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流行歌手泰勒絲備受期待的第 11 張錄音室專輯《The Tortured Poets Department》將於明天發行,她在串流媒體和社交媒體公司的幫助下預告了專輯的內容。 Apple Music 和 Spotify 積極參與了這張專輯的推出,透過互動體驗提供了有關其內容的線索。
Taylor Swift Unveils Clues to 11th Album: 'The Tortured Poets Department'
泰勒絲揭曉第 11 張專輯的線索:“The Tortured Poets Department”
Global sensation Taylor Swift is set to release her highly anticipated 11th studio album, "The Tortured Poets Department," tomorrow. In true Swift fashion, she has teased fans with a series of enigmatic clues, leveraging major streaming and social media platforms.
全球轟動的泰勒絲將於明天發行她備受期待的第 11 張錄音室專輯《The Tortured Poets Department》。她以真正的斯威夫特風格,利用主要的串流媒體和社交媒體平台,用一系列神秘的線索來戲弄粉絲。
Apple Music has intriguingly altered its biography on its social media platform, encouraging users to decode cryptic messages concealed within the lyrics of Swift's previous songs on the service. Spotify, not to be outdone, hosted a pop-up event in Los Angeles featuring a poetry library filled with subtle references to the forthcoming album.
Apple Music 有趣地改變了其社交媒體平台上的傳記,鼓勵用戶解讀斯威夫特之前在該服務上歌曲的歌詞中隱藏的神秘信息。 Spotify 也不甘示弱,在洛杉磯舉辦了一場快閃活動,其中包括一個詩歌庫,其中充滿了對即將發行的專輯的微妙引用。
The eagerness of music streaming platforms to participate in this elaborate rollout is understandable, given that six of Swift's previous albums have sold an astonishing one million copies within the first week of release.
鑑於斯威夫特之前的六張專輯在發行第一周內就售出了驚人的 100 萬張,音樂串流平台急於參與這一精心設計的推出是可以理解的。
Google Fires 28 Employees After Protest Against Israel Contract
谷歌因抗議以色列合約解僱 28 名員工
In a dramatic turn of events, Google has terminated the employment of 28 employees following a sit-in protest against the company's cloud contract with the Israeli government. This action comes after nine employees were initially suspended and subsequently arrested for participating in the demonstration.
事態發生了戲劇性的轉變,在靜坐抗議該公司與以色列政府簽訂雲端合約後,谷歌終止了 28 名員工的僱傭關係。這項行動是在九名員工因參加示威活動而最初被停職並隨後被捕之後發生的。
In a memorandum issued by Google, the company alleged that the protesting workers engaged in "taking over office spaces" and "defacing our property." However, the organization behind the protests, known as No Tech for Apartheid, countered that the firings were clearly retaliatory.
Indonesian Volcano Triggered Tsunami Warning After Eruption
Authorities in Indonesia ordered the evacuation of thousands of residents on Thursday after the Ruang volcano in the North Sulawesi province erupted several times over the previous 24 hours. This volatile activity triggered a tsunami warning, prompting the temporary closure of the nearest international airport in Manado. As of now, massive columns of smoke and ash continue to billow from the volcano.
北蘇拉威西省魯昂火山在過去 24 小時內多次噴發後,印尼當局週四下令疏散數千名居民。這場不穩定的活動引發了海嘯警報,促使最近的萬鴉老國際機場暫時關閉。截至目前,大量煙霧和火山灰繼續從火山滾滾而出。
Bitcoin Halving Event: A Potential Catalyst for Market Volatility
The highly anticipated bitcoin halving event is expected to occur within the next few days. This phenomenon, embedded in the bitcoin ecosystem every four years, reduces the supply of the cryptocurrency. Historically, such events have been associated with a surge in demand for bitcoin, leading to an increase in its price.
In anticipation of this halving, some experts speculate that similar dynamics may play out, resulting in renewed interest in bitcoin and potential price appreciation.
Tesla Shareholders to Vote on Reinstatement of Elon Musk's Controversial Compensation
Despite Tesla's subpar performance in recent times, the automaker's annual meeting in June will include a shareholder vote on reinstating CEO Elon Musk's multi-billion-dollar pay package. This decision comes months after a Delaware judge ruled that the original package was excessive.
