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(Photo : Dmytro Demidko on Unsplash)
(照片:Unsplash 上的 Dmytro Demidko)
Given Bitcoin's role in the cryptocurrency landscape, standing for more than 50 percent of all on-chain value, it doesn't come as a surprise that whenever something happens to it, the ripple effect is so fast that it's barely noticeable. Binance data shows that, up until now, halvings have propelled the cryptocurrency market to new heights, but one swallow, they say, doesn't make a summer. The impact of the four-year event has been slowly but surely decreasing, so prices may not surge this time around, and while investing in BTC is still a good idea, investors must be cautious of the craze.
考慮到比特幣在加密貨幣領域的地位,佔所有鏈上價值的 50% 以上,因此每當發生某些事情時,其連鎖反應是如此之快以至於幾乎難以察覺,這並不奇怪。幣安數據顯示,到目前為止,減半已將加密貨幣市場推向新的高度,但他們表示,減半不等於夏天。為期四年的事件的影響一直在緩慢但肯定地減弱,因此這次價格可能不會飆升,雖然投資比特幣仍然是一個好主意,但投資者必須對這股熱潮保持警惕。
Runes is the surprise winner of this year's halving, anticipated with excitement by a great number of Bitcoin players, many of whom are tired of setting up personal nodes to create fungible tokens, which is as complicated as using BitTorrent. The new protocol allows traders to create and swap meme coins on the Bitcoin blockchain, some of which have gained popularity as a result of their community-driven nature and their humorous streak, often a response to the complex and sometimes mysterious world of cryptocurrency. Runes is an alternative to Ordinals and the BRC-20 protocol, and if successful, it could mess up the NFT market on the Ethereum network.
Runes 是今年減半的意外贏家,讓許多比特幣玩家興奮不已,他們中的許多人厭倦了設置個人節點來創建可替代代幣,這與使用 BitTorrent 一樣複雜。新協議允許交易者在比特幣區塊鏈上創建和交換模因幣,其中一些模因幣因其社區驅動的性質和幽默的性格而廣受歡迎,這通常是對複雜且有時神秘的加密貨幣世界的回應。 Runes 是 Ordinals 和 BRC-20 協議的替代方案,如果成功,它可能會擾亂以太坊網路上的 NFT 市場。
Invented by the Mind That Created Bitcoin Ordinals, Runes Is a Groundbreaking Evolution
One of the most dramatically impactful protocols in Bitcoin's history was concocted by Casey Rodarmor, whose Ordinals Theory makes it possible to inscribe a number to each Satoshi on the blockchain, which then becomes a transferrable NFT. In case you didn't already know, Rodarmor is a long-time Bitcoiner who's always on the lookout for promising opportunities and frequently writes code commits for the Bitcoin Core that validates transactions, keeps a copy of the blockchain, and relays transactions to other nodes. The Bitcoin artist proposed Runes as a more efficient and user-friendly way of creating NFTs.
比特幣歷史上最具影響力的協議之一是由凱西·羅達莫(Casey Rodarmor) 制定的,他的序數理論使得在區塊鏈上為每個中本聰刻上一個數字成為可能,然後該數字就成為可轉讓的NFT。如果你還不知道,Rodarmor 是一位長期的比特幣愛好者,他總是在尋找有前途的機會,並經常為比特幣核心編寫程式碼提交,以驗證交易、保留區塊鏈的副本並將交易中繼到其他節點。這位比特幣藝術家提出,符文是一種更有效率、更用戶友好的創建 NFT 的方式。
Runes is very simple: it uses OP_RETURN in every transaction, and the balance is tied to a UTXO. A special message is used to issue a token, allocating all the balance in the issuance transaction, and that's about it. Runes and BRC-20s have their strengths and weaknesses, but Runes is the ultimate winner because it reduces the occurrence of unwanted junk that can congest the network, leading to slower, more expensive, and less dependable transactions. The fungible token protocol has a small on-chain footprint and upholds Bitcoin's auditability and transparency, eliminating the double-spending issue, a fundamental problem for digital assets.
