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8月12日,針對Poly Network跨鏈管理合約的漏洞,Poly Network暫停了跨鏈服務,影響了Flamingo Finance的功能。
General Updates
Several updates were announced for the Neo ecosystem this week, including the temporary suspension of cross-chain services by Poly Network following an exploit, upcoming events, new dApp launches, and more.
本週 Neo 生態系統宣布了多項更新,包括 Poly Network 在漏洞、即將發生的事件、新的 dApp 發布等之後暫停跨鏈服務。
Poly Network temporarily suspended its cross-chain services in response to an exploit targeting the Poly Network cross-chain management contract on Aug. 12, affecting Flamingo Finance features. The hacker currently has approximately $2.9 million in ETH, wETH, and wBTC, and $200,000 in BNB. Eight addresses belonging to the attacker have been frozen by the Neo Council, four of which appear to be deposit addresses for centralized exchanges.
8月12日,針對Poly Network跨鏈管理合約的漏洞,Poly Network暫停了跨鏈服務,影響了Flamingo Finance的功能。該駭客目前擁有約 290 萬美元的 ETH、wETH 和 wBTC,以及 20 萬美元的 BNB。屬於攻擊者的 8 個位址已被 Neo 理事會凍結,其中 4 個似乎是中心化交易所的儲值位址。
NGD will co-host the Neo Vibe Tokyo pre-party for the WebX conference in collaboration with CoinTelegraph Japan, OKCoin Japan, and Neo Smart Economy Japan. The Aug. 25 event will celebrate the launch of Neo X. Five visitors will be chosen randomly to receive a WebX conference ticket, and the first 50 visitors will receive a Neo hat.
NGD 將與 CoinTelegraph Japan、OKCoin Japan 和 Neo Smart Economy Japan 合作,共同主辦 WebX 會議的 Neo Vibe Tokyo 預熱派對。 8 月 25 日的活動將慶祝 Neo X 的推出。
Asteroneo has launched a non-custodial exchange on the Neo X EVM sidechain, and plans to release an NFT project on Aug. 19. The DEX is aimed at offering users the ability to provide liquidity to pools, swap tokens between pools, and take advantage of high-yield farming opportunities. Its NeoNauts NFT project is a collection of 5,000 custom, in-house designed space-themed cat NFTs that are planned to also offer DEX utility to holders.
Asteroneo 在Neo X EVM 側鏈上推出了非託管交易所,並計劃於8 月19 日發布NFT 專案。能力。其 NeoNauts NFT 專案收集了 5,000 個客製化的、內部設計的太空主題貓 NFT,這些 NFT 還計劃為持有者提供 DEX 實用程式。
COZ released Neon Wallet 3, the latest version of its self-custodial wallet designed for desktop and mobile platforms. This new version offers a range of improvements and features that streamline the experience for both new and existing users, and includes support for Neo X. Existing Neon users will need to follow a migration process, while new users can create accounts for Neo N3, Neo Legacy, Neo X, and Ethereum.
COZ 發布了 Neon Wallet 3,這是其專為桌面和行動平台設計的最新版本的自我託管錢包。此新版本提供了一系列改進和功能,可簡化新用戶和現有用戶的體驗,並包括對Neo X 的支援。帳戶Legacy、Neo X 和以太坊。
Neo announced a collaboration with Photon Labs, which will ultimately support the integration of PBTC, the world’s first non-rebasing BTC token, onto Neo X.
Neo 宣布與 Photon Labs 合作,最終將支援將世界上第一個非變基 BTC 代幣 PBTC 整合到 Neo X 上。
NeoDashboard released a video on how to mint a Neo X NFT on GhostMarket, and another on how to list an NFT on GhostMarket.
NeoDashboard 發布了一個關於如何在 GhostMarket 上鑄造 Neo X NFT 的視頻,以及另一個關於如何在 GhostMarket 上列出 NFT 的視頻。
OwlX added Neo X to its AI information discovery platform’s list of supported blockchain networks. The AI-powered media aggregator allows users to track and explore Web3 projects built on Neo X and other ecosystems.
OwlX 將 Neo X 加入其人工智慧資訊發現平台支援的區塊鏈網路清單中。這個由人工智慧驅動的媒體聚合器允許用戶追蹤和探索基於 Neo X 和其他生態系統構建的 Web3 專案。
Carrot Swap announced the upcoming launch of its non-custodial exchange on Neo X on Aug. 20.
