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斯科蒂·皮蓬 (Scottie Pippen) 正在出售與芝加哥公牛隊首個 NBA 冠軍賽用球相關的加密代幣

2024/10/26 02:52

儘管區塊鏈偵探@ZachXBT 注意到創建該代幣合約的開發者錢包幾乎在發布後立即拋售了價值約33 萬美元的代幣,但引起了強烈反對,但自8 月1 日以來,$BALL已上漲86%,市值達140 萬美元。

斯科蒂·皮蓬 (Scottie Pippen) 正在出售與芝加哥公牛隊首個 NBA 冠軍賽用球相關的加密代幣

Basketball great Scottie Pippen is making his debut appearance at a crypto conference, to promote his Game 5 Ball cryptocurrency ($BALL) project.

籃球巨星 Scottie Pippen 首次亮相加密貨幣會議,以推廣他的 Game 5 Ball 加密貨幣 ($BALL) 項目。

The project aims to “tokenize” the physical game ball from Game 5 of the 1991 NBA Finals, which Pippen held onto throughout the Bulls dynasty.

該項目旨在將 1991 年 NBA 總決賽第 5 場的實體比賽用球“代幣化”,皮蓬在整個公牛王朝期間一直持有該球。

Despite backlash over the developer wallet dumping a large sum of the token supply after launch, $BALL is up 86% since Aug. 1 with a market cap of $1.4 million.

儘管開發者錢包在推出後拋售大量代幣供應遭到強烈反對,但 $BALL 自 8 月 1 日以來仍上漲了 86%,市值達到 140 萬美元。

Pippen's team is marketing this as a “real-world asset” project, where the aim is to log ownership of everything from real estate to cars to a basketball on a blockchain to make them more liquid and transparent.


However, Pippen's basketball is not yet “pegged” to the token, which means, for now, $BALL is basically just a meme coin. Pippen fans, sports fans, and anyone else in the community can buy the token in the hopes the price will go up, but there is no physical asset behind it.

然而,皮蓬的籃球尚未與代幣“掛鉤”,這意味著目前 $BALL 基本上只是一個模因幣。皮蓬球迷、體育迷和社區中的任何其他人都可以購買代幣,希望價格會上漲,但背後沒有實體資產。

If that sounds baffling, don't glance at a crypto market chart right now, where dog-themed meme coins Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have market caps of $20.8 billion and $10.6 billion, respectively.

如果這聽起來令人困惑,請不要看現在的加密貨幣市場圖表,其中以狗為主題的模因硬幣狗狗幣和柴犬的市值分別為 208 億美元和 106 億美元。

Dozens of Joe Biden– and Donald Trump–themed meme coins flooded crypto markets in the past year, and many surged in price based on the perceived pro- or anti-crypto stance of both.


Pippen is merely the latest in a long line of active and retired pro athletes to launch or promote token projects, including Floyd Mayweather, Caitlyn Jenner, Kayvon Thibodeaux, Rob Gronkowski, Spencer Dinwiddie, and even Pippen's teammate Michael Jordan, who did an NFT series around his six rings.

皮朋只是一長串推出或推廣代幣計畫的現役和退休職業運動員中最新的一個,其中包括弗洛伊德·梅威瑟、凱特琳·詹納、凱馮·蒂博多、羅布·格隆考斯基、史賓塞丁維迪,甚至皮朋的隊友麥可喬丹(製作了NFT 系列)圍繞著他的六枚戒指。

Then there are the athletes who promoted Bahamian crypto exchange FTX (whose founder Sam Bankman-Fried is now serving a 25-year prison sentence) and ended up named in a class action lawsuit, including Serena Williams, Steph Curry, Shaq, Shohei Ohtani, Naomi Osaka, and Tom Brady.

還有一些運動員推廣了巴哈馬加密貨幣交易所 FTX(其創始人 Sam Bankman-Fried 目前正在服 25 年徒刑),最終被捲入集體訴訟,其中包括 Serena Williams、Steph Curry、Shaq、Shohei Ohtani、大坂直美和湯姆·布雷迪。

But Pippen might be the first to market his crypto play as an RWA project.

