
The Russian government has approved a bill that will introduce taxes on cryptocurrencies in the country. The bill was revived after regulations on crypto mining came into force.
The bill defines digital currency as a type of property and introduces a separate calculation for the tax base, which is defined as the excess of the asset's value over the costs of its purchase or extraction. Individuals will be required to pay personal income tax (PIT) at a progressive rate of 13% to 22% for income over 2.4 million rubles when selling digital assets.
該法案將數位貨幣定義為一種財產,並引入了單獨的稅基計算,稅基定義為資產價值超過其購買或開採成本的部分。個人出售數位資產收入超過 240 萬盧布,需以 13% 至 22% 的累進稅率繳納個人所得稅 (PIT)。
Legal entities will pay income tax, which will be increased from 2024 to 20% from 25%. A two-stage system has been established for companies: determining the value of cryptocurrencies upon receipt into an account (calculated based on the closing price of trading on major exchanges on that day and converted into rubles at the Central Bank rate on that date), and taking into account the change in price upon sale - companies pay for growth or deduct a loss. Income from the sale of digital assets at this stage is calculated based on the actual price of its sale, but not less than 20% of its market price.
In addition, individuals and legal entities will be required to report information about transactions to the Federal Tax Service (FTS) if the amount of receipts and write-offs from cryptocurrencies exceeds 600 rubles per year (in equivalent). Mining infrastructure operators, in turn, will transfer information about the services provided to the control service, and if the data is not provided on time, they face fines.
此外,如果加密貨幣的收入和沖銷金額每年超過 600 盧布(等值),個人和法人實體將被要求向聯邦稅務局(FTS)報告交易資訊。反過來,採礦基礎設施運營商將向控制服務傳輸有關所提供服務的信息,如果未按時提供數據,他們將面臨罰款。
The tax service may be given the right to request bank statements on individuals’ accounts that were used for cryptocurrency transactions, but only if there is a suspicion of violation of Russian law.