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21Shares 推出 21Shares Toncoin 質押 ETP,徹底改變了加密貨幣質押

2024/03/27 21:02

加密貨幣交易所交易產品 (ETP) 的領先發行商 21Shares 宣布推出 21Shares Toncoin Stake ETP,為投資者提供輕鬆參與質押生態系統並賺取獎勵的方式。 ETP 提供了對 Toncoin 的投資,Toncoin 是一種採用權益證明共識模型的去中心化第 1 層區塊鏈,無需設置和管理質押節點的複雜性。投資者可以利用傳統金融市場的流動性和便利性,同時受益於 TON 網路提供的質押獎勵。

21Shares 推出 21Shares Toncoin 質押 ETP,徹底改變了加密貨幣質押

21Shares Revolutionizes Crypto Investment with 21Shares Toncoin Staking ETP

21Shares 透過 21Shares Toncoin 質押 ETP 徹底改變了加密貨幣投資

ZURICH, March 27, 2024 – 21Shares AG ("21Shares"), the global leader in cryptocurrency exchange-traded products (ETPs) and a subsidiary of 21.co, today proudly unveils the launch of the 21Shares Toncoin Staking ETP. This groundbreaking product empowers investors with an unparalleled opportunity to seamlessly participate in the staking ecosystem and effortlessly earn rewards.

蘇黎世,2024 年 3 月 27 日 – 加密貨幣交易所交易產品 (ETP) 的全球領導者、21.co 的子公司 21Shares AG(「21Shares」)今天自豪地推出 21Shares Toncoin Stake ETP。這項突破性的產品為投資者提供了無與倫比的機會,可以無縫參與質押生態系統並輕鬆賺取獎勵。

The 21Shares Toncoin Staking ETP is an innovative solution for investors seeking exposure to staking rewards without the complexities of setting up and managing a staking node. With our ETP, investors can now reap the benefits of staking Toncoin while leveraging the liquidity and convenience of traditional financial markets.

21Shares Toncoin 質押 ETP 是一種創新解決方案,適合尋求質押獎勵而無需設置和管理質押節點的複雜性的投資者。借助我們的 ETP,投資者現在可以享受質押 Toncoin 的好處,同時利用傳統金融市場的流動性和便利性。

"Our 21Shares Toncoin Staking ETP unlocks a new era of investment, providing a frictionless gateway to staking rewards within the blockchain ecosystem," remarked Ophelia Snyder, Co-Founder & President of 21Shares. "We remain steadfast in our commitment to equipping investors with cutting-edge products like the Toncoin Staking ETP, driving the evolution of blockchain investment opportunities."

21Shares 聯合創始人兼總裁 Ophelia Snyder 表示:“我們的 21Shares Toncoin 質押 ETP 開啟了投資的新時代,為區塊鏈生態系統中的質押獎勵提供了一個順暢的門戶。” “我們仍然堅定地致力於為投資者提供像 Toncoin Stake ETP 這樣的尖端產品,推動區塊鏈投資機會的發展。”

Key Features of the 21Shares Toncoin Staking ETP

21Shares Toncoin 質押 ETP 的主要特點

  • Toncoin (TON): A decentralized layer 1 blockchain, known as "The Open Network" following its acquisition by the TON Foundation, Toncoin serves as the native currency of the TON network.
  • Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Consensus: TON employs a PoS consensus model to ensure scalability and network reliability, facilitating fast, transparent, and cost-effective payment services.
  • Mission: The Open Network aims to establish a comprehensive ecosystem of user-facing services, including a decentralized storage solution, a decentralized VPN, a payment platform, and a native wallet for holding crypto directly within the messaging app. Its community-driven approach and adaptable architecture cater to the needs of everyday consumers.
  • Scalability: TON's advanced scalability enables rapid settlement of transactions in a cost-efficient manner, fostering robust network growth without compromising environmental sustainability.
  • Endorsement by Telegram: Despite their separation, Telegram remains committed to blockchain innovation, endorsing TON as its preferred platform for web3 infrastructure.

Seamless Access to Staking Rewards

Toncoin (TON):一種去中心化的第 1 層區塊鏈,被 TON 基金會收購後被稱為“開放網絡”,Toncoin 作為 TON 網路的原生貨幣。權益證明 (PoS) 共識:TON 採用PoS共識模型確保可擴展性和網路可靠性,促進快速、透明和經濟高效的支付服務。使命:開放網路旨在建立一個面向用戶的服務的綜合生態系統,包括去中心化儲存解決方案、去中心化VPN、支付平台,以及用於直接在訊息應用程式中保存加密貨幣的本機錢包。其社區驅動的方法和適應性強的架構可滿足日常消費者的需求。可擴展性:TON 先進的可擴展性能夠以經濟高效的方式快速結算交易,在不損害環境可持續性的情況下促進網路的強勁成長。 Telegram 的認可:儘管它們是分離的, Telegram 仍然致力於區塊鏈創新,認可 TON 作為其 web3 基礎設施的首選平台。無縫獲取質押獎勵

The 21Shares Toncoin Staking ETP will be available for trading on the SIX Exchange starting Wednesday, 27th March 2024, providing investors with a hassle-free method to engage with Toncoin staking and capitalize on the potential rewards offered by the staking ecosystem.

