
An 84-year-old South Yorkshire pensioner bravely fought off a mugger with his jeans at a Maltby launderette. Dramatic CCTV footage shows the moment the masked man entered the shop and demanded money from Ron Croker, who was drying his clothes at the time. Mr Croker can be seen pushing the attacker back - using his jeans as protection in case the man was armed. The mugger eventually fled the scene empty-handed. Mr Croker received bruises to his hands and arm, but escaped without losing any of his belongings. A fundraising page has been set up for Mr Croker, with more than £2,000 being raised so far. Carl Goodfellow, who started the page, wrote: “I’m reaching out to ask for your support in helping an elderly gentleman from our community who recently went through a tough experience at the laundrette. Every donation will make a real difference in his life, whether it’s getting him laundry facilities at home to enjoy or something nice to brighten his day… Let’s spread some joy into this man’s life and show him he is not alone!” South Yorkshire Police said that Lloyd Smith, 42, had been charged with attempted robbery in connection with the incident. He has been remanded in custody until his next court appearance on February 7.
南約克郡一位 84 歲的退休金領取者在 Maltby 自助洗衣店勇敢地用牛仔褲擊退了搶劫犯。戲劇性的閉路電視錄像顯示,蒙面男子進入商店並向當時正在晾衣服的羅恩·克羅克索要錢。可以看到克羅克先生將襲擊者推開,他用牛仔褲作為保護,以防該男子攜帶武器。劫匪最後空手逃離現場。克羅克先生的手和手臂受了傷,但他逃脫了,沒有丟失任何財物。為克羅克先生設立了一個籌款頁面,迄今為止已籌集了超過 2,000 英鎊。該頁面的創建者卡爾古德費洛 (Carl Goodfellow) 寫道:「我請求您提供支持,幫助我們社區的一位年長紳士,他最近在自助洗衣店經歷了一段艱難的經歷。每一筆捐款都將為他的生活帶來真正的改變,無論是讓他在家裡使用洗衣設施還是讓他的一天變得美好……讓我們為這個人的生活傳播一些快樂,讓他知道他並不孤單! ”南約克郡警方表示,42 歲的勞埃德史密斯 (Lloyd Smith) 被指控與這起事件有關的搶劫未遂罪。他已被還押候審,直至 2 月 7 日下次出庭。
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