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Comprehending Mainnet and Testnet in the Realm of Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrencies, a novel financial instrument, have introduced a lexicon of specialized terminology. It is, therefore, unsurprising that neophytes in the cryptosphere often encounter confusion when confronted with unfamiliar terms such as blockchain, mainnet, and testnet. To elucidate these concepts, VOI.id presents a comprehensive exploration of mainnet and testnet in the context of cryptocurrency.
加密貨幣是一種新穎的金融工具,引入了專門術語詞典。因此,加密領域的新手在面對區塊鏈、主網和測試網等不熟悉的術語時經常感到困惑也就不足為奇了。為了闡明這些概念,VOI.id 在加密貨幣的背景下對主網和測試網進行了全面的探索。
Mainnet: The Cornerstone of Cryptocurrency Transactions
To grasp the significance of mainnet, consider the Bitcoin network as a quintessential example. When individuals refer to the Bitcoin network, they are essentially alluding to the Bitcoin mainnet. In essence, mainnet denotes the "main network" or "primary network."
According to BeInCrypto, a mainnet is a fully developed blockchain network that actively broadcasts, verifies, and logs transactions. This concise definition encapsulates the essence of a mainnet—a blockchain network that has been fully launched, is fully operational, and diligently processes transactions leveraging distributed ledger technology (DLT).
根據 BeInCrypto 的說法,主網是一個完全開發的區塊鏈網絡,可以主動廣播、驗證和記錄交易。這個簡潔的定義概括了主網的本質——一個已經完全啟動、全面運作並利用分散式帳本技術(DLT)認真處理交易的區塊鏈網路。
Distinguishing Features of Mainnet
Mainnets function independently as blockchains, employing their own distinct technologies and cryptocurrencies. For instance, an ERC-20 cryptocurrency token like Shiba Inu lacks its own mainnet as it operates on the Ethereum network. In contrast, Dogecoin, with its dedicated blockchain and independent technology, possesses its own mainnet. Similarly, decentralized applications (DApps) that seamlessly integrate with the Ethereum network do not have their own mainnets, instead relying on the Ethereum mainnet for their operations. Mainnet-traded crypto assets, such as Ethereum, are designed to possess tangible value and practical applications in the real world.
主網作為區塊鏈獨立運作,採用自己獨特的技術和加密貨幣。例如,像 Shiba Inu 這樣的 ERC-20 加密貨幣代幣缺乏自己的主網,因為它在以太坊網路上運行。相較之下,狗狗幣擁有專用區塊鏈和獨立技術,擁有自己的主網。同樣,與以太坊網路無縫整合的去中心化應用程式(DApp)沒有自己的主網,而是依賴以太坊主網進行操作。主網交易的加密資產(例如以太坊)旨在在現實世界中擁有有形價值和實際應用。
Mainnet versus Testnet: Unraveling the Differences
To delineate the differences between mainnet and testnet, it is prudent to initially delve into the concept of a testnet. A testnet provides developers with a platform to test novel codes and applications without compromising the smooth functioning of the mainnet or incurring any fees. Testnets are primarily intended for developers seeking to refine their mainnet offerings.
Having established a fundamental understanding of mainnets and testnets, let us clarify their distinctions to avoid any potential confusion. A mainnet represents a blockchain that delivers real-world utilities. Digital assets traded on the mainnet possess genuine value. This is a live blockchain actively utilized by individuals and constitutes the "final product" of crypto development.
Conversely, a testnet serves as an experimental network, allowing developers to conduct various tests or complimentary trials without disrupting the smooth operation of their primary mainnet. In essence, the mainnet is the final, polished version of the network, whereas the testnet is a means for testing code or applications.
Striking Differences between Mainnets and Testnets
Mainnets and testnets exhibit several notable differences. Firstly, a mainnet is the finalized form of a blockchain, actively broadcasting and operating, while a testnet is a means for testing code or applications. As reported by Altcoinbuzz, the following are the key distinctions between mainnets and testnets:
主網和測試網表現出一些顯著的差異。首先,主網是區塊鏈的最終形式,主動廣播和運行,而測試網是測試程式碼或應用程式的手段。根據 Altcoinbuzz 報道,以下是主網和測試網之間的主要區別:
- Purpose: A testnet is designed for experimentation and testing, whereas a mainnet is a fully functional, released blockchain.
- Operational Fees: Tokens on a testnet do not possess any value. In contrast, mainnets incur operational fees. Each operation executed on the blockchain requires a fee in the form of a token with a specific value. Examples of such operations include value transfers, staking rewards, or the deployment of smart contracts.
- Network ID: Network IDs assist developers in identifying networks. Mainnets and testnets possess distinct Network IDs. For example, the Ethereum mainnet has a Network ID of 1, while commonly used testnets, such as Ropsten, Rinkeby, and Kovan, have Network IDs of 3, 4, and 42, respectively.
- Genesis Block: The genesis block is the initial block of any blockchain. Both testnets and mainnets have their own unique genesis blocks.
- Nodes: Testnets typically have fewer nodes than mainnets.
- Transaction Frequency: Testnets generally exhibit lower transaction frequencies compared to mainnets.
In conclusion, mainnet and testnet represent distinct concepts within the realm of cryptocurrency, each serving a specific purpose. Mainnets are fully operational blockchain networks that facilitate real-world transactions using their own cryptocurrencies. Testnets, on the other hand, provide a testing ground for developers to experiment with new codes and applications without affecting the stability or security of mainnets. By understanding these distinctions, individuals can navigate the complexities of the cryptosphere with greater confidence and clarity.
目的:測試網是為實驗和測試而設計的,而主網是一個功能齊全的、已發布的區塊鏈。營運費用:測試網上的代幣不具有任何價值。相比之下,主網會產生營運費用。在區塊鏈上執行的每個操作都需要以具有特定價值的代幣形式收取費用。此類操作的範例包括價值轉移、質押獎勵或智慧合約的部署。網路 ID:網路 ID 可協助開發人員識別網路。主網和測試網擁有不同的網路 ID。例如,以太坊主網的網路 ID 為 1,而常用的測試網(如 Ropsten、Rinkeby 和 Kovan)的網路 ID 分別為 3、4 和 42。創世區塊:創世區塊是初始區塊任何區塊鏈。測試網和主網都有自己獨特的創世區塊。節點:測試網的節點通常比主網少。交易頻率:與主網相比,測試網通常表現出較低的交易頻率。總之,主網和測試網代表了加密貨幣領域中不同的概念,每個概念服務於特定目的。主網是完全可操作的區塊鏈網絡,可使用自己的加密貨幣促進現實世界的交易。另一方面,測試網為開發人員提供了一個試驗場,可以在不影響主網穩定性或安全性的情況下試驗新程式碼和應用程式。透過理解這些區別,個人可以更有自信和清晰地應對加密領域的複雜性。
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