
Cryptocurrency exchange Jupiter will airdrop digital assets in January 2025 to reward loyal customers.
加密貨幣交易所 Jupiter 將於 2025 年 1 月空投數位資產,以獎勵忠實客戶。
Jupiter plans to conduct a promotion of 700 million native Jupiter tokens (JUP) , which is currently valued at $581 million. The coins will be distributed as follows:
Jupiter Cryptocurrency Distribution Scheme
The airdrop will be open to owners of 2.32 million crypto wallets. The total number of exchange clients is estimated at 10.65 million, so 22% of users will be awarded cryptocurrency. Traders with a trading volume of over $800 will be eligible for the minimum bonus, while the maximum prize will go to fat cats who have made transactions worth at least $14 million.
此次空投將向 232 萬個加密錢包的擁有者開放。交易所客戶總數估計為1065萬,因此22%的用戶將獲得加密貨幣。交易量超過 800 美元的交易者將有資格獲得最低獎金,而最高獎金將授予交易額至少為 1400 萬美元的肥貓。
The Jupiter cryptocurrency has seen a massive bull run this year, with the coin rising in price more than 27 times since the launch on January 31. However, a bearish trend emerged on December 6, and the digital asset fell by more than 40%. If the downward trend continues, airdrop participants will likely sell JUP, despite the additional reward awaiting hodlers.
Jupiter加密貨幣今年經歷了大規模的多頭市場,自1月31日推出以來,其價格上漲了27倍以上。如果下降趨勢持續下去,空投參與者可能會出售 JUP,儘管持有者還有額外的獎勵。
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