Carrot Swap 宣布將於 8 月 20 日在 Neo X 上推出其非託管交易所。
Intersect Finance announced plans to launch its borrow-and-lend protocol on Neo X TestNet in August. The platform will offer single-click deposits and withdrawals, real-time loan-to-value health tracking, and multi-asset support.
Intersect Finance 宣布計劃於 8 月在 Neo X TestNet 上推出其借貸協議。該平台將提供點擊存款和提款、即時貸款價值健康追蹤和多資產支援。
Frank Coin hosted a community quiz on the team’s official Telegram channel, where the top three participants each won 80 FLM, and those ranked 4 – 13 each won 45 FLM tokens. Frank Coin also shared an X thread on migrating GAS from N3 to X and trading for tokens.
Frank Coin 在團隊的官方 Telegram 頻道上舉辦了一場社群測驗,前三名參與者每人贏得 80 個 FLM,排名 4-13 名的參與者每人贏得 45 個 FLM 代幣。 Frank Coin 也分享了一個關於將 GAS 從 N3 遷移到 X 並交易代幣的 X 線程。
Pixudi CEO and founder Alex Scoresby joined a CoreDAO stream entitled Unleashing the Power of Core in Gaming to discuss the NFT board racing game.
Pixudi 執行長兼創辦人 Alex Scoresby 加入了題為「釋放遊戲核心力量」的 CoreDAO 直播,討論 NFT 棋盤賽車遊戲。
Developer Updates
Neo SPCC released a new patch version of NeoFS REST Gateway, which delivered bug fixes and included a PUT handler optimization.
Neo SPCC 發布了 NeoFS REST Gateway 的新修補程式版本,其中修正了錯誤並包含 PUT 處理程序最佳化。
AxLabs shared insights via a company update on the Neo X EVM sidechain and its potential for interoperability with other ecosystems, the chain’s complementary qualities with Neo N3, the challenges building a new EVM chain, and adding support for Neo X to 1ClickNode and GrantShares.
AxLabs 透過公司對Neo X EVM 側鏈的更新及其與其他生態系統的互通性潛力、該鏈與Neo N3 的互補品質、構建新EVM 鏈的挑戰以及向1ClickNode 和GrantShares 添加對Neo X 的支持來分享見解。
NNT Catch Up
NNT 趕上
NNT released Episode 70 of The Smart Economy Podcast with Laurent Benayoun, CEO of Acheron Trading, a financial services company that builds liquid markets for digital assets. Topics of discussion include the rise of crypto-backed ETFs and their impact on the market, the shift from trading pairs against Bitcoin to stablecoins like USDT and USDC, the importance of staying ahead of evolving blockchain technologies and liquidity models, emerging trends in DeFi, the uncertain future of crypto regulations and their potential implications, and much more.
NNT 發布了由 Acheron Trading 執行長 Laurent Benayoun 主持的智慧經濟播客第 70 集,Acheron Trading 是一家為數位資產建立行動市場的金融服務公司。討論的主題包括加密貨幣支持的ETF 的興起及其對市場的影響、從比特幣交易對到USDT 和USDC 等穩定幣的轉變、保持領先於不斷發展的區塊鏈技術和流動性模型的重要性、DeFi 的新興趨勢、加密貨幣法規的不確定未來及其潛在影響等等。
NNT editors co-hosted Crypto Coffee and Blockchain Beer Spaces #30 on the official The Smart Economy Podcast X account. Topics of discussion included the Poly Network hack and impact on NEO and GAS, new dApps on Neo X, an arbitrage opportunity on Flamingo Finance, the Rare Evo VIP party, and exploring the Cardano ecosystem at the two-day event.
NNT 編輯在官方 The Smart Economy Podcast X 帳戶上共同主持了 Crypto Coffee 和 Blockchain Beer Spaces #30。討論的主題包括 Poly Network 駭客攻擊以及對 NEO 和 GAS 的影響、Neo X 上的新 dApp、Flamingo Finance 上的套利機會、Rare Evo VIP 派對,以及在為期兩天的活動中探索 Cardano 生態系統。
Aug. 22: NNT editors hosting CC & BB #31 on The Smart Economy Podcast official X account
8 月 22 日:NNT 編輯在智慧經濟播客官方 X 帳號上主持 CC & BB #31
Aug. 25: Neo hosting Neo Rise Tokyo party ahead of WebX
8 月 25 日:Neo 在 WebX 之前舉辦 Neo Rise Tokyo 派對
Aug. 27: Meme2Earn Community Fireplace on its official Discord server
8 月 27 日:Meme2Earn 社群 Fireplace 在其官方 Discord 伺服器上
Aug. 27:
8 月 27 日:
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