Lumia的聯合創始人兼區塊鏈建築師Deniz Dalkilic將於2月3日參加倫敦的數字資產論壇。

Web3 technology company, Orion Protocol (ORN), has announced the attendance of Deniz Dalkilic, co-founder and blockchain architect at Lumia, at the Digital Assets Forum in London on February 3.
Web3技術公司Orion協議(ORN)宣布了Lumia的Deniz Dalkilic,聯合創始人和區塊鏈建築師的出席,並於2月3日在倫敦的數字資產論壇上。
During the event, Deniz is set to delve into the topic of tokenized assets from an end-to-end perspective. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights from Lumia's firsthand experience and expertise in the field.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the world of digital assets. Follow ORN on Twitter for the latest updates.
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