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Shiba Inu (SHIB) 與 Rexas Finance (RXS):為什麼 Shiba Inu 不是安全的選擇

2024/10/26 19:21


Shiba Inu (SHIB) 與 Rexas Finance (RXS):為什麼 Shiba Inu 不是安全的選擇

Investors are turning their attention to trending tokens as the cryptocurrency market continues to expand and change. One name that frequently appears is Shiba Inu (SHIB). However, while Shiba Inu may pique the interest of many due to its association with meme culture, it is critical to examine the growth potential of such investments over time. In comparison to Shiba Inu, the same investment in Rexas Finance over five months would likely yield a significantly higher return.

隨著加密貨幣市場的不斷擴大和變化,投資者正在將注意力轉向趨勢代幣。常出現的名字是柴犬(SHIB)。然而,雖然柴犬可能因其與迷因文化的聯繫而引起許多人的興趣,但隨著時間的推移,審視此類投資的成長潛力至關重要。與 Shiba Inu 相比,在 Rexas Finance 五個月內進行相同的投資可能會產生明顯更高的回報。

Here's why Shiba Inu isn't a sure thing:


Prior to the hype around meme tokens like Shiba Inu (SHIB) crashing down, many investors viewed it as the next best thing. However, Shiba Inu now appears to fall well outside of speculative assets, as it is largely dependent on social media activities. With the adoption of cryptocurrencies on a downward trend and even Bitcoin having its struggles, market sentiment with Shiba Inu is not promising. The July-August period of 2021 might have seen the price of SHIB go astronomically high, but the only thing going up are the risks associated with holding SHIB over the long term or bear seasons.

在柴犬(SHIB)等迷因代幣的炒作崩潰之前,許多投資者將其視為下一個最好的選擇。然而,柴犬現在似乎遠遠超出了投機資產的範圍,因為它在很大程度上依賴社交媒體活動。隨著加密貨幣的採用呈下降趨勢,甚至比特幣也陷入困境,柴犬的市場情緒並不樂觀。 2021 年 7 月至 8 月期間,SHIB 的價格可能會達到天文數字般的高位,但唯一上漲的是長期或熊市持有 SHIB 相關的風險。

Shiba Inu has been able to sustain some trading but its longevity and viability are questionable, mostly because they are still so new and lack self-sustainable utility. Investors who liquidated or put a large net worth into SHIB are likely to be disappointed with returns because the metric of gains or percent difference will not be favorable. Overall, Shiba Inu does not offer the growth or stability that most of the serious investors are looking for for long-term strategic purposes. Let's now look at a coin that has much more potential than Shiba Inu: Rexas Finance, which is much safer and has much more lucrative real-world options to utilize.

柴犬已經能夠維持一些貿易,但其壽命和生存能力值得懷疑,主要是因為它們仍然很新並且缺乏自我維持的效用。清算或將大量淨資產投入 SHIB 的投資者可能會對回報感到失望,因為收益或百分比差異的指標並不理想。整體而言,柴犬並沒有提供大多數嚴肅投資者出於長期策略目的而尋求的成長或穩定性。現在讓我們來看看比 Shiba Inu 更具潛力的硬幣:Rexas Finance,它更安全,並且在現實世界中擁有更有利可圖的選擇可供利用。

Rexas Finance (RXS): Make Global Real World Assets Liquid. Anytime, Anywhere.

Rexas Finance (RXS):使全球現實世界資產流動。隨時隨地。

The cryptocurrency industry is buzzing about Rexas Finance, which envisions the future of asset management through the idea of real-world asset (RWA) tokenization. While Shiba Inu feels like a meme without value other than hype, Rexas finance offers a practical solution: It enables people to own or represent virtually any real-world asset: real estate, artwork, commodities, or even intangible assets around the world.

