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Polkadot 的平行鏈:互通性和可擴展性的綜合分析

2024/05/02 15:44

平行鍊是 Polkadot 區塊鏈生態系統的核心概念,提供可擴展性和互通性解決方案。與傳統區塊鏈不同,Polkadot 作為託管多個第一層區塊鏈(「平行鏈」)的「中繼鏈」運行。每個平行鏈都專注於特定的用例,從而實現“區塊鏈網路”,它們可以使用 Polkadot 的 DOT 代幣作為通用貨幣進行無縫互動。平行鏈利用中繼鏈的共識機制和安全保證,維持自己的治理、交易費用和獎勵。這種架構透過利用多個平行鏈來支援各種應用程式和服務,類似於歐盟促進不同國家之間經濟整合的方式。

Polkadot 的平行鏈:互通性和可擴展性的綜合分析

Polkadot's Parachains: A Comprehensive Analysis of Interoperability and Scalability

Polkadot 的平行鏈:互通性和可擴展性的綜合分析

Amidst the burgeoning landscape of blockchain projects, the pursuit of interoperability and scalability remains a paramount concern. Polkadot, a cutting-edge blockchain platform, has emerged as a pivotal player in this arena, introducing a novel approach to these challenges through its concept of parachains.

在區塊鏈專案蓬勃發展的背景下,對互通性和可擴展性的追求仍然是最重要的問題。 Polkadot 是一個尖端的區塊鏈平台,已成為該領域的關鍵參與者,透過其平行鏈概念引入了一種新穎的方法來應對這些挑戰。

Parachains: A Paradigm Shift in Blockchain Architecture


Unlike traditional blockchains like Ethereum, Polkadot is not designed to offer an extensive range of intrinsic functionalities. Instead, it serves as a "Relay Chain," a foundational infrastructure upon which multiple parallel layer-1 blockchains, known as parachains, can coexist and operate seamlessly.

與以太坊等傳統區塊鏈不同,Polkadot 的設計目的並不是提供廣泛的內在功能。相反,它充當“中繼鏈”,這是一種基礎設施,多個並行的第一層區塊鏈(稱為平行鏈)可以共存並無縫運行。

These distinct blockchains can be tailored to specific use cases, collectively forming an "internet of blockchains." Notably, they all natively employ Polkadot's DOT token as a common currency, fostering a cohesive ecosystem.

這些不同的區塊鏈可以根據特定的用例進行客製化,共同形成「區塊鏈的互聯網」。值得注意的是,它們本身都使用 Polkadot 的 DOT 代幣作為通用貨幣,培育了一個有凝聚力的生態系統。

By design, the Relay Chain eschews support for features such as smart contracts, decentralized applications (dapps), and asset transfers. Instead, its primary function is to facilitate consensus among diverse parachains engaged in more user-facing activities.

從設計上來說,中繼鏈避開了對智慧合約、去中心化應用程式 (dapp) 和資產轉移等功能的支援。相反,它的主要功能是促進參與更多面向用戶的活動的不同平行鏈之間達成共識。

This fundamental layer, classified as a "Layer-0 blockchain," leverages a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, akin to Ethereum's post-Merge implementation. This mechanism employs Blind Assignment for Blockchain Extension (BABE), a protocol derived from Ouroboros, originally developed by computer scientist Aggelos Kiayias and shared by Cardano.

這個基礎層被歸類為“Layer-0 區塊鏈”,利用權益證明共識機制,類似於以太坊的合併後實施。該機制採用區塊鏈擴展盲分配(BABE),這是一種源自 Ouroboros 的協議,最初由電腦科學家 Aggelos Kiayias 開發並由 Cardano 共享。

The network of parachains built around Polkadot possesses the remarkable ability to transmit not only tokens but also data across their interconnected realms. This empowers developers to construct services that leverage multiple distinct parachains rather than confining themselves to a single blockchain.

圍繞 Polkadot 構建的平行鍊網路擁有非凡的能力,不僅可以在互連領域傳輸代幣,還可以傳輸資料。這使得開發人員能夠建立利用多個不同平行鏈的服務,而不是局限於單一區塊鏈。

To illustrate this concept, one can draw parallels to the European Union (EU), where member countries maintain independent economies while freely exchanging goods, services, and workers. In a similar vein, each parachain enjoys the liberty to establish its own parameters, encompassing transaction fees, block times, governance mechanisms, and mining rewards.


The vast majority of contemporary parachains, including the Polkadot Relay Chain, utilize a development framework known as Substrate, provided by Parity Technologies, a leading British technology firm. While synergistic, Substrate is not an exclusive requirement for parachain development and maintenance.

絕大多數當代平行鏈,包括 Polkadot 中繼鏈,都使用由英國領先技術公司 Parity Technologies 提供的名為 Substrate 的開發框架。雖然具有協同作用,但 Substrate 並不是平行鏈開發和維護的唯一要求。

Parachains vs. Sidechains: A Comparative Analysis


While parachains bear superficial similarities to sidechains, separate blockchains built on top of existing blockchains like Ethereum, they differ in fundamental ways. Sidechains aim to enhance the scalability and interoperability of their parent blockchains, exemplified by projects like Polygon Network and BNB Smart Chain (BSC).

雖然平行鏈與側鏈(建立在以太坊等現有區塊鏈之上的獨立區塊鏈)表面上相似,但它們在根本上有所不同。側鏈旨在增強其父區塊鏈的可擴展性和互通性,Polygon Network 和 BNB 智慧鏈(BSC)等項目就是例證。

However, sidechains possess their own consensus mechanisms and native tokens, whereas parachains on Polkadot share the same consensus mechanism embodied by the Relay Chain.

