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《Monopoly GO》的鐵路拉力賽活動取代了 Boardwalk Bonanza,挑戰玩家登陸角落廣場(GO、Just Visiting、免費停車、監獄)以獲得積分並獲得獎勵。該活動為 Parade 合作夥伴提供多達 14,005 個骰子、數千個鼓代幣,以及 49 個里程碑的獨家慶典列車玩家代幣。透過策略性地使用骰子乘數並專注於監獄來最大化積分,玩家可以在 4 月 28 日結束之前增加獎勵並充分利用鐵路拉力賽。
Monopoly GO Launches Railroad Rally, Superseding Boardwalk Bonanza
《Monopoly GO》推出鐵路拉力賽,取代木板路富礦
New York, NY - April 12, 2023 - Marmalade Game Studio, the developer behind the beloved mobile game Monopoly GO, has announced the launch of Railroad Rally, a new in-game event that replaces the popular Boardwalk Bonanza. This high-stakes event challenges players to embark on a strategic journey, rewarding them handsomely for their efforts.
紐約州紐約 - 2023 年 4 月 12 日 - 深受喜愛的手機遊戲《Monopoly GO》的開發商 Marmalade Game Studio 宣布推出鐵路拉力賽,這是一項新的遊戲內活動,取代了流行的 Boardwalk Bonanza。這項高風險活動要求玩家踏上策略之旅,並為他們的努力提供豐厚的獎勵。
Scoring Points and Claiming Milestone Rewards
Railroad Rally presents players with a unique challenge: to strategically land on corner squares (GO, Just Visiting, Free Parking, and Jail) to accumulate points and unlock a series of milestone rewards. As players progress through the 49 milestones, they are bestowed with an array of in-game prizes, including thousands of dice, exclusive Sticker Packs, and an abundance of drum tokens for the Parade Partners event.
鐵路拉力賽為玩家帶來了獨特的挑戰:策略性地降落在角落廣場(GO、Just Visiting、免費停車和監獄)以累積積分並解鎖一系列里程碑獎勵。當玩家完成 49 個里程碑時,他們將獲得一系列遊戲內獎勵,包括數千個骰子、獨家貼紙包以及用於遊行合作夥伴活動的大量鼓代幣。
Milestone Rewards: A Detailed Breakdown
Each numbered milestone comes with its own set of enticing rewards. The following table provides a comprehensive breakdown of the prizes available at each milestone:
Milestone | Points | Reward |
1 | 5 | 70 Drum Tokens |
2 | 10 | 20 Dice |
3 | 10 | Cash Savings |
4 | 10 | Green Sticker Pack (One Star) |
5 | 55 | 85 Dice |
6 | 15 | 80 Drum Tokens |
7 | 20 | Cash Boost for Five Minutes |
8 | 20 | Green Sticker Pack (One Star) |
9 | 25 | 120 Drum Tokens |
10 | 150 | 200 Dice |
11 | 30 | Cash Savings |
12 | 35 | 160 Drum Tokens |
13 | 35 | Green Sticker Pack (One Star) |
14 | 40 | 220 Drum Tokens |
15 | 300 | 350 Dice |
16 | 40 | Cash Savings |
17 | 45 | Cash Grab Savings for 10 Minutes |
18 | 50 | Orange Sticker Pack (Two Stars) |
19 | 55 | 250 Drum Tokens |
20 | 700 | Celebration Train Player Token |
21 | 60 | Cash Savings |
22 | 70 | Pink Sticker Pack (Three Stars) |
23 | 80 | 250 Drum Tokens |
24 | 60 | Cash Savings |
25 | 1,250 | 1,000 Dice |
26 | 80 | Cash Savings |
27 | 120 | High Roller Savings for 10 Minutes |
28 | 130 | 280 Drum Tokens |
29 | 150 | 100 Dice |
30 | 900 | Cash Savings |
