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Move 程式語言有多革命性?

2025/01/13 20:25

Move 程式語言的重要性不可小覷。這也是SUI擁有如此高TPS的原因之一。

Move 程式語言有多革命性?

Solana’s ‘Ethereum killer’ status will be familiar to our regular readers. We have covered this before here at DisruptionBanking. But what we haven’t covered much is what happened to Facebook’s Libra, Diem, or what will be known as Zuckerberg’s blockchain project. For those in the ‘know’, you may be aware that SUI has its roots in the Diem project. Others in the know will have heard of SUI being referred to as the ‘Solana killer’. Today we look at how strong will SUI be in 2025.

Solana 的「以太坊殺手」地位對於我們的普通讀者來說是熟悉的。我們之前在 DisruptionBanking 中已經介紹過這一點。但我們還沒有涉及太多 Facebook 的 Libra、Diem 或將被稱為祖克柏的區塊鏈專案的情況。對於那些「了解」的人來說,您可能知道 SUI 起源於 Diem 專案。其他知情人士可能聽說過 SUI 被稱為“索拉納殺手”。今天我們就來看看2025年SUI到底有多強。

It was a beautiful dream, some might say. But Facebook’s blockchain project was doomed to failure. Distrust, regulation, maybe it was just too early?


Facebook’s Libra, or Diem is dead. But the initial work taken on at the tech giant hasn’t completely disappeared.

Facebook 的 Libra,或者說 Diem 已經死了。但這家科技巨頭最初的工作並沒有完全消失。

Some of our readers might be familiar with Christian Catalini who we mentioned in a story back in 2021. Catalini was the Co-founder of Diem. Our readers may not be familiar with Evan Cheng though, who is important to our story today.

我們的一些讀者可能熟悉 Christian Catalini,我們在 2021 年的一個故事中提到他。不過,我們的讀者可能不熟悉鄭啟文,他對我們今天的故事很重要。

When Diem was sold to Silvergate in 2022 it was for a total consideration of $182 million. Following the sale some of the Diem team responsible for the Novi wallet also set out to setup on their own. Led by Evan Cheng, several members of the Novi wallet team went on to create a project named Mysten Labs.

2022 年,Diem 被出售給 Silvergate,總價為 1.82 億美元。出售後,負責 Novi 錢包的 Diem 團隊的一些人也開始自行設定。在 Evan Cheng 的帶領下,Novi 錢包團隊的幾位成員繼續創建了一個名為 Mysten Labs 的專案。

The team at Mysten Labs use Move, the blockchain programming language developed at Meta for Diem. Move uses the idea of resources, drawn from linear logic, to guarantee that elements are never copied or discarded. It is much safer than other blockchains, and it is a key language necessary to build out the DeFi ecosystem.

Mysten Labs 的團隊使用 Move,這是 Meta 為 Diem 開發的區塊鏈程式語言。 Move 使用源自線性邏輯的資源概念來確保元素永遠不會被複製或丟棄。它比其他區塊鏈安全得多,是建立 DeFi 生態系統所需的關鍵語言。

What is Mysten Labs and the SUI Foundation?

Mysten Labs 和 SUI 基金會是什麼?

The creator of the Move programming language is a chap called Sam Blackshear.  Sam is also a Co-founder of Mysten Labs and works together with Evan Cheng. In March 2022 the two gentlemen, with the support of the other key team members at Mysten Labs, launched SUI.

Move 程式語言的創作者是一位名叫 Sam Blackshear 的小伙子。 Sam 也是 Mysten Labs 的共同創辦人,並與 Evan Cheng 一起工作。 2022 年 3 月,兩位先生在 Mysten Labs 其他關鍵團隊成員的支持下推出了 SUI。

Mysten Labs is described as the place where the brightest minds solve foundational problems to create tools for the future. The company makes web3 secure, reliable and ready for mass adoption. It is not the same as the SUI Foundation.

Mysten Labs 被描述為最聰明的頭腦解決基礎問題以創建面向未來的工具的地方。該公司使 web3 變得安全、可靠並準備好大規模採用。它與 SUI 基金會不一樣。

The SUI Foundation is an independent organization dedicated to the advancement and adoption of AI. It is based out of the Cayman Islands and its work is focused on developing the SUI ecosystem. Both Mysten Labs and the SUI Foundation are key in advancing the interests of the SUI token and the wider DeFi ecosystem.

