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如果說 2024 年有一件事將被加密貨幣愛好者長久記住,那麼那就是基於區塊鏈的「邊玩邊賺錢」遊戲的出現。
The year 2024 will go down in crypto lore for ushering in a new era of blockchain-based "play-to-earn" games.
2024 年將載入加密貨幣傳說,開啟基於區塊鏈的「邊玩邊賺錢」遊戲的新時代。
This trend has taken the crypto space by storm, introducing a new generation of Web3 games that are revolutionizing the way gamers play.
這一趨勢席捲了加密貨幣領域,引入了新一代 Web3 遊戲,徹底改變了遊戲玩家的遊戲方式。
In these games, players can earn in-game tokens for completing challenges and besting opponents, which can later be cashed out once the token is listed on an exchange.
Let's take a closer look at the first and second waves of Web3 gaming and how they have fared in the gaming arena.
讓我們仔細看看 Web3 遊戲的第一波和第二波浪潮以及它們在遊戲領域的表現如何。
First Wave
The initial wave of Web3 games that emerged in 2021 was met with great fanfare, with titles like Axie Infinity making headlines after some players claimed to be making hundreds of dollars a month simply by playing the game regularly.
2021 年出現的第一波 Web3 遊戲受到了熱烈的關注,一些玩家聲稱僅通過定期玩遊戲就能每月賺取數百美元,因此《Axie Infinity》等遊戲成為了頭條新聞。
Being an integral part of Web3 games, NFTs hit sky-high valuations, with one sale of nine plots of virtual land in the game fetching a cool $1.5 million, making it one of the most expensive token sales of all time.
作為 Web3 遊戲不可或缺的一部分,NFT 的估值達到了天價,遊戲中的 9 塊虛擬土地的一次售價高達 150 萬美元,成為有史以來最昂貴的代幣銷售之一。
The early success of Axie Infinity and other titles, such as Splinterlands, Gods Unchained, and Star Atlas opened the floodgates for a slew of new play-to-earn games to hit the market, as developers and game studios rushed to capitalize on the enthusiasm.
《Axie Infinity》和其他遊戲(例如《Splinterlands》、《Gods Unchained》和《Star Atlas》)的早期成功為大量新的玩賺錢遊戲進入市場打開了大門,開發商和遊戲工作室紛紛抓住這一熱情。
The Fall of the First Wave of Web3 Gaming
第一波 Web3 遊戲的衰退
However, the hype around Web3 gaming quickly fizzled out as the crypto industry entered a downturn towards the end of that first year. As token values dropped, so did gamers' earnings, leading many of them to abandon the games en masse, which had a knock-on effect that highlighted many of the shortcomings of the new genre.
然而,隨著加密貨幣行業在第一年年底進入低迷,圍繞 Web3 遊戲的炒作很快就消失了。隨著代幣價值的下降,遊戲玩家的收入也隨之下降,導致許多人集體放棄遊戲,這產生的連鎖反應凸顯了新類型的許多缺點。
As players began to leave games like Axie, its native token and NFTs were hit by a sharp devaluation – prices crashed, rendering the game even less rewarding, and critics took aim at its "tokenomics" model, which relied on new players joining the game to bolster the value of its digital assets.
隨著玩家開始離開像Axie 這樣的遊戲,其原生代幣和NFT 受到了急劇貶值的打擊——價格暴跌,使得遊戲的回報更加減少,批評者瞄準了其「代幣經濟學」模型,該模型依賴於新玩家加入遊戲以提升其數位資產的價值。
Moreover, the games themselves left a lot to be desired for many players. The graphics in most Web3 games were notably poor, and the gameplay itself quickly became extremely repetitive, with most players only sticking around for the rewards on offer. There was little enjoyment to be had out of the game itself.
此外,遊戲本身對許多玩家來說還有很多不足之處。大多數 Web3 遊戲的圖像品質都非常差,而且遊戲玩法本身很快就變得極其重複,大多數玩家只是為了獲得獎勵而停留。遊戲本身並沒有什麼樂趣。
Second Wave: Play-to-Earn Reborn
The days of rudimentary graphics and repetitive gameplay have been consigned to the dustbin.
In the past year, Web3 gaming has undergone a major evolution, with some astute developers realizing that there is still huge potential in the concept. This has meant creating better, more enjoyable games with slick graphics, engaging storylines, and a simpler onboarding process.
