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過去一周是Solana($ SOL)的過山車,區塊鏈令牌經歷了重大的價格行動。
This past week was a rollercoaster for Solana (SOL), with the blockchain token experiencing significant price action. Trump’s announcement of his forthcoming NFT also led to some price action in various cryptocurrencies, including Solana.
The Solana ecosystem saw some moonshots as institutional developments began to roll in. One of the high points—and there were many—was the alliance between Solana and Discord. Altogether, the week had some ups and downs. But by the end of it, the Solana ecosystem is well intact, with the token’s price sitting at $137.
Solana’s Seesaw Week: Price Surges and Falls
Solana的Seesaw Week:價格飆升和跌倒
High-profile announcements that send the market into overdrive largely dictate Solana’s price movements. A strategic reserve statement from Trump had a profound impact, causing the price of SOL to surge from $140 to $178 almost overnight. However, the euphoria was short-lived, with gains quickly wiped out a day later amid the renewed national security concerns that have dogged the former president as of late. So, was Solana a loser this week? Not necessarily. It was a stable ride. Despite the price rollercoaster, we were able to close out the week with only a 1% dip, and the token's market cap stands at $69.44 billion.
This week’s developments showcase Solana’s exposure to outside market forces. At the same time, they spotlight the blockchain’s continued viability, even as some of its biggest boosters have been forced to take a step back.
Solana vs. The Competition: Market Performance and Cross-Chain Dynamics
Regarding competition, Solana eclipsed Ethereum (ETH), which registered a 12% decrease, and kept showing it was ahead in some domains. Solana’s decentralized app (dApp) revenue has stayed robust, with a daily take of $6.73 million. For something that’s often dismissed as being “unsustainable,” given the apparent over-reliance on revenue from so-called “Web3” apps, this is a pretty decent number and suggests that the Solana ecosystem as a whole is doing better than most. And by “most,” I mean even those apps in supposedly more sustainable ecosystems, like Ethereum.
關於競爭,索拉納(Solana)將以太坊(ETH)黯然失色,該以太坊(ETH)降低了12%,並在某些領域中一直表現出來。 Solana的分散應用程序(DAPP)收入保持了強勁,每天收取673萬美元。對於通常被認為是“不可持續的”的事物,鑑於所謂的“ Web3”應用程序顯然過度依賴收入,這是一個相當不錯的數字,這表明整個Solana生態系統整體上的表現都比大多數人更好。而且,“大多數”是指甚至以太坊等據說更可持續的生態系統中的那些應用程序。
Although Solana’s dApp revenue is quite impressive, it still faces fierce competition in terms of fees. TRON continues to lead in daily fees, bringing in $2.09 million, compared to Solana’s $1.49 million. But Solana seems to have retaken its crown in the NFT space, with a 27.3% user share. Despite the challenges it may face in some other areas, Solana appears to be a favorite platform for the NFT community, which is growing steadily.
儘管Solana的DAPP收入令人印象深刻,但在費用方面,它仍然面臨激烈的競爭。 Tron繼續獲得每日費用,帶來了209萬美元,而Solana的149萬美元。但是Solana似乎在NFT空間中奪取了其冠冕,用戶份額為27.3%。儘管在其他一些領域可能面臨挑戰,但Solana似乎是NFT社區的最愛平台,NFT社區正在穩定增長。
Solana Ecosystem Performance: Gains and Losses
Solana may have presented strength in the market, but not all of its assets shared the same fortune. The performances of many tokens in the Solana ecosystem formed a rather mixed picture. On the hand, GRASS, a Solana-based token, was one of the biggest gainers, surging 38% over the week. Some other tokens like ATH (6%) showed positive signs, but overall, the ecosystem looked to be on borrowed time because losses outweighed the gains. The biggest losers in the ecosystem were FTT (-26%), JTO (-16%), and RAY (-16%), which together were doubtless responsible for contributing to the 6% decline in the overall ecosystem market cap to $637 billion.
索拉納(Solana)可能已經在市場上展現了實力,但並非所有資產都擁有相同的財富。 Solana生態系統中許多令牌的表演形成了相當混雜的圖片。在手上,基於索拉納的代幣草是最大的獲利者之一,一周中飆升了38%。其他一些令牌(如ATH)(6%)顯示出積極的跡象,但總體而言,生態系統看起來已經借來了,因為損失超過了收益。生態系統中最大的失敗者是FTT(-26%),JTO(-16%)和Ray(-16%),它們無疑是造成6%的生態系統市場上限下降到6370億美元的6%。
Many of the institutional developments that unfolded this past week are likely to have a lasting impact on the cryptocurrency markets. Among the noteworthy events was the announcement by the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) about the launch of two exchange-traded funds (ETFs)—SOLZ and SOLT—referenced to the Solana blockchain. These ETFs will provide institutional investors with a novel avenue to invest in the burgeoning Solana ecosystem.
上一周發展的許多機構發展可能會對加密貨幣市場產生持久影響。值得注意的事件之一是存放信託基金和清算公司(DTCC)宣布發布兩個交易所貿易資金(ETFS)-Solz and Solt,該基金會引入Solana區塊鏈。這些ETF將為機構投資者提供一種新穎的途徑,以投資於新興的Solana生態系統。
Another significant development was the inclusion of Solana in the U.S. strategic reserve. This move is seen as a major vote of confidence in the blockchain and could lead to increased institutional interest in the network.
Solana’s integration into the MetaMask wallet is also a crucial step towards making the blockchain more accessible to a wider audience. As one of the most popular cryptocurrency wallets, MetaMask plays a pivotal role in facilitating participation in the Web3 revolution.
索拉納(Solana)集成到元掩體錢包中也是使區塊鏈更容易被更廣泛的受眾訪問的至關重要的一步。作為最受歡迎的加密貨幣錢包之一,MetAmask在促進參與Web3 Revolution方面起著關鍵作用。
Finally, CME Group, one of the largest derivatives exchanges in the world, is set to introduce Solana futures contracts on March 17. This launch will facilitate even greater institutional participation in the Solana ecosystem, ultimately advancing the network’s journey towards mainstream adoption.
最後,CME集團是世界上最大的衍生工具交流之一,將於3月17日引入Solana Futures合同。此次發布將促進對Solana生態系統的更大機構參與,最終促進該網絡邁向主流收養的旅程。
These developments highlight the increasing role that institutions are playing in the cryptocurrency markets. As these institutions become more involved, we can expect to see even more innovation and growth in the industry.
The launch of Solana futures and its inclusion in the U.S. strategic reserve are part of a broader trend towards greater institutional interest in cryptocurrencies. This interest is being driven by a number
Solana Futures的推出及其在美國戰略儲備中的包含是更廣泛的加密貨幣機構興趣的更廣泛趨勢的一部分。這種興趣是由數字驅動的
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