在與商業大亨埃隆馬斯克的激烈辯論中,OpenAI 首席執行官薩姆·奧爾特曼似乎對唐納德·特朗普總統的看法發生了變化。

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has expressed a change of opinion about President Donald Trump. In a recent post on his social media platform, Altman stated that after observing Trump's official account on Platform X more closely, he has reassessed his view of the president.
OpenAI 執行長 Sam Altman 表達了對唐納德川普總統的看法發生了變化。奧特曼最近在其社群媒體平台上發文表示,在更仔細地觀察了川普在X平台上的官方帳號後,他重新評估了自己對總統的看法。
Altman's comments come after reports emerged about his lengthy phone conversation with Trump ahead of the announcement of a major AI infrastructure project. According to insiders, during their discussion on Friday, Trump expressed excitement about developing AI domestically rather than outsourcing it to China. He highlighted the potential for creating jobs and boosting confidence in the United States during his tenure.
Shortly after his inauguration, Trump announced a joint venture on Tuesday involving OpenAI, Oracle, and SoftBank to invest billions of dollars in US AI infrastructure. The project, named Stargate, will see an initial investment of $100 billion. According to the official announcement, the initiative aims to secure American leadership in AI, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and deliver substantial economic benefits to the global economy.
就職後不久,川普週二宣布成立一家由 OpenAI、甲骨文和軟銀組成的合資企業,投資數十億美元用於美國人工智慧基礎設施。該項目名為“星際之門”,初始投資將達1000億美元。根據官方公告,該倡議旨在確保美國在人工智慧領域的領導地位,創造數十萬個就業崗位,並為全球經濟帶來可觀的經濟效益。
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