
My Neighbor Alice, a multiplayer builder-game that combines the world of gaming with blockchain, will host an AMA on X on January 15th at 11:30 UTC. Participants in the event will have the opportunity to earn additional points for the Alice Winter Sports, according to the announcement.
《我的鄰居愛麗絲》是一款將遊戲世界與區塊鏈結合的多人建造遊戲,將於世界標準時間 1 月 15 日 11:30 在 X 上舉辦 AMA。據公告稱,活動參與者將有機會獲得愛麗絲冬季運動的額外積分。
My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer builder-game that merges the world of gaming with blockchain. Players can construct virtual lands, interact with others, and receive rewards. The game, drawing inspiration from mainstream games like Animal Crossing, offers both a regular gameplay narrative and a system for players to acquire and trade NFTs.
我的鄰居愛麗絲是一款將遊戲世界與區塊鏈融為一體的多人建造遊戲。玩家可以建造虛擬土地,與他人互動並獲得獎勵。遊戲從《動物森友會》等主流遊戲中汲取靈感,提供了常規的遊戲敘事以及供玩家獲取和交易 NFT 的系統。
Central to My Neighbor Alice’s ethos is its community-driven governance. The game features a DAO, named The Community Council, which empowers ALICE token holders to engage actively in the decision-making processes. This includes areas such as game progression, validation of NFTs, and orchestrating various competitions. Moreover, the revenue generated is channeled back to the community, ensuring a continuous cycle of development and engagement. Additionally, DeFi components are seamlessly woven into the game, offering players incentives and enriching the gameplay experience.
《我的鄰居愛麗絲》精神的核心是社區驅動的治理。該遊戲設有一個名為「社區委員會」的 DAO,它使 ALICE 代幣持有者能夠積極參與決策過程。這包括遊戲進程、NFT 驗證以及組織各種比賽等領域。此外,產生的收入將返回社區,確保開發和參與的持續循環。此外,DeFi組件無縫融入遊戲中,為玩家提供激勵並豐富遊戲體驗。
ALICE is the inherent utility token for the game and serves several crucial functions. Within the game, it acts as the primary currency, facilitating the purchase of assets and unique abilities. It also plays a pivotal role in governance, enabling token holders to have a say in the game“s direction through the DAO. Furthermore, staking opportunities are available, allowing users to generate a portion of the game”s revenue. Lastly, as a means of engagement and retention, players can earn ALICE tokens by completing various in-game quests.
ALICE 是遊戲固有的實用代幣,具有多種關鍵功能。在遊戲中,它充當主要貨幣,促進資產和獨特能力的購買。它還在治理中發揮關鍵作用,使代幣持有者能夠透過 DAO 對遊戲的方向擁有發言權。此外,還提供質押機會,允許用戶產生遊戲收入的一部分。最後,作為參與和保留的一種手段,玩家可以透過完成各種遊戲內任務來賺取 ALICE 代幣。