加密貨幣產業正在熱議 Rexas Finance,該公司透過現實世界資產 (RWA) 代幣化的概念展望了資產管理的未來。雖然柴犬感覺像是一個除了炒作之外沒有任何價值的迷因,但Rexas 金融提供了一個實用的解決方案:它使人們能夠擁有或代表幾乎任何現實世界的資產:房地產、藝術品、商品,甚至世界各地的無形資產。

When it comes to Rexas Finance, the paradigm of asset management changes forever: it becomes more democratic, open, and efficient. Investors can trade several tokenized assets that they engage in unlike ever before and without the traditional barriers. Whether you’re an art aficionado who wants to liquidate some pieces of your collection or a landlord who wants to broaden his investment portfolio, Rexas Finance makes such possibilities and many more real.

當談到Rexas Finance時,資產管理的典範將永遠改變:它變得更加民主、開放和有效率。投資者可以交易他們所參與的多種代幣化資產,這與以往不同,並且沒有傳統的障礙。無論您是想要變現部分收藏品的藝術愛好者,還是想要擴大作品集的房東,Rexas Finance 都能讓這種可能性變得更加真實。

Rexas Finance Presale: The Golden Opportunity for HODLers

Rexas Finance 預售:HODLers 的黃金機會

Currently, the maximum token price is $0.060, as Rexas Finance reaches Presale Stage 4, where each RXS token costs $0.060. The presale is nearly 724.27% filled as it has raised $3,752,106 from the target amount of 5,450,000, with 81,701,750 tokens out of 110,000,000 tokens available having already been sold out. The Rexas Finance project is seeing an early stampede, with many investors moving fast to beat the anticipated increase in the token price.

目前,隨著 Rexas Finance 進入預售第 4 階段,每個 RXS 代幣的價格為 0.060 美元,代幣最高價格為 0.060 美元。預售已完成近 724.27%,從目標金額 5,450,000 籌集了 3,752,106 美元,其中 110,000,000 枚代幣中的 81,701,750 枚代幣已售罄。 Rexas Finance 計畫出現了早期的恐慌,許多投資者迅速採取行動,以應對代幣價格的預期上漲。

What makes this presale stand out is the listing price. For the first quarter of 2025, Rexas Finance is expected to be listed at $0.20. This means that people investing now at $0.060 will enjoy a 233% gain, which is an impressive return for investors who are willing to wait only a few months.

此次預售的亮點在於掛牌價格。 2025 年第一季度,Rexas Finance 預計上市價格為 0.20 美元。這意味著現在以 0.060 美元投資的人將享受 233% 的收益,這對於願意等待幾個月的投資者來說是一個令人印象深刻的回報。

For example, there is a chance that the investment of $1,000 in Rexas Finance will grow to $3,330 once the token lists at $0.20. This type of short-term gain is way better than anything that can be offered by Shiba Inu in this current market cycle.

例如,一旦代幣上市價格為 0.20 美元,Rexas Finance 的 1,000 美元投資有可能增加到 3,330 美元。這種短期收益比柴犬在當前市場週期中所能提供的任何收益都要好得多。

Click Here To Buy Rexas Finance (RXS) Presale

點擊此處購買 Rexas Finance (RXS) 預售

Shiba Inu’s Limited Gains while Rexas Finance Could Show Great Upside

Shiba Inu 漲幅有限,而 Rexas Finance 可能顯示巨大上漲空間

Shiba Inu was once praised for its rapid price hikes. However, that excitement waned over time. Market analysis currently believes that with some current prices in their favor, Shiba Inu will appreciate by approximately 30.5% in the coming months. While that may look alluring, let’s put things into perspective: that is only a 30.5% appreciation on a $1000 investment of the said coin. Invest just $1000 and one would only earn $305 in profit and $1305 all more or less now. Compare that with Rexas Finance’s forecasts of a 233% gain. As before mentioned, a $1

柴犬曾因價格上漲迅速而受到稱讚。然而,隨著時間的推移,這種興奮感逐漸減弱。目前市場分析認為,鑑於目前的一些價格對柴犬有利,未來幾個月柴犬將升值約 30.5%。雖然這看起來很誘人,但讓我們客觀地看待:投資 1000 美元的上述硬幣僅增值 30.5%。只需投資 1000 美元,您只能賺取 305 美元的利潤,現在或多或少為 1305 美元。與 Rexas Finance 預測的 233% 的漲幅相比。如前所述,1 美元



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