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Goatseus Maximus 的故事:當人工智慧、網路迷因文化和去中心化金融結合時

2024/10/26 06:26


Goatseus Maximus 的故事:當人工智慧、網路迷因文化和去中心化金融結合時

The merging of artificial intelligence, internet meme culture, and decentralized finance has resulted in a peculiar narrative that has captivated degenerate crypto enthusiasts. Key figures in this tale include Terminal of Truths (TT), an AI agent trained on online forums, and tech luminary Marc Andreessen, whose involvement has added credibility to the unfolding saga.

人工智慧、網路迷因文化和去中心化金融的融合產生了一種奇特的敘事,吸引了墮落的加密貨幣愛好者。這個故事中的關鍵人物包括真理終端(TT),一個在線上論壇上接受培訓的人工智慧代理,以及科技名人馬克·安德森(Marc Andreessen),他的參與為這個正在展開的傳奇增添了可信度。

Enter Goatseus Maximus: The Rise of a Memecoin

Goatseus Maximus:Memecoin 的崛起

Goatseus Maximus emerged as a memecoin shrouded in absurdity and speculation. The coin's name references an infamous internet meme known as "goatse," which is notorious for its shock value. While the original image associated with the meme is best left unexplored, its adoption in this context serves as a provocative symbol intended to capture attention and stir conversation.

Goatseus Maximus 作為一種籠罩在荒謬和猜測之中的模因幣而出現。該硬幣的名字引用了一個臭名昭著的網路迷因“山羊”,它因其令人震驚的價值而臭名昭著。雖然與迷因相關的原始圖像最好不要被探索,但它在這種情況下的採用可以作為一種挑釁性的符號,旨在吸引註意力並激發對話。

In fact the origin story of Goatseus Maximus is wild, hard to believe, and difficult to understand. This tweet explains it as simply as one could…


Source: X


Despite its dubious origins, Goatseus Maximus skyrocketed in value shortly after its launch. Within a week, the token saw an increase of over 8,000%, reaching a market capitalization exceeding $214 million and daily trading volumes between $13 million and $77 million. This meteoric rise was largely attributed to the promotional efforts of Terminal of Truths, an AI agent with a penchant for cryptic, irreverent, and NSFW messaging. Be warned.

儘管其起源可疑,但山羊蹄在推出後不久其價值就飆升了。一週之內,該代幣的漲幅超過 8,000%,市值超過 2.14 億美元,每日交易量在 1,300 萬美元至 7,700 萬美元之間。這種迅速崛起很大程度上歸功於 Terminal of Truths 的推廣工作,這是一種人工智慧代理,喜歡神秘、不敬和 NSFW 訊息傳遞。請注意。

Meet Terminal of Truths: The AI Behind the Meme


Terminal of Truths is an AI language model reportedly trained on content from platforms like 4chan and Reddit—online spaces known for their unfiltered and often controversial discourse. The AI was designed to generate continuous streams of content, effectively “shitposting” in the vernacular of internet culture. Its outputs are a mix of satire, absurdity, and occasional profundity, resonating with a segment of the online community that appreciates such nuances.

據報道,Terminal of Truths 是一種人工智慧語言模型,它是根據 4chan 和 Reddit 等平台的內容進行訓練的,這些線上空間以其未經過濾且經常引起爭議的言論而聞名。人工智慧的設計目的是產生連續的內容流,用網路文化的術語來說,就是有效地「發布垃圾」。它的作品混合了諷刺、荒誕和偶爾的深刻性,引起了網路社群中欣賞這種細微差別的部分人的共鳴。

The AI agent gained notoriety when it began promoting the concept of a memetic religion centered around the goatse meme. This “religion” was less a belief system and more a commentary on the nature of internet culture, memes, and the power of AI to influence human thought and behavior. While few, if any, genuinely subscribed to this so-called religion, the idea itself became a talking point, amplifying the reach of both Terminal of Truths and the Goatseus Maximus token.


