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今日 Neo 新聞 - 2024 年 7 月 6 日

2024/07/08 22:34

Neo 創辦人達鴻飛的 X 帳戶於 7 月 6 日下午 4:00(UTC)被盜,當時惡意行為者開始向用戶發送請求

今日 Neo 新聞 - 2024 年 7 月 6 日

Neo founder Da Hongfei’s X account was compromised on July 6 at 4:00 p.m. (UTC). The malicious actor began sending requests for users to participate in an airdrop that was linked to a fake site. Users are advised to only interact with Da’s X account once he has regained control. At the time of press, the official Neo X account stated that Da’s account had still not been recovered despite multiple complaints filed to the X support team.

Neo 創辦人達鴻飛的 X 帳號於 7 月 6 日下午 4:00(UTC)被盜。惡意行為者開始發送請求,要求用戶參與連結到虛假網站的空投。建議用戶僅在 Da 重新獲得控制權後才與他的 X 帳戶進行互動。截至發稿,Neo X 官方帳號表示,儘管向 X 支援團隊多次投訴,但 Da 的帳號仍未恢復。

Neo launched a Galxe social media community campaign to celebrate its recent partnership with Phoenix and a campaign for its partnership with ZNS Connect. For each campaign, participants who complete all tasks in each quest will have the opportunity to win from a prize pool of approximately US $200 contributed by Neo and its partners.

Neo 發起了 Galxe 社群媒體社群活動,以慶祝其最近與 Phoenix 的合作夥伴關係,並發起了一項與 ZNS Connect 合作的活動。對於每個活動,完成每個任務中所有任務的參與者將有機會贏得由 Neo 及其合作夥伴捐贈的約 200 美元的獎金池。

Atomic Wallet announced that the third-party wallet will support assets on the Neo X EVM sidechain when the MainNet launches. Founded in 2018, Atomic Wallet has more than 5 million users globally, with around 500,000 active monthly users.

Atomic Wallet宣布,主線上線後,第三方錢包將支援Neo X EVM側鏈上的資產。 Atomic Wallet成立於2018年,全球擁有超過500萬用戶,每月活躍用戶約50萬。

ITEM Systems installed a new non-fungible item bronze plaque at a mural located in Santos, Brazil. The associated mural was installed to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the first wave of Italian immigrants to the region, many of whom came from Genoa, Italy. Like those installed at DENVER WALLS, the NFI plaque will offer tap-and-scan functionality for mural visitors to learn more about the artwork, its artists, and its cultural significance to the region.

ITEM Systems 在巴西桑托斯的壁畫上安裝了一個新的不可替代物品青銅牌匾。相關壁畫的安裝是為了慶祝第一批義大利移民湧入該地區 150 週年,其中許多人來自義大利熱那亞。與丹佛牆 (DENVER WALLS) 上安裝的銘牌一樣,NFI 牌匾將為壁畫參觀者提供點擊和掃描功能,以了解有關藝術品、藝術家及其對該地區的文化意義的更多信息。

Frank Coin hosted a community quiz on the Neo F1 Discord server using the NNT Week in Review as the subject matter. The top three participants each won 70 FLM, and ten random winners each won 60 FRANK tokens. Frank Coin also hosted a Telegram quiz with the same prize reward structure, and the founder hosted a stream to discuss Neo ecosystem news and play the Pixudi NFT board racing game.

Frank Coin 在 Neo F1 Discord 伺服器上舉辦了一場以《NNT Week in Review》為主題的社群測驗。前三名參與者每人贏得 70 個 FLM,十名隨機獲勝者每人贏得 60 個 FRANK 代幣。 Frank Coin 也舉辦了一場具有相同獎勵結構的 Telegram 測驗,創辦人主持了一場直播,討論 Neo 生態系統新聞並玩 Pixudi NFT 棋盤賽車遊戲。

Neobox announced that the pre-sale of the NEOBOX NEP-17 token will conclude on July 16.

Neobox 宣布 NEOBOX NEP-17 代幣的預售將於 7 月 16 日結束。

Flamingo launched its July 2024 Zealy social media campaign, offering approximately $1,000 worth of FLM and GAS token rewards. Additionally, Meme2Earn launched its monthly Zealy campaign with roughly $420 worth of TIPS tokens in rewards.

Flamingo 於 2024 年 7 月推出了 Zealy 社群媒體活動,提供價值約 1,000 美元的 FLM 和 GAS 代幣獎勵。此外,Meme2Earn 還推出了每月 Zealy 活動,獎勵價值約 420 美元的 TIPS 代幣。

Flamingo shared statistics on the FLUND single-sided staking token for week 26 of 2024, noting approximately $7.06 million in total value, $3.71 million in total minting rewards, and $680,000 in total trading fee rewards.

