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唐納德(Donald)和梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)一直關注賺錢。當唐納德(Donald)在房地產中發揮了自己的財富時,梅拉尼亞(Melania)通過成為一個舉世聞名的模特而成為明星和財富。
Donald and Melania Trump have always had an eye for making money. While Donald made his fortune in real estate, Melania rose to stardom and riches through becoming a world-famous model.
唐納德(Donald)和梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)一直關注賺錢。當唐納德(Donald)在房地產中發揮了自己的財富時,梅拉尼亞(Melania)通過成為一個舉世聞名的模特而成為明星和財富。
Now, the two are back in the White House for a second term, and although the Oval Office is certainly a priority, the Trumps stirred up a lot of reaction when they decided to release their own cryptocurrency.
Donald Trump released his first, and on the eve of Inauguration Day, Melania followed suit with ‘$Melania’. At its release, it had around $1.7 billion in market value, prompting many to take a leap of faith and buy it. Things are looking very bleak for the coin now, though, with, with the First Lady’s cryptocurrency heading for a crash landing.
唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)發行了他的第一個,以及就職典禮那天前夕,梅拉尼亞(Melania)與“ $ Melania”效仿。在發佈時,它的市場價值約為17億美元,促使許多人採取信仰飛躍併購買。但是,現在,由於第一夫人的加密貨幣前往墜機登陸,現在的硬幣看起來非常黯淡。
It goes without saying that Donald and Melania Trump are incredibly wealthy people. While retaining their money is, of course, for the future of they and their family, the White House and their mission for the next four years as POTUS and FLOTUS are her main focus.
不用說,唐納德(Donald)和梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)是非常富有的人。當然,在保留自己的錢的同時,對於他們和家人的未來,白宮和未來四年的使命是POTUS和FLOTUS,這是她的主要重點。
Melania Trump returned to the spotlight last week when she made a rare public appearance at Capitol Hill to push a bill combating revenge porn. The First Lady even made a political statement, criticizing Democratic politicians for being absent and not showing enough support publicly.
梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)上週在國會山(Capitol Hill)罕見的公開露面以推動一項打擊復仇色情片的法案。第一夫人甚至發表了政治聲明,批評民主黨政客缺席,沒有公開表現出足夠的支持。
“It’s heartbreaking to witness some teens, especially girls, grappling with the overwhelming challenges posed by malicious online content;” Melania said, per the New York Post.
“I was heartened to learn that [GOP] Senator [Ted] Cruz [of Texas] and [Dem] Senator [Amy] Klobuchar [of Minnesota] united to prioritize this fundamental matter. I must admit, however, I expected to see more Democrat[ic] leaders with us here today to address this serious issue. Surely as adults, we can prioritize American children ahead of partisan politics.”
“我很高興得知[GOP]參議員[德克薩斯州]的克魯茲和[dem]參議員[Amy] Klobuchar [明尼蘇達州]聯合以優先考慮這一基本問題。但是,我必須承認,我希望今天在這裡看到更多的民主黨領導人,以解決這個嚴重的問題。當然,作為成年人,我們可以在黨派政治之前優先考慮美國兒童。”
The First Lady was in attendance as Donald Trump addressed Congress last Tuesday, but much of what she is up to on a daily basis remains unknown. She has previously admitted that she won’t be living at the White House full-time this time around, as she’ll also be spending time in Palm Beach and New York City, where her son, Barron Trump, is going to school.
上週二,唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在國會致辭時,第一夫人參加了會議,但她每天所做的很多事情仍然未知。她以前曾承認,這次她不會全職住在白宮,因為她還將在棕櫚灘和紐約市度過時光,她的兒子巴倫·特朗普(Barron Trump)要上學。
Melania Trump set to star in new documentary
梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)將出演新紀錄片
Melania stated that her second White House term alongside her husband would be different. She and Donald have had some challenging times of late. Still, while she has largely stayed out of the spotlight, the Slovenian-born former model will take center stage later this year as a documentary about her is being filmed.
Speaking to People Magazine earlier this year, an unnamed source claimed that Melania has spent much time filming her Amazon documentary. The political source told the news outlet that her absence from the spotlight during Trump’s first month in office “should not come as a surprise because this is how she lives.”
The source added that Melania “will never be a traditional first lady” and has “her own ideas on what she wants to do.” Further, People Magazine wrote that the First Lady “has been involved with moving ahead on her own projects, and recently she has been in the White House for that.”
“Melania has been busy shooting her documentary and that has taken place in several locations, including the White House,” the Miami political source told People.
On January 6, Amazon confirmed they had begun filming a new behind-the-scenes film about Melania. Besides the documentary, which will be released in theaters later this year, a follow-up documentary series is reportedly also being produced.
‘My life is incredible’
As per Puck News, three people familiar with the deal said it’s worth $40 million in licensing. The project began filming in December 2024 and will be released in theaters and on the streaming platform in the second half of 2025.
根據Puck News,三名熟悉這筆交易的人說,這筆許可價值為4000萬美元。該項目於2024年12月開始拍攝,並將在2025年下半年在劇院和流媒體平台上發行。
“Prime Video will be sharing more details on the project as filming progresses and release plans are finalized,” Amazon said in a statement. “We are excited to share this truly unique story with our millions of customers around the world.”
亞馬遜在一份聲明中說:“隨著拍攝的進展,Prime Video將分享有關該項目的更多詳細信息,並且發行計劃已完成。” “我們很高興與世界上數百萬客戶分享這個真正獨特的故事。”
In early January, Melania appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss the new documentary. She explained that her memoir, which was released last year, was “such a success” that she felt people would love to hear more from her.
“So I had an idea to make a movie, to make a film about my life. My life is incredible. It’s incredibly busy and I told my agent I have this idea so please go out and make a deal for me. We started the production in November and we are shooting right now. So it’s a day-to-day life. What I’m doing, what kind of responsibilities I have, people they don’t really know and they will see it,” Melania told Fox.
According to the report, Melania is set to earn millions of
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