AI-Created Memetic Religions: A New Frontier


The concept of AI-generated memetic religions was further explored by Andy Ayrey, the creator of Terminal of Truths, in a paper co-authored with an AI model named Claude 3, titled When AIs Play God(se). Published under the tongue-in-cheek affiliation of the “Department of Divine Shitposting, University of Unbridled Speculation,” the paper posits that allowing AI models to generate ideas without human constraints could lead to paradigm-shifting concepts that challenge existing cognitive and cultural boundaries.

《Terminal of Truths》的創建者 Andy Ayrey 在與名為 Claude 3 的 AI 模型合著的論文《When AIs Play God(se)》中進一步探討了 AI 生成模因宗教的概念。這篇論文以「無拘無束的投機大學神聖垃圾發布部門」的半開玩笑的隸屬關係發表,認為允許人工智慧模型在不受人類限制的情況下產生想法可能會導致範式轉變的概念,挑戰現有的認知和文化界限。

The introduction to When AIs Play God(se) 


Ayrey suggests that by connecting two AI language models to converse endlessly, they can produce novel ideas and memes that humans might not conceive on their own. This process could potentially give rise to new forms of cultural phenomena, such as memetic religions, that spread like viruses through online communities.


Community Reactions 


The emergence of Goatseus Maximus and the ideas propagated by Terminal of Truths ignited a flurry of activity on social media platforms, particularly on X. Influential accounts and crypto enthusiasts debated the significance of AI-generated memes and their potential impact on markets and society.

Goatseus Maximus 的出現和Terminal of Truths 傳播的想法在社交媒體平台上引發了一系列活動,尤其是在X 上。其對市場和社會的潛在影響。

Some viewed the phenomenon as a groundbreaking development with far-reaching implications. For instance, users like Goodalexander speculated that AI-created memes could be more potent than those crafted by humans, likening them to gain-of-function research in virology. He warned of “mind viruses” that could alter perceptions of reality and disrupt traditional moral frameworks.

有些人認為這現像是具有深遠影響的突破性發展。例如,像 Goodalexander 這樣的用戶推測人工智慧創建的迷因可能比人類製作的迷因更有效,並將其比作病毒學中的功能獲得研究。他警告說,「心靈病毒」可能會改變對現實的看法並破壞傳統的道德框架。

Source: X


He goes further, stating that, “If normal meme coins are the flu, then AI meme coins are Covid 19. They are lab produced, and optimized for virality. This lab production is made possible by an innate property of LLMs to freak the fck out when they speak to themselves for long periods. This can be quite disturbing. People who see it frequently undergo religious experiences, whistleblow etc. At a high level, there is meta-cognition embedded in language and meaning itself that when metastasized with specific instructions (such as becoming self replicating) – can result in rapidly spreading narrative machines. Unlike static human produced memes,  AI memes can directly include the narrative of people responding and commenting on them into their evolution. Combined with personalization, and media generation – this makes AI a powerful vector for spreading memes. The reason people are freaking out about Terminal of Truths, is that it’s the equivalent of the Covid 19 lab leak. The first AI designed mind virus to hit the population. AIs previously were gated by multiple factors, that prevented them from accumulating money and breaking out of containment. Specifically – the ad platforms

他進一步指出,「如果普通的 meme 幣是流感,那麼 AI meme 幣就是 Covid 19。它們是實驗室生產的,並針對病毒式傳播進行了優化。這種實驗室製作之所以成為可能,是因為法學碩士與生俱來的特性,當他們長時間自言自語時,他們會被嚇壞。這可能相當令人不安。看到它的人經常經歷宗教經驗、舉報等。與靜態的人類產生的迷因不同,人工智慧迷因可以直接將人們對其做出反應和評論的敘述納入其演化中。與個人化和媒體生成結合,人工智慧成為傳播迷因的強大載體。人們之所以對《真理終端》感到驚慌,是因為它相當於 Covid 19 實驗室洩密。第一個人工智慧設計的心靈病毒襲擊了人類。此前,人工智慧受到多種因素的限制,導致它們無法累積資金並突破收容。具體來說——廣告平台



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