在過去的一年裡,Web3 遊戲經歷了重大演變,一些精明的開發人員意識到這個概念仍然存在巨大的潛力。這意味著要創造出更好、更有趣的遊戲,並具有流暢的圖形、引人入勝的故事情節和更簡單的入門流程。
Some of the newest Web3 games to emerge this year can realistically compete with popular titles like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and Resident Evil. We're talking about a new generation of AAA Web3 games that not only deliver enthralling gameplay but also provide real-world value to players.
今年出現的一些最新 Web3 遊戲實際上可以與《俠盜獵車手》、《決勝時刻》和《生化危機》等熱門遊戲競爭。我們談論的是新一代 AAA Web3 遊戲,它們不僅提供引人入勝的遊戲玩法,還為玩家提供現實世界的價值。
This second generation of Web3 games is being built using advanced graphics engines like Unreal Engine and Unity, and they integrate some of the most sophisticated AI models and gameplay mechanics to enhance the user experience.
第二代 Web3 遊戲是使用 Unreal Engine 和 Unity 等先進圖形引擎構建的,它們整合了一些最複雜的 AI 模型和遊戲機制,以增強用戶體驗。
Why New Web3 Games are Catching Eyeballs?
為什麼新的 Web3 遊戲如此吸引眼球?
Improved Gameplay
In terms of gameplay, AMGI Studio's latest hit My Pet Hooligan stands head and shoulders above the earliest Web3 games, offering an experience that is more akin to Fortnite or Pub G. It's a winner-takes-all ‘battle royale’ style game that boasts excellent graphics, a complex storyline, and adrenaline-pumping gameplay.
在遊戲玩法方面,AMGI Studio 的最新熱門遊戲《我的寵物流氓》遠遠超過了最早的Web3 遊戲,提供了更類似於《堡壘之夜》或Pub G 的體驗。的「大逃殺」風格遊戲,擁有出色的圖形、複雜的故事情節和令人腎上腺素飆升的遊戲玩法。
Set in the wacky, rabbit-dominated world of Hooliland City, the game combines non-stop, guns-blazing action with a social aspect, AI-powered individual expression, and, of course, valuable rewards in the form of KARRAT tokens, the native token of the Karrat blockchain protocol it inhabits.
遊戲以兔子為主的胡利蘭城 (Hooliland City) 的古怪世界為背景,將不間斷的槍戰動作與社交元素、人工智慧驅動的個人表達結合在一起,當然還有 KARRAT 代幣形式的寶貴獎勵,它所在的Karrat 區塊鏈協議的原生代幣。
Players can earn KARRAT rewards by engaging in gun battles with their peers, but there's a lot more to the gameplay than just fighting. Players navigate the city on skateboards, and there are ample opportunities for them to showcase their skating skills and earn additional rewards.
玩家可以透過與同伴進行槍戰來獲得 KARRAT 獎勵,但遊戲玩法不僅僅是戰鬥。玩家踩著滑板在城市中穿行,他們有充足的機會展示自己的滑冰技巧並獲得額外的獎勵。
Easier Onboarding
Another high-end play-to-earn game to emerge last year is Citizen Conflict, which aims to unite Web2 and Web3 gamers with its engaging gameplay and rich rewards. It's built on the Unreal Engine 5 platform and boasts stunning graphics along with a sustainable ecosystem and a dedicated fan following.
去年出現的另一款高階邊玩邊賺錢遊戲是《Citizen Conflict》,旨在以其引人入勝的遊戲玩法和豐富的獎勵團結 Web2 和 Web3 玩家。它基於虛幻引擎 5 平台構建,擁有令人驚嘆的圖形、可持續的生態系統和忠實的粉絲追隨者。
Like My Pet Hooligan, Citizen Conflict is an action-packed first-person shooter game that seeks to democratize access to eSports by enabling everyone to earn in-game rewards, regardless of whether they win or lose.
與《My Pet Hooligan》一樣,《Citizen Conflict》是一款充滿動感的第一人稱射擊遊戲,旨在透過讓每個人無論輸贏都能獲得遊戲內獎勵來實現電競的民主化。
Going forward, we can expect to see even more Web3 games emerge that place a greater emphasis on the actual gameplay and player
展望未來,我們預計會出現更多更注重實際遊戲玩法和玩家的 Web3 遊戲
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