21Shares Toncoin 質押 ETP 將於 2024 年 3 月 27 日星期三開始在 SIX Exchange 交易,為投資者提供一種輕鬆的方法來參與 Toncoin 質押並利用質押生態系統提供的潛在回報。

Additional Information


For further information on the 21Shares Toncoin Staking ETP, please visit: https://21shares.com/product/TONN

有關 21Shares Toncoin 質押 ETP 的更多信息,請訪問:https://21shares.com/product/TONN

About 21.co/21Shares

關於 21.co/21Shares

21.co is the global leader in providing access to crypto through user-friendly and accessible products. As the parent company of 21Shares, the largest issuer of cryptocurrency ETPs globally, 21.co leverages its proprietary technology platform, Onyx, to develop and operate ETPs for 21Shares and third-party clients. Established in 2018 by Hany Rashwan and Ophelia Snyder, 21.co is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, with offices in London and New York. Visit 21Shares for further details.

21.co 是透過使用者友好且易於存取的產品提供加密貨幣存取的全球領導者。身為全球最大的加密貨幣 ETP 發行商 21Shares 的母公司,21.co 利用其專有技術平台 Onyx 為 21Shares 和第三方客戶開發和營運 ETP。 21.co 由 Hany Rashwan 和 Ophelia Snyder 於 2018 年創立,總部位於瑞士蘇黎世,在倫敦和紐約設有辦事處。請造訪 21Shares 以了解更多詳情。



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本文件涉及的 21Shares AG 的證券尚未且不會根據經修訂的 1933 年美國證券法進行註冊,並且未經註冊或適用的豁免,不得在美國境內發行或出售,或在不受其註冊要求約束的交易中。不會在美國公開發行證券。

Within the United Kingdom, this document is only being distributed to and is directed at: (i) investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the "Order"); or (ii) high net worth entities, and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order; or (iii) persons who fall within Article 43(2) of the Order, including existing members and creditors of the Company; or (iv) any other persons to whom this document can be lawfully distributed in circumstances where section 21(1) of the FSMA does not apply.

在英國境內,本文件僅分發給並針對: (i) 符合 2000 年金融服務和市場法(金融促進)2005 年命令(「命令」)第 19(5) 條規定的投資專業人士; (ii) 高淨值實體,以及符合該命令第 49(2)(a) 至 (d) 條規定的其他可合法傳達訊息的人; (iii) 屬於該命令第 43(2) 條規定的人員,包括公司現有成員和債權人; (iv) 在 FSMA 第 21(1) 條不適用的情況下可以合法向其分發本文件的任何其他人。

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Exclusively for potential investors in any EEA Member State that has implemented the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, the Issuer's Base Prospectus (EU) is available on the Issuer's website at www.21Shares.com.

發行人的基本招股說明書 (EU) 專供已實施招股說明書法規 (EU) 2017/1129 的任何歐洲經濟區成員國的潛在投資者,可在發行人網站 www.21Shares.com 上取得。

The approval of the Issuer's Base Prospectus (EU) should not be construed as an endorsement by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) of the securities offered or admitted to trading on a regulated market. Eligible potential investors should thoroughly review the Issuer's Base Prospectus (EU) and relevant Final Terms prior to making an investment decision in order to comprehend the potential risks associated with investing in the securities.

發行人基本招股說明書 (EU) 的批准不應被視為瑞士金融市場監理局 (FINMA) 對在受監管市場上發行或允許交易的證券的認可。合格的潛在投資者在做出投資決定之前應仔細閱讀發行人的基本招股說明書(EU)和相關最終條款,以了解與投資證券相關的潛在風險。

This document is an advertisement within the meaning of the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and the Swiss Financial Services Act (the "FinSA") and not a prospectus. The 2023 Base Prospectus of 21Shares AG has been deposited pursuant to article 54(2) FinSA with SIX Exchange Regulation AG in its function as Swiss prospectus review body within the meaning of article 52 FinSA. The 2023 Base Prospectus and the key information document for any products may be accessed on 21Shares AG's website (https://21shares.com/ir/prospectus or https://21shares.com/ir/kids).

本文件是《招股說明書條例》(EU) 2017/1129 和《瑞士金融服務法》(「FinSA」)意義內的廣告,而非招股說明書。 21Shares AG 的 2023 年基本招股說明書已根據 FinSA 第 54(2) 條的規定,交存給 SIX Exchange Regulatory AG,該機構作為 FinSA 第 52 條含義內的瑞士招股說明書審查機構。 2023 年基本招股說明書和任何產品的關鍵資訊檔案可在 21Shares AG 網站(https://21shares.com/ir/prospectus 或 https://21shares.com/ir/kids)上存取。


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