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この1週間は、Solana($ sol)のジェットコースターであり、ブロックチェーントークンが重要な価格アクションを経験していました。
This past week was a rollercoaster for Solana (SOL), with the blockchain token experiencing significant price action. Trump’s announcement of his forthcoming NFT also led to some price action in various cryptocurrencies, including Solana.
The Solana ecosystem saw some moonshots as institutional developments began to roll in. One of the high points—and there were many—was the alliance between Solana and Discord. Altogether, the week had some ups and downs. But by the end of it, the Solana ecosystem is well intact, with the token’s price sitting at $137.
Solana Ecosystemは、制度の発展が巻き込まれ始めたときにいくつかのムーンショットを見ました。高いポイントの1つであり、多くがありました。全体として、今週にはいくつかの浮き沈みがありました。しかし、終わりまでに、Solana Ecosystemは非常に無傷で、トークンの価格は137ドルになります。
Solana’s Seesaw Week: Price Surges and Falls
High-profile announcements that send the market into overdrive largely dictate Solana’s price movements. A strategic reserve statement from Trump had a profound impact, causing the price of SOL to surge from $140 to $178 almost overnight. However, the euphoria was short-lived, with gains quickly wiped out a day later amid the renewed national security concerns that have dogged the former president as of late. So, was Solana a loser this week? Not necessarily. It was a stable ride. Despite the price rollercoaster, we were able to close out the week with only a 1% dip, and the token's market cap stands at $69.44 billion.
This week’s developments showcase Solana’s exposure to outside market forces. At the same time, they spotlight the blockchain’s continued viability, even as some of its biggest boosters have been forced to take a step back.
Solana vs. The Competition: Market Performance and Cross-Chain Dynamics
Solana vs. The Competition:市場のパフォーマンスとクロスチェーンダイナミクス
Regarding competition, Solana eclipsed Ethereum (ETH), which registered a 12% decrease, and kept showing it was ahead in some domains. Solana’s decentralized app (dApp) revenue has stayed robust, with a daily take of $6.73 million. For something that’s often dismissed as being “unsustainable,” given the apparent over-reliance on revenue from so-called “Web3” apps, this is a pretty decent number and suggests that the Solana ecosystem as a whole is doing better than most. And by “most,” I mean even those apps in supposedly more sustainable ecosystems, like Ethereum.
競争に関して、ソラナはイーサリアム(ETH)をeclipsedし、12%の減少を記録し、一部のドメインで先に進んでいることを示し続けました。 Solanaの分散型アプリ(DAPP)の収益は堅牢であり、毎日の1日は673万ドルです。いわゆる「Web3」アプリからの収益に対する明らかな過度の依存を考えると、しばしば「持続不可能」として却下されることが多いもののために、これはかなりまともな数であり、Solanaエコシステム全体がほとんどよりもうまくやっていることを示唆しています。そして、「ほとんど」とは、Ethereumのように、おそらくより持続可能な生態系のアプリでさえも意味します。
Although Solana’s dApp revenue is quite impressive, it still faces fierce competition in terms of fees. TRON continues to lead in daily fees, bringing in $2.09 million, compared to Solana’s $1.49 million. But Solana seems to have retaken its crown in the NFT space, with a 27.3% user share. Despite the challenges it may face in some other areas, Solana appears to be a favorite platform for the NFT community, which is growing steadily.
SolanaのDapp収益は非常に印象的ですが、料金の面ではまだ激しい競争に直面しています。 Tronは、Solanaの149万ドルと比較して、毎日の料金で引き続きリードし、209万ドルを持ち込みました。しかし、ソラナは27.3%のユーザーシェアで、NFTスペースでその冠を奪取したようです。他のいくつかの分野で直面する可能性のある課題にもかかわらず、ソラナはNFTコミュニティのお気に入りのプラットフォームであるように見えますが、それは着実に成長しています。
Solana Ecosystem Performance: Gains and Losses
Solana Ecosystem Performance:利益と損失
Solana may have presented strength in the market, but not all of its assets shared the same fortune. The performances of many tokens in the Solana ecosystem formed a rather mixed picture. On the hand, GRASS, a Solana-based token, was one of the biggest gainers, surging 38% over the week. Some other tokens like ATH (6%) showed positive signs, but overall, the ecosystem looked to be on borrowed time because losses outweighed the gains. The biggest losers in the ecosystem were FTT (-26%), JTO (-16%), and RAY (-16%), which together were doubtless responsible for contributing to the 6% decline in the overall ecosystem market cap to $637 billion.
ソラナは市場で強さを示したかもしれませんが、その資産のすべてが同じ財産を共有しているわけではありません。 Solana Ecosystemの多くのトークンのパフォーマンスは、かなり複雑な画像を形成しました。手で、ソラナを拠点とするトークンである草は、最大の獲得者の1人であり、1週間で38%を急増させました。 ATH(6%)のような他のトークンの一部は肯定的な兆候を示しましたが、全体として、エコシステムは損失が利益を上回ったため、借りた時間にあるように見えました。生態系の最大の敗者は、FTT(-26%)、JTO(-16%)、およびRay(-16%)でした。
Many of the institutional developments that unfolded this past week are likely to have a lasting impact on the cryptocurrency markets. Among the noteworthy events was the announcement by the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) about the launch of two exchange-traded funds (ETFs)—SOLZ and SOLT—referenced to the Solana blockchain. These ETFs will provide institutional investors with a novel avenue to invest in the burgeoning Solana ecosystem.
先週展開した制度的発展の多くは、暗号通貨市場に永続的な影響を与える可能性があります。注目に値するイベントの中には、Solanaブロックチェーンに参照されている2つのExchange-Traded Funds(ETFS)(SolzとSolt)の立ち上げに関するDepository Trust&Clearing Corporation(DTCC)による発表がありました。これらのETFは、機関投資家に、急成長するソラナの生態系に投資するための新しい手段を提供します。
Another significant development was the inclusion of Solana in the U.S. strategic reserve. This move is seen as a major vote of confidence in the blockchain and could lead to increased institutional interest in the network.
Solana’s integration into the MetaMask wallet is also a crucial step towards making the blockchain more accessible to a wider audience. As one of the most popular cryptocurrency wallets, MetaMask plays a pivotal role in facilitating participation in the Web3 revolution.
Finally, CME Group, one of the largest derivatives exchanges in the world, is set to introduce Solana futures contracts on March 17. This launch will facilitate even greater institutional participation in the Solana ecosystem, ultimately advancing the network’s journey towards mainstream adoption.
These developments highlight the increasing role that institutions are playing in the cryptocurrency markets. As these institutions become more involved, we can expect to see even more innovation and growth in the industry.
The launch of Solana futures and its inclusion in the U.S. strategic reserve are part of a broader trend towards greater institutional interest in cryptocurrencies. This interest is being driven by a number
Solana Futuresの立ち上げと米国の戦略保護区に含まれることは、暗号通貨に対する制度的関心の強化へのより広範な傾向の一部です。この関心は数によって推進されています
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- デジタル通貨に対する米国政府の立場は急速に変化し続けています
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- 継続的な認識にもかかわらず、これらの有名な資産は現在購入するのに最適な暗号を表していません