儘管特斯拉最近表現不佳,但該汽車製造商 6 月的年度會議將包括股東投票,以恢復執行長 Elon Musk 的數十億美元薪酬方案。這項決定是在特拉華州法官裁定最初的套餐過多後幾個月做出的。
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Tesla's board chair, Robyn Denholm, expressed her support for the proposal. She argued that it would motivate Musk to continue driving innovation and growth at Tesla, as his personal wealth is tied to the value of its shares.
在向美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 提交的文件中,特斯拉董事會主席羅賓·丹霍姆 (Robyn Denholm) 表達了對該提案的支持。她認為,這將激勵馬斯克繼續推動特斯拉的創新和成長,因為他的個人財富與特斯拉股票的價值掛鉤。
Larry Connor's Calculated Risks Yield Lucrative Returns in Real Estate
拉里·康納(Larry Connor)精心計算的風險在房地產領域帶來了豐厚的回報
Since co-founding the Connor Group in 1991, Larry Connor has achieved remarkable success in real estate, specifically in luxury apartments. His innovative investment strategy, which has consistently generated an annual return rate of 30.4%, is almost unparalleled in the industry.
自 1991 年共同創立康納集團以來,拉里·康納在房地產領域,特別是豪華公寓領域取得了巨大的成功。他創新的投資策略,始終維持30.4%的年報酬率,在業界幾乎是無與倫比的。
Connor attributes his winning formula to a willingness to take calculated risks. As he puts it, "You need to be willing to take calculated risk, not stupid risk." This philosophy has guided his journey, from space travel to fighter jet piloting.
Forbes Uncovers Google's Failure to Curb AI-Generated Pornography
A recent Forbes investigation revealed that Google's platform hosted numerous YouTube videos promoting the use of AI applications and websites to remove clothing from images of women. This alarming discovery underscores the increasing prevalence of AI-generated deepfake pornography, including that involving children.
《富比士》最近的一項調查顯示,Google平台託管了大量 YouTube 視頻,宣傳使用人工智慧應用程式和網站去除女性圖像中的衣服。這項令人震驚的發現凸顯了人工智慧產生的深度偽造色情內容(包括涉及兒童的內容)日益盛行。
In response to Forbes' inquiry, Google removed all 27 advertisements and YouTube took down 11 channels and over 120 videos that violated its policies.
作為對《富比士》調查的回應,Google刪除了全部 27 個廣告,YouTube 也刪除了違反其政策的 11 個頻道和 120 多個影片。
AI Startup Secures Funding to Extract Value from AI Models
In 2022, entrepreneur Benjamin Harvey initiated a LinkedIn message to former TIAA CEO Roger Ferguson about his AI startup, AI Squared. Two years later, the company has closed a $13.8 million Series A funding round, with Ferguson serving as a major investor.
2022 年,企業家 Benjamin Harvey 在 LinkedIn 上向前 TIAA 執行長 Roger Ferguson 發起了一條關於他的人工智慧新創公司 AI Squared 的訊息。兩年後,該公司完成了 1,380 萬美元的 A 輪融資,弗格森是主要投資者。
Founded in 2019, AI Squared specializes in extracting meaningful insights from AI models and machine learning algorithms. This software enables real-time measurement and evaluation of business outcomes.
AI Squared 成立於 2019 年,專注於從人工智慧模型和機器學習演算法中提取有意義的見解。該軟體可以即時測量和評估業務成果。
Combat Sports Industry Explodes with UFC and WWE Dominating
UFC 和 WWE 佔據主導地位,格鬥體育產業爆炸性地成長
With MMA, wrestling, and boxing gaining mainstream popularity, these sports are competing for a similar audience and aggressively seeking funding to sustain their growth. UFC currently reigns as the most valuable combat sports promotion in 2024, boasting a $11.3 billion valuation. WWE, valued at $6.8 billion, follows closely behind after merging with UFC under the TKO Holdings umbrella last year.
隨著綜合格鬥、摔角和拳擊逐漸成為主流,這些運動正在爭奪類似的觀眾,並積極尋求資金來維持其成長。 UFC 目前是 2024 年最有價值的格鬥運動賽事,估值達 113 億美元。估值 68 億美元的 WWE 緊隨其後,去年與 TKO Holdings 旗下的 UFC 合併。
However, the industry has faced a setback with Toronto Raptors forward Jontay Porter receiving a lifetime ban from the NBA for unethical betting practices. This incident highlights concerns about the potential impact of legalized sports betting on professional sports.
