幣立即投入流通-未來 3 年內計畫再發行多達 8 億枚代幣。
Anyone expecting a rapid collapse similar to the rapid “pump and dumps” that are often the order of the day with memecoins was proved wrong on Sunday: the TRUMP rally continued. Some traders made a quick fortune with the memecoin. One investor, for example, turned a disposal of 1.1 million dollars into just under 30 million dollars – a gain of 2600 percent in the first few hours. By comparison, the S&P 500 took 30 years to achieve a return of 2150 percent.
任何人預計會出現類似於模因幣經常出現的快速「拉高和拋售」那樣的快速崩盤,但周日被證明是錯誤的:川普的反彈仍在繼續。一些交易者透過迷因幣迅速發了財。例如,一位投資者將 110 萬美元的處置變成了近 3000 萬美元,在最初的幾個小時內就獲得了 2600% 的收益。相比之下,標準普爾 500 指數花了 30 年才達到 2150% 的回報率。
On Sunday, the $Trump memecoin doubled in value again and even peaked at 74 dollars per token, briefly reaching a market capitalization of 74 billion dollars (but only considering all coins, including those not yet tradable). At this point, the $Trump coin is one of the ten most valuable crypto-assets in the world – ahead of the best-known and most valuable memecoin to date, $Doge, and renowned cryptocurrencies such as Cardano, Chainlink, Tron and Avalanche.
週日,川普迷因幣的價值再次翻倍,甚至達到每枚代幣 74 美元的峰值,市值短暫達到 740 億美元(但僅考慮所有代幣,包括尚未可交易的代幣)。目前,$Trump 幣是世界上十大最有價值的加密資產之一,領先迄今為止最知名、最有價值的模因幣 $Doge,以及 Cardano、Chainlink、Tron 和 Avalanche 等著名加密貨幣。
In purely mathematical terms, $Trump makes the US president the richest living crypto billionaire overnight. Based on the total of 1 billion coins earmarked for issuance, $Trump's market capitalization has since reached 73 billion US dollars; it is currently just under 40 billion. 200 million of the total 1 billion coins have already been issued and are in active trading. The remaining coins held by Trump-controlled organizations can be sold gradually over the next three years, starting in April. On average, Trump's companies can bring around 24 million coins onto the market per month.
從純粹的數學角度來看,川普一夜之間讓美國總統成為最富有的加密貨幣億萬富翁。以指定發行的 10 億枚代幣計算,$Trump 的市值已達 730 億美元;目前這個數字略低於400億。 10 億枚代幣中的 2 億枚已發行並處於活躍交易狀態。川普控制的組織持有的剩餘代幣可以在未來三年內(從四月開始)逐步出售。平均而言,川普的公司每月可以向市場推出約 2,400 萬枚硬幣。
Such gains on paper have never been recorded in crypto history. Sam Bankman-Fried, founder and CEO of the crypto trading platform FTX, which went bankrupt in 2022, achieved a maximum paper profit of around 30 billion US dollars at the height of his success. Satoshi's Bitcoin wallet has accumulated around 50 billion US dollars over a period of 15 years.
這樣的紙面收益在加密貨幣歷史上從未有過記錄。 2022 年破產的加密貨幣交易平台 FTX 的創始人兼首席執行官 Sam Bankman-Fried 在其成功的巔峰時期實現了最高賬面利潤約 300 億美元。 15 年來,中本聰的比特幣錢包已經累積了約 500 億美元。
But no crypto party is complete without turbulence. The launch of another memecoin – namely that of Trump's wife, caused an unexpected turn of events on Sunday night. Donald and Melania Trump announced the launch of the MELANIA coin late on Sunday evening. A full 36 hours after her husband, Melania Trump also spectacularly entered the crypto stage – and at the same time put $Trump under a lot of pressure.
但如果沒有動盪,任何加密貨幣派對都是不完整的。另一種模因幣——即川普妻子的模因幣的推出,在周日晚上引發了意想不到的轉折。唐納德·特朗普和梅拉尼婭·特朗普於週日晚間宣布推出 MELANIA 硬幣。在她的丈夫整整 36 小時後,梅拉尼婭·川普也引人注目地進入了加密貨幣階段——同時也讓美元川普承受了極大的壓力。
Donald Trump's memecoin plummeted by more than half in the first half hour after the launch of $MELANIA, before recovering. $MELANIA, meanwhile, soared with gains of more than 15,000%, just as massively as $Trump, whose market value fell by more than 30 billion US dollars within a few minutes. $MELANIA was obviously considered a direct competitor to the TRUMP coin.
唐納德·川普的模因幣在 $MELANIA 推出後的前半小時內暴跌一半以上,然後又恢復。同時,$MELANIA 漲幅超過 15,000%,漲幅與 $Trump 一樣,後者市值在幾分鐘內下跌超過 300 億美元。 $MELANIA 顯然被認為是川普幣的直接競爭對手。
Around midday on Monday, just a few hours before the inauguration, TRUMP was at least able to recover towards the USD 50 mark, but is still well off its Sunday high of USD 75. The Melania coin, which at its peak had a market capitalization of over USD 8 billion, subsequently came under pressure for a short time, but stabilized at prices of around USD 9.
週一中午左右,就職典禮前幾個小時,川普至少能夠回升至 50 美元大關,但仍遠低於週日高點 75 美元。 ,隨後短暫承壓,但價格穩定在9美元左右。
Meanwhile, the crypto market was set in motion by the launch of memecoins. Solana (SOL) initially benefited enormously: both coins are based on the popular blockchain and are driving the hype. SOL, the fourth most valuable coin in the world, climbed to a new all-time high of USD 295 in the past 48 hours, only to plummet to USD 235 within six hours shortly after the launch of $Melania. Ethereum, one of Solana's biggest competitors, came under further pressure in the short term. Bitcoin, meanwhile, rode a rollercoaster: a 5% slump to the USD 100,000 mark was followed today by a jump to new all
同時,模因幣的推出啟動了加密貨幣市場。 Solana (SOL) 最初受益匪淺:這兩種貨幣都基於流行的區塊鏈,並且正在推動炒作。 SOL 是全球第四大最有價值的代幣,在過去 48 小時內攀升至 295 美元的歷史新高,但在 $Melania 推出後不久,在 6 小時內暴跌至 235 美元。 Solana 最大的競爭對手之一以太坊在短期內面臨進一步的壓力。與此同時,比特幣經歷了過山車:暴跌 5%,跌至 10 萬美元大關,然後今天又躍升至新高。
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