31 | 225 | 300 Drum Tokens |
32 | 400 | Blue Sticker Pack (Four Stars) |
33 | 350 | 200 Dice |
34 | 300 | 400 Drum Tokens |
35 | 1,800 | 1,500 Dice |
36 | 500 | 400 Drum Tokens |
37 | 600 | Blue Sticker Pack (Four Stars) |
38 | 700 | Cash Boost Savings for 10 Minutes |
39 | 800 | 500 Drum Tokens |
40 | 3,200 | 2,400 Dice |
41 | 900 | Purple Sticker Pack (Five Stars) |
42 | 1,000 | 650 Drum Tokens |
43 | 1,200 | 750 Dice |
44 | 2,500 | Cash Savings |
45 | 1,300 | 900 Dice |
46 | 1,200 | Cash Savings |
47 | 1,500 | Purple Sticker Pack (Five Stars) |
48 | 1,600 | 800 Drum Tokens |
49 | 7,500 | 6,500 Dice + Purple Sticker Pack (Five Stars) |
Maximizing Points in Railroad Rally
MilestonePointsReward1570 鼓代幣21020 骰子310 現金節省410綠色貼紙包(一星)55585 骰子61580 鼓代幣720五分鐘現金獎勵820綠色貼紙包(一星)925120 鼓代幣10150200綠色貼紙包(一星)925120 鼓代幣10150200 10163000 元35綠色貼紙包(一星)1440220 鼓代幣15300350 骰子1640現金節省1745現金搶奪節省10分鐘1850橙色貼紙包(兩顆星)1955250 鼓代幣20700慶典火車現金玩家代幣216027三顆星)2380250 鼓代幣2460現金節省251,2501,000骰子2680現金節省27120豪賭10分鐘節省28130280鼓代幣29150100 骰子30900現金儲蓄31225300 鼓代幣32400藍色貼紙包(四星)33350200 骰子34300400鼓代幣351,8001 ,500 骰子36500400 鼓代幣37600藍色貼紙包(四星)3870010 分鐘現金獎勵39800500 鼓代幣403,2002,400 骰子41900500 鼓代幣403,2002,400 骰子4190054100001350000 星幣,200750 D冰442,500現金儲蓄451,300900骰子461,200現金儲蓄471,500紫色貼紙包(五顆星)481,600800 鼓代幣497,5006,500 骰子 + 紫色加護墊(五顆星最大化)鐵路積分賽
While the event's name suggests a focus on Railroad squares, the path to high scores lies elsewhere. Players must strategically roll dice and land on GO, Just Visiting, Free Parking, and Jail to accumulate points. It is recommended to reserve the highest dice multiplier for when within six to eight squares of Jail, as this strategy maximizes the potential for earning points. Additionally, landing on Jail with doubles grants extra dice, potentially offsetting any negative effects of the square and providing further opportunities for scoring.
雖然活動的名稱表明重點關注鐵路廣場,但獲得高分的途徑卻在其他地方。玩家必須策略性地擲骰子並落在“GO”、“Just Visiting”、“Free Parking”和“Jail”上以累積積分。建議在監獄六到八個方格內保留最高的骰子乘數,因為此策略可以最大限度地提高賺取積分的潛力。此外,以雙打登陸監獄會獲得額外的骰子,有可能抵消方形的任何負面影響並提供更多得分機會。
Monopoly GO's Railroad Rally event presents players with an exciting opportunity to earn valuable in-game rewards. By carefully strategizing and optimizing their gameplay, participants can maximize their points and claim the full range of milestone prizes. With the event running until April 28, there is ample time for players to engage in the action and reap the benefits.
《Monopoly GO》的鐵路拉力賽活動為玩家提供了賺取寶貴遊戲獎勵的令人興奮的機會。透過仔細制定策略和優化遊戲玩法,參與者可以最大限度地提高積分並獲得全套里程碑獎品。活動將持續至 4 月 28 日,玩家有充足的時間參與活動並獲得收益。
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