Flamingo 分享了 2024 年第 26 週 FLUND 單側質押代幣的統計數據,指出總價值約為 706 萬美元,總鑄造獎勵為 371 萬美元,總交易費獎勵為 68 萬美元。

Switcheo Labs announced the team is seeking to hire a social media executive to cover the Demex non-custodial and perpetual swaps exchange. The team notes that candidates who reside in Singapore will receive priority, but remote work is available for top-tier candidates.

Switcheo Labs 宣布,該團隊正在尋求聘請一名社群媒體高層來負責 Demex 非託管和永續掉期交易。團隊指出,居住在新加坡的候選人將獲得優先考慮,但頂級候選人可以進行遠距工作。

AxLabs enhanced its Docker-based Neo3 private network deployment solution to support Windows, complementing its existing compatibility with Linux and MacOS. The tool is aimed at simplifying the setup of a local development environment for builders on Neo N3, which is used when testing applications.

AxLabs 增強了其基於 Docker 的 Neo3 專用網路部署解決方案以支援 Windows,補充了其與 Linux 和 MacOS 的現有相容性。該工具旨在簡化 Neo N3 上的建構者在測試應用程式時使用的本機開發環境的設定。

Neo SPCC released an updated version of neo-exporter, a project designed to simplify data exportation from Neo blockchains into Prometheus metrics. Developers, node operators, and researchers may use it to store, analyze, and visualize blockchain data.

Neo SPCC 發布了 neo-exporter 的更新版本,該專案旨在簡化從 Neo 區塊鏈到 Prometheus 指標的資料匯出。開發人員、節點運營商和研究人員可以使用它來儲存、分析和視覺化區塊鏈數據。

COZ CEO Tyler Adams was interviewed by The Tech National to discuss non-fungible item technology and building within the Neo ecosystem.

COZ 執行長 Tyler Adams 接受了 The Tech National 的採訪,討論了不可替代物品技術以及 Neo 生態系統中的建設。

NNT released Episode 67 of The Smart Economy Podcast with Matt Leising, co-founder of DeCential Media, a publication committed to telling the stories of founders, builders, and visionaries in the decentralized economy. Topics of discussion include the power of personal narratives in blockchain innovation, Leising’s journey from Bloomberg to DeCential Media, the DAO Hack and Ethereum’s subsequent resilience, the challenges of traditional journalism in crypto media, Leising’s book ‘Out of the Ether,’ DeCential Media’s approach to blockchain storytelling and independence, and more.

NNT 與 DeCential Media 聯合創始人 Matt Leising 合作發布了《智慧經濟播客》第 67 集,該出版物致力於講述去中心化經濟中創始人、建造者和夢想家的故事。討論的主題包括區塊鏈創新中個人敘事的力量、Leising 從Bloomberg 到DeCential Media 的歷程、DAO Hack 和以太坊隨後的恢復力、加密媒體中傳統新聞業的挑戰、Leising 的書《Out of the Ether 》、DeCential Media 的方法區塊鏈故事敘述和獨立性等等。

NNT editors hosted Crypto Coffee and Blockchain Beer Spaces #24 on the official The Smart Economy Podcast X account. Topics of discussion included UK election results, the German government selling BTC and the forthcoming Mt Gox BTC distributions, the dichotomy of the US government’s relationship with Coinbase, Circle’s USDC becoming the first regulatory-approved stablecoin under MiCA in the EU, The Open Network blockchain and Telegram users, gauging the accuracy of political sentiment through the Polymarket betting platform, and proposals for the Salt Bound Token.

NNT 編輯在官方 The Smart Economy Podcast X 帳戶上主持了 Crypto Coffee 和 Blockchain Beer Spaces #24。討論的主題包括英國大選結果、德國政府出售BTC 和即將推出的Mt Gox BTC 分配、美國政府與Coinbase 關係的二分法、Circle 的USDC 成為歐盟MiCA 下第一個獲得監管批准的穩定幣、開放網路區塊鍊和 Telegram 用戶,透過 Polymarket 投注平台衡量政治情緒的準確性,以及 Salt Bound 代幣的建議。

NNT editors will be hosting CC & BB #25 on The Smart Economy Podcast official X account on July 12.

NNT 編輯將於 7 月 12 日在智慧經濟播客官方 X 帳戶上主持 CC & BB #25。


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