
Remittix (RTX) has introduced its Pay API to simplify crypto payments for businesses and individuals.
Remittix (RTX) 推出了 Pay API,以簡化企業和個人的加密支付。
For companies, Remittix provides a secure and efficient way to accept cryptocurrencies, process payments, and settle them directly into fiat accounts. Companies can create dedicated accounts, receive payments in crypto, and withdraw funds in over 30 supported fiat currencies. This functionality bridges the gap between the growing crypto economy and traditional banking, allowing businesses to reach a broader customer base.
對於公司而言,Remittix 提供了一種安全有效的方式來接受加密貨幣、處理付款並將其直接結算到法定帳戶。公司可以建立專用帳戶,接收加密貨幣付款,並以 30 多種支援的法定貨幣提取資金。此功能彌合了不斷增長的加密經濟和傳統銀行業務之間的差距,使企業能夠覆蓋更廣泛的客戶群。
Freelancers can also benefit from Remittix’s streamlined solution. Setting up a Remittix Pay account enables freelancers to receive payments from clients worldwide, with instant conversion into fiat currency for ease of use. Recipients don’t need to worry about navigating blockchain technology—the system ensures a smooth, invisible backend process.
自由工作者也可以從 Remittix 的簡化解決方案中受益。設定 Remittix Pay 帳戶使自由工作者能夠接收來自世界各地客戶的付款,並即時轉換為法定貨幣以方便使用。收件人無需擔心如何使用區塊鏈技術——該系統可確保平穩、隱形的後端流程。
For individuals, Remittix offers a fast and cost-effective way to transfer funds globally. Using blockchain technology, transactions are transparent, immutable, and tamper-proof. Unlike competitors like Stripe and Coinbase, Remittix ensures both affordability and ease of use.
對於個人而言,Remittix 提供了一種快速且經濟高效的全球轉帳方式。使用區塊鏈技術,交易是透明的、不可變的、防篡改的。與 Stripe 和 Coinbase 等競爭對手不同,Remittix 確保價格實惠且易於使用。
With strong security measures, including audits by BlockSAFU and SolidProof, and a current token price of $0.0207, RTX tokens are poised to meet increasing demand. As crypto adoption rises, Remittix leads the way in making global payments more accessible and efficient.
憑藉強大的安全措施(包括 BlockSAFU 和 SolidProof 的審查)以及當前 0.0207 美元的代幣價格,RTX 代幣有望滿足不斷增長的需求。隨著加密貨幣採用率的上升,Remittix 在使全球支付更加便捷和高效方面處於領先地位。