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渲染網路和 RNDR:分散式 GPU 運算的動力源

2024/03/25 17:34

渲染網路是一個去中心化平台,它將尋求 GPU 運算能力的個人和實體(創建者)與擁有閒置 GPU 資源的個人和實體(節點運營商)連接起來。創作者可以按需租用此功能來執行渲染高品質圖形、訓練人工智慧模型和模擬物理過程等任務。該平台利用區塊鏈技術和智能合約來促進透明、安全的交易,確保公平和高效。原生代幣 RNDR 充當渲染作業的交換媒介和治理代幣,讓社群成員參與決策。與集中式雲端供應商相比,渲染網路提供可擴展性、隱私性、安全性和成本效益,滿足電影、遊戲和人工智慧等產業對 GPU 運算不斷增長的需求。

渲染網路和 RNDR:分散式 GPU 運算的動力源

What's the Deal with Render Network and RNDR?

渲染網路和 RNDR 有什麼關係?

Render Network, a peer-to-peer platform, harnesses idle GPU power from individuals and businesses (Node Operators) to cater to the computational needs of content creators and AI applications. Transactions on this network are securely processed and transparently recorded using blockchain technology and smart contracts. RNDR, the platform's native token, fuels the payment for rendering jobs.

渲染網路是一個點對點平台,利用個人和企業(節點營運商)的閒置 GPU 能力來滿足內容創作者和 AI 應用程式的運算需求。該網路上的交易使用區塊鏈技術和智慧合約進行安全處理和透明記錄。 RNDR 是該平台的原生代幣,為渲染工作的支付提供動力。

Key Takeaways


  • Render Network is backed by OTOY, a reputable cloud rendering company.
  • It pools dormant GPU capacity, creating a marketplace where individuals and entities can tap into this idle power for demanding graphics processing, AI model training, and more.
  • Render Network offers Creators scalability, privacy and security, and transparency by leveraging Proof-of-Render to oversee job validation and compensation for Node Operators.
  • Node Operators earn RNDR for completing jobs. RNDR also serves as the governance token, experiencing a surge in value due to the growing interest in AI.
  • In 2023, RNDR witnessed a remarkable 1,000% increase in value. This rise can be attributed to the surge in AI demand and the subsequent shortage of GPUs for training AI models, a need that outstrips the supply from major cloud providers like AWS, Microsoft, Google, and Oracle.

Render Network: A Solution for GPU Bottlenecks

Render Network 由著名的雲端渲染公司OTOY 提供支援。它匯集了休眠的GPU 容量,創建了一個市場,個人和實體可以利用這種閒置能力來進行要求嚴格的圖形處理、AI 模型訓練等。Render Network 為創作者提供可擴展性、透過利用渲染證明來監督節點運營商的工作驗證和報酬,實現隱私和安全以及透明度。節點運營商透過完成工作獲得 RNDR。 RNDR 也充當治理代幣,由於人們對人工智慧的興趣日益濃厚,其價值大幅上漲。2023 年,RNDR 的價值大幅增加了 1,000%。這種增長可歸因於人工智慧需求的激增以及隨後用於訓練人工智慧模型的GPU 的短缺,這種需求超出了AWS、微軟、谷歌和Oracle 等主要雲端供應商的供應。渲染網路:GPU 瓶頸的解決方案

Render Network's design addresses the computational infrastructure bottleneck, where centralized GPU clouds struggle to meet the escalating demand for computing power, leading to inflated prices and limited availability. Render Network connects those seeking GPU power (Creators) with those possessing idle GPU resources (Node Operators).

渲染網路的設計解決了運算基礎設施瓶頸,即集中式 GPU 雲端難以滿足對運算能力不斷增長的需求,從而導致價格上漲和可用性有限。渲染網路將尋求 GPU 能力的人(創作者)與擁有閒置 GPU 資源的人(節點營運商)連接起來。

Overcoming Centralized Cloud Limitations


Render Network overcomes the limitations of centralized clouds by renting out dormant GPU power to Creators and other protocols. Device owners worldwide can become Node Operators, contributing their idle GPUs to the network and earning RNDR for completing rendering jobs.

渲染網路透過將休眠的 GPU 能力出租給 Creator 和其他協定來克服集中式雲端的限制。全球的設備所有者都可以成為節點運營商,將其閒置 GPU 貢獻給網路並透過完成渲染工作賺取 RNDR。

Cost-Effective and Accessible GPU Power

經濟高效且易於使用的 GPU 功能

This setup enables Creators and applications to access GPU power for rendering high-definition graphics or training AI models at a significantly lower cost compared to centralized GPU clouds. Render Network has emerged as a prominent protocol in both DePIN (where major studios have incorporated it into their production workflow) and the AI space.

與集中式 GPU 雲端相比,這種設定使創作者和應用程式能夠以更低的成本存取 GPU 能力來渲染高清圖形或訓練 AI 模型。渲染網路已成為 DePIN(主要工作室已將其納入其製作工作流程)和 AI 領域的重要協議。

Jules Urbach's Insights


"In the case of DePIN...studio movies have been rendered on decentralized nodes in our system with end-to-end encryption — you’re getting faster speed, you’re getting one tenth of cost, you have massive availability, and a ledger can authenticate what an image is or where the data came from, that’s built into the crypto part of it — we have Proof of Render.