然而,側鏈擁有自己的共識機制和原生代幣,而 Polkadot 上的平行鏈則共享中繼鏈所體現的相同共識機制。

The Kusama Network: A Sandbox for Parachain Development

Kusama 網路:平行鏈開發的沙箱

An integral component of Polkadot's parachain ecosystem is the Kusama Network, which serves as a pre-production environment for aspiring parachains. This sandbox allows developers to test and refine their concepts before deploying them on the primary Polkadot network.

Kusama 網路是 Polkadot 平行鏈生態系統不可或缺的組成部分,它是有抱負的平行鏈的預生產環境。該沙箱允許開發人員在將其部署到主 Polkadot 網路之前測試和完善他們的概念。

Kusama mirrors most of Polkadot's core design features, but parachain projects on Kusama face less stringent governance requirements. This flexibility enables emerging projects to address technical deficiencies, build momentum, and cultivate a loyal user base before transitioning to the Polkadot network.

Kusama 反映了 Polkadot 的大部分核心設計功能,但 Kusama 上的平行鏈專案面臨著較不嚴格的治理要求。這種靈活性使新興專案能夠在過渡到 Polkadot 網路之前解決技術缺陷、建立動力並培養忠實的用戶群。

Unlike testnets, which utilize the same underlying framework as their parent blockchains but operate with simulated funds and separate token databases, Kusama constitutes a fully functional, autonomous, and "real" blockchain.

與測試網不同的是,測試網使用與其父區塊鏈相同的底層框架,但使用模擬資金和獨立的代幣資料庫進行操作,Kusama 構成了一個功能齊全、自主且「真實」的區塊鏈。

Diverse Use Cases of Parachains


The parachain paradigm has attracted developers across a spectrum of use cases. Notable examples include:


  • Astar: One of the most widely adopted parachains, Astar incorporates the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) WebAssembly, empowering developers to create dapps for applications spanning decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
  • Nodle: This parachain aspires to bridge the gap between Web3 and the physical world by transforming smartphones into edge nodes capable of interacting with sensors and devices in real-world environments using simple iOS and Android apps.
  • Moonbeam: A smart contract platform built on the Substrate blockchain framework, Moonbeam allows developers to construct decentralized applications (dapps) utilizing smart contracts. These dapps can seamlessly integrate with networks such as Ethereum.

The Competitive Landscape of Parachain Auctions

Astar:Astar 是採用最廣泛的平行鏈之一,它採用了以太坊虛擬機(EVM) WebAssembly,使開發人員能夠為涵蓋去中心化金融(DeFi)、不可替代代幣(NFT) 和去中心化自治組織(DAO) 的應用程式創建dapp .Nodle:這條平行鏈旨在透過將智慧型手機轉變為邊緣節點,能夠使用簡單的iOS 和Android 應用程式與現實環境中的感測器和設備進行交互,從而彌合Web3 和物理世界之間的差距。這些 dapp 可以與以太坊等網路無縫整合。

To secure a position on the Polkadot network, projects engage in competitive bidding via auctions. These auctions determine which projects gain access to the Relay Chain and the timing of their connection.

為了確保在 Polkadot 網路上的地位,項目透過拍賣進行競標。這些拍賣決定哪些項目可以存取中繼鏈以及它們的連接時間。

The Web3 Foundation intentionally maintains a scarcity of successful bids to foster intense competition within the ecosystem. Once projects acquire one of these coveted leases, they enjoy a duration of approximately 96 weeks. On the Kusama sister network, these leases have a maximum duration of 48 weeks.

Web3 基金會有意維持成功投標的稀缺性,以促進生態系統內的激烈競爭。一旦專案獲得這些令人垂涎的租約之一,它們的期限約為 96 週。在 Kusama 姊妹網路上,這些租約的最長期限為 48 週。

These auctions primarily operate through a mechanism known as "crowdloans." Here, community members demonstrate their support for favored projects by temporarily locking their tokens in their favor.


These tokens are held in segregated Relay Chain modules beyond the control of the respective projects. This measure helps prevent malicious developers from absconding with funds, commonly referred to as "rugpulls." Unsuccessful bids automatically trigger the return of tokens to their owners.


The Future of Parachains: A Glimpse into the Roadmap


The Polkadot Relay Chain is poised for a significant upgrade, scheduled for the near future. This update, dubbed the Join-Accumulate Machine (JAM), will introduce transformative changes to the functioning of the Relay Chain.

Polkadot 中繼鏈預計將在不久的將來進行重大升級。這次更新稱為加入累積機(JAM),將為中繼鏈的功能帶來革命性的改變。

The upcoming JAM upgrade will empower Polkadot's Relay Chain to execute more versatile "services," including smart contracts. Simultaneously, it will maintain support for existing Substrate-based parachains.

即將到來的 JAM 升級將使 Polkadot 的中繼鏈能夠執行更多功能的“服務”,包括智能合約。同時,它將保持對現有基於 Substrate 的平行鏈的支援。

The Web3 Foundation has allocated approximately $10 million in prize funds for developers implementing JAM, with a significant portion of this pool dedicated to projects utilizing diverse programming languages.

Web3 基金會為實施 JAM 的開發人員分配了大約 1000 萬美元的獎金,其中很大一部分專門用於使用不同程式語言的專案。

As of April 2024, the JAM update remains subject to stakeholder approval, pending a vote by holders of Polkadot's DOT token. The Polkadot community is currently invited to participate in Referendum 682 to determine the fate of this upgrade.

截至 2024 年 4 月,JAM 更新仍需利害關係人批准,並等待 Polkadot 的 DOT 代幣持有者投票。目前,Polkadot 社群受邀參加 682 號公投,以確定本次升級的命運。


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