不可替代代幣(NFT)項目 CyberKongz 表示,它收到了美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的 Wells 通知,成為不斷增長的最新項目

NFT project CyberKongz has revealed that it received a Wells notice from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), making it the second known NFT brand to be targeted by the Wall Street regulator this year.
NFT 專案 CyberKongz 透露,它收到了美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的 Wells 通知,使其成為今年華爾街監管機構針對的第二個知名 NFT 品牌。
The SEC is reportedly alleging that CyberKongz violated securities laws in its sales of NFTs, similar to the allegations made against NFT marketplace OpenSea earlier this year.
據報道,SEC 指控 CyberKongz 在銷售 NFT 時違反了證券法,類似於今年早些時候針對 NFT 市場 OpenSea 的指控。
CyberKongz, which is also a gaming platform, is now refusing to back down from the SEC's claims, arguing that the agency's stance would harm the entire Web3 gaming segment and that it will "defend against this stance for the wider space."
CyberKongz 也是一個遊戲平台,現在拒絕對 SEC 的主張做出讓步,認為該機構的立場將損害整個 Web3 遊戲領域,並將「在更廣泛的領域捍衛這一立場」。
The NFT project's team has also been receiving support from the cryptocurrency community, with many calling out the SEC for its approach toward the NFT industry.
NFT 專案團隊也得到了加密貨幣社群的支持,許多人呼籲 SEC 對 NFT 產業的態度。
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