然而,該行業面臨挫折,多倫多暴龍隊前鋒喬泰波特因不道德的投注行為而被 NBA 終身禁賽。這起事件凸顯了人們對體育博彩合法化對職業運動潛在影響的擔憂。
United Airlines Incurred Substantial Losses from Boeing 737 Max 9 Grounding
聯合航空因波音 737 Max 9 停飛而遭受重大損失
United Airlines experienced a $200 million financial blow due to the Federal Aviation Administration's grounding of the Boeing 737 Max 9. This forced the airline to cancel thousands of flights over several weeks. While the aircraft has since returned to service, ongoing challenges with Boeing continue to hamper United's operations.
由於美國聯邦航空管理局停飛波音 737 Max 9,聯合航空遭受了 2 億美元的財務打擊。雖然該飛機現已恢復使用,但波音公司持續面臨的挑戰持續阻礙美聯航的營運。
Veradigm's Bold Bet on AI to Resuscitate Medical Records Giant
Veradigm 大膽押注人工智慧以復興醫療記錄巨頭
Veradigm, a struggling electronic health records company, is placing its future in the hands of ScienceIO, a small AI startup. This move comes after Veradigm reached a $145 million settlement with the Department of Justice, sold off its unprofitable hospital business, and underwent a period of financial uncertainty.
Veradigm 是一家苦苦掙扎的電子健康記錄公司,它把自己的未來交給了一家小型人工智慧新創公司 ScienceIO。此舉是在 Veradigm 與司法部達成 1.45 億美元和解、出售其不盈利的醫院業務並經歷一段財務不確定期之後做出的。
The acquisition of ScienceIO for $140 million underpins interim CEO Yin Ho's plan to revive the company. Ho envisions using ScienceIO's generative AI models to unlock the value of Veradigm's vast medical data repository.
以 1.4 億美元收購 ScienceIO 鞏固了臨時執行長 Yin Ho 重振公司的計畫。 Ho 設想使用 ScienceIO 的生成式人工智慧模型來釋放 Veradigm 龐大的醫療資料儲存庫的價值。
ScienceIO's models accelerate the laborious process of cleaning and structuring unstructured medical notes, reducing the completion time from months to days. Veradigm intends to apply this technology to its three decades' worth of data, encompassing 200 million patient records and 5 billion notes. Unlike data from academic medical centers, Veradigm's data provides insights into healthcare in rural America.
ScienceIO 的模型加速了清理和建構非結構化醫療記錄的繁瑣過程,將完成時間從幾個月縮短到幾天。 Veradigm 打算將此技術應用於其三十年的數據,包括 2 億筆病患記錄和 50 億筆筆記。與學術醫療中心的數據不同,Veradigm 的數據提供了對美國農村醫療保健的見解。
Veradigm plans to sell de-identified patient health data to pharmaceutical companies seeking to understand how individuals respond to medications outside of clinical trial settings. This move aligns with the growing importance of real-world data in expediting drug approval processes and reducing costs.
Veradigm 計劃向製藥公司出售去識別化的患者健康數據,以了解個人對臨床試驗環境以外的藥物的反應。這項措施符合現實世界數據在加速藥物審批流程和降低成本方面日益增長的重要性。
Russia Initiates Influence Campaign Ahead of US Elections
According to Microsoft's Threat Analysis Center, Russia has commenced a disinformation campaign targeting the upcoming US presidential election. However, this phase lags behind previous election cycles, likely due to the less competitive primary season.
Seeking Employment Beyond Job Boards
While platforms such as LinkedIn and Indeed are valuable job search resources, there are numerous opportunities that go unadvertised. Industries with significant venture capital or private equity activity may maintain in-house talent networks. Local and state government websites, alumni networks, and industry trade publications offer additional avenues for job seekers to explore.
雖然 LinkedIn 和 Indeed 等平台是寶貴的求職資源,但仍有大量機會未被宣傳。擁有大量創投或私募股權活動的行業可能會維持內部人才網絡。地方和州政府網站、校友網路和行業貿易出版物為求職者提供了更多探索途徑。
Elon Musk Polls Twitter Users on Reviving Social Media Platform
Billionaire Elon Musk recently conducted a poll on X, asking his followers whether the company should revive a popular social media platform from the past. The options included Vine, MySpace, Omegle, and Friendster. Answer: A. Vine
億萬富翁埃隆馬斯克最近對 X 進行了一項民意調查,詢問他的追隨者該公司是否應該復興過去流行的社交媒體平台。這些選項包括 Vine、MySpace、Omegle 和 Friendster。答案:A. 藤
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