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在備受期待的 2024 年,大量有前景的 ICO 旨在第三季創造百萬富翁。本文重點介紹了 11 個傑出的 ICO,它們透過創新產品、路線圖和產業合作夥伴關係而脫穎而出。這些 ICO,從 Engines of Fury 等遊戲平台到 Kima Network 等 DeFi 解決方案以及 Cookie3 等行銷分析工具,都是根據其成長潛力和對加密生態系統的影響精心挑選的。
Promising ICOs Poised to Impact the Crypto Landscape in Q3
有前景的 ICO 預計在第三季影響加密貨幣格局
The cryptocurrency community eagerly anticipates the year 2024, marked by the potential for a bull run and the halving of Bitcoin. This anticipation often coincides with a surge in ICOs, as novel projects seek to capitalize on the favorable market conditions.
加密貨幣社群熱切期待 2024 年,這一年可能會出現牛市和比特幣減半。這種預期往往與 ICO 的激增同時發生,因為新項目尋求利用有利的市場條件。
ICOs, or Initial Coin Offerings, provide investors with an opportunity to acquire tokens at a discounted price, granting them early access to projects that may potentially yield significant returns. However, the ICO landscape is not without its challenges, with the presence of fraudulent projects attempting to exploit investors.
ICO(首次代幣發行)為投資者提供了以折扣價購買代幣的機會,使他們能夠儘早參與可能產生可觀回報的項目。然而,ICO 格局並非沒有挑戰,存在試圖剝削投資者的詐欺項目。
To navigate this complex landscape, it is imperative to conduct thorough research and due diligence before investing in any ICO. This article presents an in-depth analysis of eleven ICOs that have demonstrated exceptional potential and innovation, making them worthy of consideration for investors seeking to make a significant impact in the cryptocurrency market.
為了駕馭這一複雜的局面,在投資任何 ICO 之前必須進行徹底的研究和盡職調查。本文對 11 個 ICO 進行了深入分析,這些項目展現了非凡的潛力和創新,值得尋求對加密貨幣市場產生重大影響的投資者考慮。
Engines of Fury
Engines of Fury is a revolutionary gaming platform that has assembled a team of industry veterans from renowned companies like Blizzard, Ubisoft, and Unity. Their mission is to create a game that pushes the boundaries of innovation and sets a new standard for the gaming experience. The platform will issue its gaming currency, $FURY, on Binance Smart Chain, with plans for future expansion to other platforms.
Engines of Fury 是一個革命性的遊戲平台,匯集了來自暴雪、育碧和 Unity 等知名公司的業界資深人士團隊。他們的使命是創造一款突破創新界限並為遊戲體驗樹立新標準的遊戲。該平台將在幣安智能鏈上發行其遊戲貨幣 $FURY,並計劃未來擴展到其他平台。
Kima Network
Kima Network, a pioneer in decentralized finance (DeFi), has developed a unifying protocol that creates an open infrastructure for seamless cross-chain applications. By overcoming the limitations and barriers that often impede blockchain interoperability, Kima empowers developers to create innovative applications that transcend protocol boundaries. The platform utilizes a utility token, the Kima Token, to secure the network and deter malicious actors.
Kima Network 是去中心化金融 (DeFi) 的先驅,開發了一種統一協議,為無縫跨鏈應用程式創建開放的基礎設施。透過克服通常阻礙區塊鏈互通性的限制和障礙,Kima 使開發人員能夠創建超越協議邊界的創新應用程式。該平台利用實用代幣 Kima 代幣來保護網路並阻止惡意行為者。
Cookie3 brings innovation to the Web3 marketing landscape with its robust platform that provides comprehensive analytics and tools to empower users in measuring and optimizing their marketing campaigns. The platform fosters a thriving community of consumers, artists, and enterprises, connecting them through a collaborative ecosystem. Cookie3's Initial Decentralized Offering (IDO) is scheduled to launch on Chaingpt, offering investors an opportunity to participate in the platform's growth.
Cookie3 憑藉其強大的平台為 Web3 行銷領域帶來了創新,該平台提供全面的分析和工具,使用戶能夠衡量和優化其行銷活動。該平台培育了一個由消費者、藝術家和企業組成的繁榮社區,透過協作生態系統將他們連結起來。 Cookie3 的首次去中心化發行(IDO)計劃在 Chaingpt 上推出,為投資者提供參與該平台發展的機會。
OMNIA Protocol
OMNIA Protocol, founded by cybersecurity and trading experts, is a specialized RPC provider designed specifically for DeFi traders. The platform offers cutting-edge solutions for secure and efficient transactions, addressing the challenges of front-running and MEV exploitation that commonly plague DeFi protocols. By integrating seamlessly with popular wallets like MetaMask and Coinbase, OMNIA ensures anonymity and optimal performance for traders.
OMNIA Protocol 由網路安全和交易專家創立,是專為 DeFi 交易者設計的專業 RPC 供應商。該平台為安全高效的交易提供尖端的解決方案,解決通常困擾 DeFi 協議的搶先交易和 MEV 利用的挑戰。透過與 MetaMask 和 Coinbase 等流行錢包無縫集成,OMNIA 確保交易者的匿名性和最佳性能。
Built on the Solana blockchain, SOLSTORM aims to empower Web3 projects and foster a vibrant investment community. Its user-centric design, robust security measures, and innovative tokenomics create a secure and transparent environment for research and investment. SOLSTORM provides access to project liquidity, shareholder structures, and on-chain analytics tools, empowering users to make informed decisions.