「就DePIN 而言…工作室電影已在我們系統中的分散節點上透過端對端加密進行渲染- 您將獲得更快的速度,您將獲得十分之一的成本,您擁有巨大的可用性,並且分類帳可以驗證圖像是什麼或資料來自哪裡,這是內建在其加密部分的——我們有渲染證明。

Generative AI on the inference and training side also fit to the kinds of GPUs that are already on Render. You don’t need an H100 to do training on generative video. One of the more exciting propositions for us is we look at the Apple ecosystem where you have GPUs with 120 gigabytes of video memory, those are out there in the tens of millions. Tapping into that is going to be a massive win over the cost of the scaling issues we have on centralized clouds. That’s where I see huge advantages of decentralized approaches like we have.”

推理和訓練的生成式 AI 也適用於 Render 上已有的 GPU 類型。您不需要 H100 來進行生成視訊訓練。對我們來說,更令人興奮的提議之一是我們著眼於 Apple 生態系統,其中擁有具有 120 GB 顯存的 GPU,數量達數千萬。利用這一點將大大克服我們在集中式雲端上遇到的擴展問題的成本。這就是我看到像我們這樣的去中心化方法的巨大優勢的地方。”

— Jules Urbach, Founder @ Render

— Jules Urbach,Render 創辦人

Migration to Solana


To accommodate growing demand and anticipate future network expansion, the Render Foundation has opted to migrate Render Network to Solana. This decision was driven by factors such as blockchain throughput, where Render Network claims to surpass Ethereum's transaction processing capacity. Additionally, emerging technologies like Merkle Tree compression for NFTs, developed by Solana Labs and Metaplex, offer promising opportunities for new applications.

為了滿足不斷增長的需求並預測未來的網路擴展,渲染基金會選擇將渲染網路遷移到 Solana。這項決定是由區塊鏈吞吐量等因素推動的,Render Network 聲稱其超過了以太坊的交易處理能力。此外,Solana Labs 和 Metaplex 開發的 NFT 梅克爾樹壓縮等新興技術為新應用提供了有前景的機會。

How Render Network Operates


Render Network's operation comprises:


  • A blockchain network
  • Creators who generate jobs requiring GPU power
  • Node Operators who contribute idle GPUs to the network
  • OctaneRender, the rendering engine used in the Render Network client
  • A multi-tier pricing protocol
  • Proof-of-Render, a consensus system that governs overall operation

Blockchain Integration

區塊鏈網路 產生需要 GPU 功率的作業的創作者 向網路提供空閒 GPU 的節點運營商 OctaneRender,渲染網路客戶端中使用的渲染引擎 多層定價協議 渲染證明,管理整體操作的共識系統 區塊鏈集成

Initially deployed on Ethereum, Render Network has recently expanded to Solana, with plans for an eventual transition to the latter. The blockchain layer manages payments, utilizing public ledgers to ensure transparency in Creator-Node Operator interactions. All parties can verify that transactions are processed correctly and, if necessary, identified and rectified.

渲染網路最初部署在以太坊上,最近已擴展到 Solana,並計劃最終過渡到後者。區塊鏈層管理支付,利用公共分類帳確保創建者與節點營運商互動的透明度。所有各方都可以驗證交易是否正確處理,並在必要時進行識別和糾正。

Job Creation and Allocation


Creators seeking GPU power from Render Network create a job, specifying task details. The fee is determined by job parameters and network resource availability.

從渲染網路尋求 GPU 能力的創建者會建立一個作業,並指定任務詳細資訊。費用由作業參數和網路資源可用性決定。

Node Operator Participation


Node Operators employ OctaneRender, a rendering application developed by OTOY, the graphics development firm behind Render Network. To safeguard privacy and security, the system utilizes end-to-end encryption and hashing, among other measures.

Node Operators 使用 OctaneRender,這是由 Render Network 背後的圖形開發公司 OTOY 開發的渲染應用程式。為了保護隱私和安全,該系統採用了端對端加密和雜湊等措施。

Multi-Tier Pricing Protocol


A multi-tier pricing protocol governs job allocation. It employs a reputation-based system to rank Node Operators, enabling Creators to choose from three pricing tiers:


  • Tier 1: Reserved for the project's trusted partners
  • Tier 2: For Creators seeking high-quality service
  • Tier 3: Economy tier

Tier 1 services are handled by highly rated Node Operators and typically executed faster. Node Operators with higher ratings receive more job allocations.