但皮蓬可能是第一個將他的加密遊戲作為 RWA 專案進行行銷的人。

The next steps in the process of making the ball an RWA are to authenticate it with a reputable memorabilia service; then mint an NFT version (Pippen’s team plans to do that on the Bitcoin network through Ordinals or Stacks, according to the project's white paper) to “enable fractional ownership and allow for interactive experiences within a Web3 game”; and then put the ball in “secure lockdown.”

使球成為 RWA 的下一步是透過信譽良好的紀念品服務機構對其進行驗證;然後鑄造一個 NFT 版本(根據該專案的白皮書,皮蓬的團隊計劃透過 Ordinals 或 Stacks 在比特幣網路上做到這一點),以「實現部分所有權並允許在 Web3 遊戲中實現互動體驗」;然後將球置於“安全鎖定”狀態。

That means Pippen will have to give it up.


“I’ve kept it for 33 years secure, believe me, I can keep it for a few more days,” Pippen quipped onstage Tuesday at the Real-World Asset Summit in New York, his first crypto conference appearance to promote the project. “But we are looking to put it in a secure place, probably with Brink's, and make sure that everyone knows who invests that it is secure.”

「我已經將它安全保存了 33 年,相信我,我可以再保存幾天,」皮蓬週二在紐約現實世界資產峰會上打趣道,這是他首次出席加密會議以推廣該項目。 「但我們希望將其放在一個安全的地方,可能是在 Brink’s 處,並確保每個人都知道誰投資了它是安全的。”

Down the road, Pippen and his team have even higher hopes for $BALL to become a payment method in the sports industry.

未來,皮朋和他的團隊對 $BALL 成為運動產業的支付方式寄予了更高的期望。

But even if none of these grand plans materialize, the price of $BALL could keep rising for no good reason; in the era of the meme economy, both crypto assets and stocks can rise if a group of people on the internet decide to drive them up.

但即使這些宏偉計劃都沒有實現,$BALL 的價格可能會毫無理由地繼續上漲;在迷因經濟時代,如果網路上的一群人決定推動加密資產和股票上漲,那麼它們都可能會上漲。

“This ball is about history,” Pippen said in his pitch to the crypto crowd. “It’s about the legacy of the Chicago Bulls. It’s about the dying of a dynasty of the Los Angeles Lakers, who we then knew as ‘Showtime.’ It’s Michael Jordan’s first championship. It’s the franchise’s first championship.”

「這個球是關於歷史的,」皮蓬在向加密貨幣人群演講時說道。 「這是關於芝加哥公牛隊的遺產。這是關於洛杉磯湖人隊王朝的消亡,當時我們將其稱為“Showtime”。這是麥可喬丹的第一個總冠軍。這是球隊的第一個總冠軍。

It's also about Pippen making some money. Though he did eventually get paid at the tail end of his Hall of Fame career, signing a four-year, $66 million deal with the Trail Blazers in 1999, he got hosed during the Bulls dynasty, paid more like a fringe bench player than the integral part he was.

這也是關於皮蓬賺一些錢的。儘管他最終在名人堂生涯的最後階段獲得了報酬,並在1999 年與開拓者隊簽下了一份為期四年、價值6600 萬美元的合同,但他在公牛王朝時期卻遭到了嚴厲打擊,報酬更像是一名邊緣替補球員,而不是普通球員。

He never earned more than $3.4 million in a season with the Bulls; in the 1997–98 season, a whopping 121 NBA players (including five Bulls) made more than he did.

他在公牛隊的一個賽季收入從未超過 340 萬美元; 1997-98 賽季,多達 121 名 NBA 球員(包括 5 名公牛隊球員)的收入超過了他。

He didn't gain financially from the viral 2020 Netflix docuseries The Last Dance, either.

他也沒有從 2020 年火爆的 Netflix 紀錄片《最後之舞》中獲得經濟利益。

“I felt like the documentary was great,” he says. “I didn’t have anything to do with it, which I was a little disappointed in, but I felt like it was a great documentary. It won some awards. Now I’m looking to do my own thing with the ball.”

「我覺得這部紀錄片很棒,」他說。 「我與它沒有任何關係,這讓我有點失望,但我覺得這是一部很棒的紀錄片。它贏得了一些獎項。現在我想用球做我自己的事。

Whether $BALL is ever taken seriously by the crypto community is

$BALL 是否曾被加密社群認真對待過



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