SUI 基金會是一個致力於人工智慧的進步和應用的獨立組織。它位於開曼群島,其工作重點是開發 SUI 生態系統。 Mysten Labs 和 SUI 基金會都是促進 SUI 代幣和更廣泛的 DeFi 生態系統利益的關鍵。

Is SUI a Solana Killer?

SUI 是 Solana 殺手嗎?

SUI is very different to what one has come to expect from a Layer 1 blockchain. It sets itself apart from earlier blockchain ecosystems by allowing parallel processing of transactions and horizontal scaling, which allows it to maintain low transaction costs. SUI operates on a delegated proof-of-stake consensus mechanism and has an upper limit of 10 billion SUI tokens.

SUI 與人們對第 1 層區塊鏈的期望非常不同。它與早期的區塊鏈生態系統不同,它允許並行處理交易和水平擴展,從而保持較低的交易成本。 SUI 基於委託權益證明共識機制運​​行,上限為 100 億個 SUI 代幣。

The SUI token has been an attractive token amongst ‘crypto bros’. Justin Sun, Tron’s founder, was one of the early investors. Later, Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX also invested in SUI. It was even reported that FTX Ventures invested in Mysten Labs.

SUI 代幣一直是「加密貨幣兄弟」中極具吸引力的代幣。波場創辦人孫宇晨是早期投資者之一。後來,Sam Bankman-Fried 的 FTX 也投資了 SUI。甚至有報導稱,FTX Ventures 投資了 Mysten Labs。

When it comes to interest in SUI, Andreessen Horowitz is an investor in SUI. During Series A and B funding rounds SUI has collected over $336 million in capital. Franklin Templeton and Coinbase Ventures have all put their money into the potential Solana killer.

談到對 SUI 的興趣,Andreessen Horowitz 是 SUI 的投資者。在 A 輪和 B 輪融資中,SUI 已籌集了超過 3.36 億美元的資金。富蘭克林鄧普頓 (Franklin Templeton) 和 Coinbase Ventures 都將資金投入潛在的 Solana 殺手。

However, there is one more place where SUI is really making a difference. Crypto gaming through using crypto hardware. In this case the SuiPlayoX1 Handheld. By using the SUI blockchain, players will be able to own NFTs that dynamically change based on in-game progression. The game also promises to abstract gas fees and wallet creation away from the player.

然而,SUI 還有一個真正發揮作用的地方。透過使用加密硬體進行加密遊戲。在本例中為 SuiPlayoX1 手持裝置。透過使用 SUI 區塊鏈,玩家將能夠擁有根據遊戲進程動態變化的 NFT。該遊戲還承諾從玩家手中提取汽油費和錢包創建費用。

Pre-orders for the gaming device opened up in September 2024 at $599.

該遊戲設備於 2024 年 9 月開始預訂,售價 599 美元。

A @SuiNetwork gaming handheld is coming from @Mysten_Labs and @PLAYTR0N. It'll have deep Sui integration, play PC and other crypto games, and come with token incentives. Click to read via @ggDecrypt: https://t.co/XkqeNvcuH4

@SuiNetwork 遊戲手持裝置來自 @Mysten_Labs 和 @PLAYTR0N。它將具有深度的 Sui 集成,可以玩 PC 和其他加密遊戲,並提供代幣激勵。點擊透過@ggDecrypt閱讀:https://t.co/XkqeNvcuH4

The SUI blockchain is arguably faster than the Solana blockchain. It can potentially process 297,000 transactions per second (TPS). Solana has reached as high as 65,000 TPS during testing. Another reason that SUI is ahead of the game is due to Mysticeti. This innovation – a Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus protocol – builds

SUI 區塊鏈可以說比 Solana 區塊鏈更快。它每秒可以處理 297,000 筆交易 (TPS)。 Solana 在測試期間已達到高達 65,000 TPS。 SUI 領先的另一個原因是 Mysticeti。這項創新——拜占庭容錯共識協議——建構了


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