
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has expressed a change of opinion about President Donald Trump. In a recent post on his social media platform, Altman stated that after observing Trump's official account on Platform X more closely, he has reassessed his view of the president.
OpenAI CEOのサム・アルトマン氏は、ドナルド・トランプ大統領に対する意見の変化を表明した。アルトマン氏は自身のソーシャルメディアプラットフォームへの最近の投稿で、プラットフォームX上のトランプ氏の公式アカウントをより詳しく観察した結果、大統領に対する自身の見方を再評価したと述べた。
Altman's comments come after reports emerged about his lengthy phone conversation with Trump ahead of the announcement of a major AI infrastructure project. According to insiders, during their discussion on Friday, Trump expressed excitement about developing AI domestically rather than outsourcing it to China. He highlighted the potential for creating jobs and boosting confidence in the United States during his tenure.
Shortly after his inauguration, Trump announced a joint venture on Tuesday involving OpenAI, Oracle, and SoftBank to invest billions of dollars in US AI infrastructure. The project, named Stargate, will see an initial investment of $100 billion. According to the official announcement, the initiative aims to secure American leadership in AI, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and deliver substantial economic benefits to the global economy.
トランプ氏は就任直後の火曜日、米国のAIインフラに数十億ドルを投資するため、OpenAI、オラクル、ソフトバンクが参加する合弁事業を発表した。 「スターゲイト」と名付けられたこのプロジェクトには、初期投資が1000億ドルかかる予定。公式発表によると、この構想はAI分野で米国のリーダーシップを確保し、数十万の雇用を創出し、世界経済に多大な経済的利益をもたらすことを目的としている。
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