Runes 非常簡單:它在每筆交易中都使用 OP_RETURN,餘額與 UTXO 綁定。使用特殊的消息來發行代幣,分配發行交易中的所有餘額,僅此而已。 Runes 和BRC-20 各有優缺點,但Runes 是最終的贏家,因為它減少了不必要的垃圾的出現,這些垃圾可能會堵塞網絡,從而導致交易速度更慢、成本更高且可靠性更低。可替代代幣協議的鏈上足跡很小,並維護比特幣的可審計性和透明度,消除了數位資產的基本問題——雙重支出問題。
The Listing of Runes on Crypto Exchanges Has Triggered a Surge of Excitement
Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges are already listing Runes tokens to take advantage of the demand among investors and traders following the introduction of the Bitcoin-based on-chain innovation. Excitement isn't the only thing that can attract more users. Unlike Ordinals and other NFT collections, the value of Runes isn't derived from limited supply, meaning that you can create a truly absurd number of tokens, so it's easier for people to join the community of investors. Select a Runes project to trade only after having examined its trading volume, price history, fee structure, and supporters.
在引入基於比特幣的鏈上創新之後,集中式加密貨幣交易所已經列出了 Runes 代幣,以利用投資者和交易者的需求。興奮並不是吸引更多用戶的唯一因素。與 Ordinals 和其他 NFT 系列不同,Runes 的價值並非源自有限的供應,這意味著您可以創建數量真正荒謬的代幣,因此人們更容易加入投資者社群。僅在檢查其交易量、價格歷史、費用結構和支持者後才選擇要交易的符文項目。
The rush to mint tokens on Bitcoin as the Runes protocol launched led to sky-high transaction fees, and miners received an overwhelming amount of revenue, even if the halving had their income cut in half, reducing the halving rewards to 3.125 BTC. Getting into the first block and securing one of the early spots lends a Runes project distinguished provenance and makes it more appealing to traders and investors, showing that Bitcoin is much more than just boring digital gold. CEXs are eager to add Runes to their listings, adapting their business methods to suit the unique characteristics of the cryptocurrency community.
Runes 協議推出後,人們紛紛在比特幣上鑄造代幣,導致交易費用極高,礦工們獲得了巨額收入,即使減半讓他們的收入減少一半,將減半獎勵減少到 3.125 BTC。進入第一個區塊並獲得其中一個早期席位,為符文項目提供了卓越的出處,並使其對交易者和投資者更具吸引力,這表明比特幣不僅僅是無聊的數位黃金。 CEX 渴望將符文添加到其清單中,調整其業務方法以適應加密貨幣社群的獨特特徵。
On social media, speculation can run wild. That being said, it's believed that the first Runes tokens, some of which haven't even been used yet, will be listed on major exchanges, with Gate.io leading the way, playing an important role in legitimizing the digital assets and bridging the gap between mainstream and decentralized cryptocurrency communities. WANKO●MANKO●RUNES is of particular interest, having gained a lot of buzz for being inspired by a story by Casey Rodarmor. Besides new projects, some BRC-20 meme coins, like PUPS, are expected to move to the new protocol.
在社群媒體上,猜測可能會瘋狂。話雖如此,相信第一批 Runes 代幣(其中一些甚至尚未使用)將在各大交易所上市,Gate.io 處於領先地位,在數位資產合法化和搭建橋樑方面發揮著重要作用。中心化加密貨幣社群之間的差距。 WANKO●MANKO●RUNES 特別令人感興趣,因為受到凱西·羅達莫 (Casey Rodarmor) 的故事的啟發而引起了廣泛關注。除了新項目外,一些 BRC-20 meme 代幣(如 PUPS)預計將轉向新協議。
Runes Is Poised Either for Widespread Adoption or Major Restructuring
It's too early to judge just how much of a success or failure Runes will ultimately be, even though the first days of the protocol have been marked by an enthusiastic uptake and high transaction fees. The new token standard has quickly become a dominant force in the cryptocurrency market, but it'
儘管協議推出的第一天就受到了熱烈的歡迎和高昂的交易費用,但現在判斷 Runes 最終的成功或失敗還為時過早。新的代幣標準已迅速成為加密貨幣市場的主導力量,但它'
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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