SOLSTORM 基於 Solana 區塊鏈構建,旨在為 Web3 專案提供支援並培育充滿活力的投資社群。其以用戶為中心的設計、強大的安全措施和創新的代幣經濟學為研究和投資創造了一個安全、透明的環境。 SOLSTORM 提供專案流動性、股東結構和鏈上分析工具,使用戶能夠做出明智的決策。
Hybrid AI
Hybrid AI aspires to create an accessible ecosystem that bridges the gap between Web2 and Web3 enthusiasts, democratizing AI in Web3. Their flagship product, Atlas, is a decentralized AI tool that empowers individuals to create personalized AI agents. The platform simplifies the process of developing AI applications, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. Hybrid AI's IDO is anticipated in the near future.
混合人工智慧渴望創建一個可訪問的生態系統,彌合 Web2 和 Web3 愛好者之間的差距,使 Web3 中的人工智慧民主化。他們的旗艦產品 Atlas 是一種去中心化的人工智慧工具,使個人能夠創建個人化的人工智慧代理。該平台簡化了人工智慧應用程式的開發過程,使具有不同技術專業水平的用戶都可以使用它。混合人工智慧的 IDO 預計將在不久的將來出現。
Stage is revolutionizing the music industry with a groundbreaking platform that seamlessly combines entertainment and commerce. Its gamified experience, powered by Web 3 technology, enables artists to monetize their work while fostering fan engagement and rewards. The platform's native token, $STAGE, will debut in early June, offering investors a chance to shape the future of music and support the platform's growth.
Stage 正在透過一個無縫結合娛樂和商業的突破性平台徹底改變音樂產業。其遊戲化體驗由 Web 3 技術提供支持,使藝術家能夠將他們的作品貨幣化,同時促進粉絲參與和獎勵。該平台的原生代幣 $STAGE 將於 6 月初首次亮相,為投資者提供塑造音樂未來並支持平台發展的機會。
Plena is an innovative crypto super app that prioritizes security and convenience. Utilizing advanced Account Abstraction technology, Plena simplifies cryptocurrency investing by supporting over 100,000 cryptocurrencies. Its self-custodial wallet ensures user control over their funds, while the integrated bridge tool facilitates seamless transfers across different blockchains. Plena's unique approach to crypto security and versatility sets it apart as an exceptional solution for both novice and experienced crypto users.
Plena 是一款創新的加密超級應用程序,優先考慮安全性和便利性。利用先進的帳戶抽象技術,斑麗透過支援超過 100,000 種加密貨幣來簡化加密貨幣投資。其自我託管錢包確保用戶對其資金的控制,而整合橋接工具則有助於跨不同區塊鏈的無縫轉移。斑麗獨特的加密安全性和多功能性使其成為新手和經驗豐富的加密用戶的卓越解決方案。
Skillful AI
Skillful AI is a revolutionary platform transforming the AI landscape by providing a personalized AI ecosystem. Its AI assistants are tailored to specific domains, enabling users to stay ahead of the technological curve. By focusing on context and user-specific interactions, Skillful AI ensures comprehensive and accurate responses. The platform's highly anticipated ICO is approaching, with a limited number of whitelist spots still available.
Skillful AI 是一個革命性平台,透過提供個人化的 AI 生態系統來改變 AI 格局。其人工智慧助理針對特定領域量身定制,使用戶能夠保持技術領先地位。透過專注於上下文和特定於使用者的交互,Skillful AI 可確保全面且準確的回應。該平台備受期待的 ICO 即將到來,白名單名額數量有限。
The EARNM ecosystem is a groundbreaking concept that rewards users for engaging in everyday activities such as shopping, gaming, and listening to music. By introducing a novel approach to value creation in the digital realm, EARNM has developed innovative features like the AI Displacement UBI Solution, Mystery Boxes, and Play2Earn. The platform's IDO is scheduled for mid-May on multiple launchpads, including Polkastarter and Finceptor.
EARNM 生態系統是一個突破性的概念,獎勵用戶參與購物、遊戲和聽音樂等日常活動。透過在數位領域引入一種新穎的價值創造方法,EARNM 開發了 AI Displacement UBI 解決方案、Mystery Boxes 和 Play2Earn 等創新功能。該平台的 IDO 計劃於 5 月中旬在多個發射台上進行,包括 Polkastarter 和 Finceptor。
Stabble is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on Solana, utilizing an automated market maker (AMM) conversion function similar to Uniswap. However, Stabble distinguishes itself with its advanced features such as intelligent liquidity routing, virtual margin liquidity, and internal and external arbitrage trading. By addressing key challenges in the DeFi ecosystem, such as impermanent loss and price impact, Stabble offers a seamless and efficient experience for both traders and liquidity providers.
Stabble 是一個基於 Solana 建構的去中心化交易所 (DEX),利用類似 Uniswap 的自動做市商 (AMM) 轉換功能。然而,Stabble 以其先進的功能而脫穎而出,例如智慧流動性路由、虛擬保證金流動性以及內部和外部套利交易。透過解決 DeFi 生態系統中的關鍵挑戰,例如無常損失和價格影響,Stabble 為交易者和流動性提供者提供無縫且高效的體驗。
The Power of ICOs
ICO 的力量
ICOs have become a significant means for crypto projects to acquire funding and gain momentum. By offering early investors discounted
ICO 已成為加密項目獲得資金和發展勢頭的重要手段。透過為早期投資者提供折扣
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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