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正如我們所看到的,隨著加密貨幣的新趨勢和技術進步,市場上不斷有新的進入者吸引投資者和粉絲。與數位資產市場相關的代幣是 TIMES,也稱為 DarkTimes,最近顯示出其價值的成長和忠誠的社群。
With new trends and technological advances in the realm of cryptocurrencies, we witness a continuous influx of new entrants into the market, captivating the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike. Among these is a token closely associated with the digital asset market, known as TIMES, which has recently experienced a surge in its value and boasts a dedicated community.
隨著加密貨幣領域的新趨勢和技術進步,我們見證了新進業者不斷湧入市場,吸引了投資者和愛好者的注意。其中有一種與數位資產市場密切相關的代幣,即 TIMES,該代幣最近經歷了價值飆升,並擁有一個專門的社區。
Currently, the price of the TIMES token has witnessed a remarkable eruption, surging by 34.42% over the last 24 hours, with each coin trading at $0.02772. This surge has led to a massive increase in its circulation, rising from $119,846 to $1,162,374, boasting a market capitalization of $2,395,818, ranking it #4218 in the world. The volume of the token has also shown a tremendous upsurge, with $39,057 worth of TIMES tokens being traded in the last day, marking a 176.57% increase from the previous day.
目前,TIMES代幣的價格出現了驚人的爆發,在過去24小時內飆升了34.42%,每枚代幣的交易價格為0.02772美元。這一激增導致其發行量大幅增加,從 119,846 美元升至 1,162,374 美元,市值達到 2,395,818 美元,全球排名第 4218 位。代幣交易量也出現了巨大的上漲,最後一天TIMES代幣的交易量達到了39,057美元,較前一天增長了176.57%。
What distinguishes TIMES from many of those offering similar services is the tokenomics and the supply of tokens unique to the project. The total number of operational tokens is 1 billion for the TIMES project, which has made a proper distribution plan of the given funds to build its long-term future. As of now, there are 86,438,671 TIMES tokens outstanding, which make up only 8.64% of the total number of tokens. This has been done to cap the availability of the more affordable models and possibly fuel value growth in the future.
TIMES 與許多提供類似服務的公司之間的區別在於該項目獨特的代幣經濟學和代幣供應。 TIMES專案的營運代幣總數為10億,該專案已對給定資金制定了適當的分配計劃,以建立其長期未來。截至目前,TIMES代幣流通量為86,438,671個,僅佔代幣總數的8.64%。這樣做是為了限制更實惠的型號的可用性,並可能推動未來的價值成長。
The market capitalization of TIMES at fully diluted is $27,716,971, which shows the potential of this project if only it could attract more users. This kind of metric measures a number of tokens and gives a better understanding of the possible future rate of the asset.
TIMES 完全稀釋後的市值為 27,716,971 美元,顯示了該專案的潛力,只要它能吸引更多用戶。這種指標衡量了許多代幣,可以更好地了解資產未來可能的利率。
What really makes the token even more fascinating is the volume to market cap ratio, which, at the time of writing, is at 1.63%. Compared to the market capitalization of this token, we can conclude that the token may be underhyped or undermarket compared to what is available in the crypto market for those seeking promising investment opportunities.
真正讓該代幣更令人著迷的是其成交量與市值的比率,在撰寫本文時,該比率為 1.63%。與該代幣的市值相比,我們可以得出結論,對於那些尋求有前途的投資機會的人來說,與加密貨幣市場上可用的代幣相比,該代幣可能被低估或低估。
Despite the fact that it has yet to start mainstream promotions, the number of crypto enthusiasts has gradually begun to take note of the project, attracted by the proposition that is PUT on the table by the project under the acronym TIMES. Still, less is known about its specific features, such as the project's use case and the underlying technology; the price increase in the past shows that interest and expectation within the community are rising.
儘管尚未開始主流推廣,但許多加密貨幣愛好者已經逐漸開始關注該項目,並被該項目以 TIMES 縮寫提出的主張所吸引。儘管如此,人們對它的具體功能知之甚少,例如專案的用例和底層技術;過去的價格上漲顯示社會內部的興趣和期望正在上升。
Like any other cryptocurrency, potential consumers should exercise considerable care while investing in TIMES or any other coin. This is the cryptocurrency market, and therefore, the recent success, as staggering as it may sound, is not devoid of substantive risks.
與其他加密貨幣一樣,潛在消費者在投資 TIMES 或任何其他代幣時應格外小心。這就是加密貨幣市場,因此,儘管最近的成功聽起來令人震驚,但並非沒有實質風險。
The TIME team has been actively involved in a process of listing the token at more popular and varied cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms. These factors have have made the stocks easily accessible, and helped the markets record a rise in trade as well as prices in the recent past. It remains probable that with increased recognition of the project by investors, there will be further increases in liquidity and turnover.
TIME 團隊一直積極參與在更流行和多樣化的加密貨幣交易所和平台上列出代幣的過程。這些因素使股票變得容易獲得,並幫助市場在最近的交易和價格上成長。隨著投資者對該專案的認可度不斷提高,流動性和營業額很可能會進一步增加。
As it stands, one potential problem that arises with TIMES like with many new age cryptocurrencies is to determine the unique selling proposition for the digital asset. In that case, the success of the project will critically depend on whether it will be able to provide tangible value to address the key drivers that are driving token holders.
就目前情況而言,與許多新時代加密貨幣一樣,TIMES 出現的一個潛在問題是確定數位資產的獨特銷售主張。在這種情況下,專案的成功將主要取決於它是否能夠提供有形價值來解決推動代幣持有者的關鍵驅動因素。
The advent of TIMES has raised judgments within the cryptocurrency community about the possibility of its displacing current market or presenting new use cases for blockchain. As yet, it has not been revealed what the project will do, but its name – DarkTimes – may suggest that it will be aimed at providing people with privacy or anonymity, which may be all important to those who want to protect their data and their money.
TIMES 的出現引起了加密貨幣社群內部對其取代當前市場或為區塊鏈提供新用例的可能性的判斷。到目前為止,尚未透露該專案將做什麼,但其名稱「DarkTimes」可能表明它將旨在為人們提供隱私或匿名,這對於想要保護自己的資料和隱私的人來說可能非常重要。錢。
Nonetheless, there are given the inherent issue that any crypto asset has to face as it grows in popularity the task of maintaining its growth rate and creating a sound economic environment. Most successful cryptocurrencies have been able to create sustainable value by integrating well with the community, embracing the right kind of technology, and partnering effectively both within and outside the blockchain ecosystem.
The coming months will determine the further development of the work of TIMES as it tries to build on its recently achieved successes to take its place amidst direct competitors in the market for cryptocurrencies. Both investors and enthusiasts will be waiting for the project to succeed with the idea in its mind and develop a proper place for itself in the constantly strengthening and diversifying digital asset market.
未來幾個月將決定 TIMES 工作的進一步發展,因為它試圖在最近取得的成功的基礎上在加密貨幣市場的直接競爭對手中佔據一席之地。投資者和愛好者都將等待該項目能夠成功,並在不斷增強和多元化的數位資產市場中為自己贏得一席之地。
All in all, the token has appeared on the cryptocurrency market as a rather promising project, which stimulates people’s interest with high fluctuations in prices and its trading volume. Despite this, the project has a lot of potential and much more to demonstrate
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