第1 層:為專案值得信賴的合作夥伴保留第2 層:為尋求高品質服務的創作者提供第3 層:經濟層第1 層服務由評價較高的節點運營商處理,通常執行速度更快。評分越高的節點運營商獲得的工作分配越多。

Proof-of-Render (POR)

渲染證明 (POR)

Render Network's Proof-of-Render (POR) consensus algorithm orchestrates job processing. Similar to Proof-of-Work, Node Operators commit their computing resources (GPUs) to process tasks. However, instead of solving mathematical puzzles, the tasks here involve graphics rendering jobs. Upon job completion, the POR algorithm updates the Node Operator's status, including reputation score adjustments based on task quality.

渲染網路的渲染證明 (POR) 共識演算法協調作業處理。與工作量證明類似,節點業者將其運算資源(GPU)用於處理任務。然而,這裡的任務不是解決數學難題,而是涉及圖形渲染工作。作業完成後,POR 演算法會更新節點運營商的狀態,包括根據任務品質進行聲譽評分調整。

Benefits of Render Network


  • Scalability: Creators access on-demand GPU power, renting as much as needed for their projects.
  • Privacy and Security: Render Network safeguards Creators' privacy and assets through measures like encryption, limited asset storage, and frame watermarking.
  • Transparency and Fair Pricing: Render Network offers transparency for both Creators and Node Operators. Blockchain-based payments ensure verifiable transactions. A multi-tier pricing system allows users to pay based on their requirements and budget.

Use Cases of Render Network

可擴展性:創作者可以按需存取GPU 能力,根據專案需求租用盡可能多的資源。隱私和安全:渲染網路透過加密、有限資產儲存和幀水印等措施保護創作者的隱私和資產。透明度和公平定價:渲染網路為創建者和節點運營商提供透明度。基於區塊鏈的支付確保交易可驗證。多層定價系統允許用戶根據自己的需求和預算付費。渲染網路的用例

Render Network's GPU processing power finds applications in various fields, including:

渲染網路的 GPU 處理能力可應用於各領域,包括:

  • Film, Games, and Other Media: High-quality graphics are crucial in film and game development. Render Network provides Creators with scalable GPU power to bring their visions to life.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Render Network explores support for AI and machine learning tasks. The integration will enable Node Operators to take on rendering jobs for AI-generated graphics and prototypes.
  • Architecture and Product Design: Architects and product designers can utilize Render Network to create high-quality 3D visualizations and prototypes.

Render Token (RNDR) and Its Utility

電影、遊戲和其他媒體:高品質的圖形在電影和遊戲開發中至關重要。渲染網路為創作者提供可擴展的 GPU 能力,將他們的願景變為現實。人工智慧 (AI):渲染網路探索對人工智慧和機器學習任務的支援。此次整合將使節點營運商能夠承擔人工智慧生成的圖形和原型的渲染工作。架構和產品設計:建築師和產品設計師可以利用渲染網路創建高品質的3D 視覺化和原型。渲染代幣(RNDR ) 及其實用程式

RNDR is the native token of Render Network. Integrated into the platform's growth and development plans, RNDR has several use cases:

RNDR 是渲染網路的原生代幣。 RNDR 整合到平台的成長和發展計劃中,有幾個用例:

  • Governance: As the governance token, RNDR empowers holders to influence project decisions and community development.
  • Job Payments: RNDR is the base currency for paying Node Operators for rendering jobs.
  • Burn and Mint Equilibrium: This tokenomics model aims to enhance RNDR value through a balanced pricing and remittance system.

Rise of Render Token (RNDR)

治理:作為治理代幣,RNDR 賦予持有者影響專案決策和社區發展的能力。工作支付:RNDR 是支付節點營運商渲染工作費用的基礎貨幣。銷毀和鑄幣均衡: 此代幣經濟模型旨在透過平衡來提高RNDR 價值定價和匯款系統。Rise of Render Token (RNDR)

RNDR has experienced a consistent upward trend since Q4 2023. In March 2024, it reached a new all-time high of $13.53. Factors contributing to this surge include the growing interest in AI, Nvidia's record quarterly revenue, and the availability of free OctaneRender VFX software for Mac Pro hardware users.

自 2023 年第四季以來,RNDR 一直呈上升趨勢。2024 年 3 月,達到 13.53 美元的歷史新高。促成這一激增的因素包括人們對人工智慧日益濃厚的興趣、Nvidia 創紀錄的季度收入以及為 Mac Pro 硬體用戶提供免費的 OctaneRender VFX 軟體。

Final Thoughts


As the demand for AI and next-generation media continues to grow, so does the need for GPU computing power. Render Network's vast network of idle GPUs offers scalable, cost-effective solutions for Creators and Node Operators alike. By leveraging blockchain technology and smart contracts, Render Network creates a transparent and decentralized marketplace for GPU power, empowering Creators and monetizing idle GPUs for Node Operators.

隨著人工智慧和下一代媒體的需求不斷增長,對 GPU 運算能力的需求也不斷增長。渲染網路龐大的空閒 GPU 網路為創作者和節點營運商等提供可擴展、經濟高效的解決方案。透過利用區塊鏈技術和智能合約,渲染網路為 GPU 算力創建了一個透明且去中心化的市場,為創作者提供支持,並為節點運營商透過閒置 GPU 貨幣化。


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