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Meme Coins Home » Meme Coins » 儘管發生 事件,Solana meme 幣仍飆升 210% 儘管 Gino Matos May 發生 事件,Solana meme 幣仍飆升 210%。 2024 年 12 月 17 日,Solana meme 幣在 漏洞後,不顧市場反彈。分享此文章

Meme coin marketplace was attacked by a former team member yesterday, resulting in halted trading, users unable to liquidate their tokens, and the platform losing $1.9 million, according to a May 16 post-mortem. Despite this episode, the meme coin sector on Solana stood firmly in the last 24 hours, with tokens making two-digit leaps.
根據 5 月 16 日的事後分析,URL Copied Meme 代幣市場 昨天遭到一名前團隊成員的攻擊,導致交易停止,用戶無法清算其代幣,平台損失 190 萬美元。儘管發生了這一事件,Solana 上的 meme 幣板塊在過去 24 小時內仍保持穩定,代幣數量實現了兩位數的飛躍。
The best performance in the period was registered by DogeBoy (DOGB), with a nearly 210% upside, while Pepe Trump (PTRUMP) also saw significant positive movement of 67.5%. Maga VP (MVP), another Trump-themed token, is also among the biggest winners in the period, presenting almost a 31% price advance.
在此期間表現最好的是 DogeBoy (DOGB),上漲了近 210%,而佩佩·川普 (PTRUMP) 也出現了 67.5% 的大幅上漲。另一種以川普為主題的代幣 Maga VP (MVP) 也是這段時期的最大贏家之一,價格上漲了近 31%。
On the cat-coins front, MANEKI has shown 34% growth in the past 24 hours at the time of writing, a movement that made its market cap surpass $91 million. UpSideDownCat (USDC) surged almost 54% in the same period, and the cat Chipi (CHIPI) showed a 72% upside.
在貓幣方面,截至撰寫本文時,MANEKI 在過去 24 小時內成長了 34%,這一變動使其市值超過 9,100 萬美元。 UpSideDownCat (USDC) 同期飆升近 54%,貓咪 Chipi (CHIPI) 則上漲 72%。