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2024 年香港 Web3 節將於 4 月 6 日至 9 日期間匯聚產業領袖、超過 160 個改變遊戲規則的項目、100 家媒體和 300 名傑出演講者。該活動旨在促進合作、探索 Web3 的變革潛力並建立數位未來的共同願景。該節日設有四個定期會議區、一個開放舞台以及涵蓋從 Web3 的未來到區塊鏈安全等主題的會議,為網路、知識交流以及圍繞 Web3 和區塊鏈的敘述提供了一個綜合平台。
Following the success of its record-breaking 2023 event, HK Web3 Festival is returning for its second edition from 6 to 9, April at Hall3FG, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and HashKey Group, the Festival will convene over 160 game-changing projects, 100 media and 300+ notable speakers to exchange up-to-date knowledge, experiences, and views that are expected to shape the narrative around Web3 and blockchain.
繼 2023 年破紀錄的活動取得成功後,HK Web3 Festival 將於 4 月 6 日至 9 日在香港會議展覽中心 Hall3FG 舉行第二屆活動。該節日由萬向區塊鏈實驗室和HashKey Group 主辦,將聚集160 多個改變遊戲規則的項目、100 家媒體和300 多名著名演講者,交流最新的知識、經驗和觀點,這些知識、經驗和觀點有望塑造圍繞Web3 和Web3 的敘事。區塊鏈。
With the event taking place in the innovation-rich city of Hong Kong, the Web3 Festival 2024 converges East and West ideologies. It sets four regular conference areas and an open stage, providing an avenue for eclectic discussions around Web3, idol performance, Web3 professional esports tournament, and more!
Web3 Festival 2024 在創新之都香港舉行,匯集了東西方意識形態。它設置了四個常規會議區和一個開放的舞台,為Web3、偶像表演、Web3職業電競賽事等不拘一格的討論提供了場所!
We’re proud to present our distinguished sponsors and exhibitors:
- Title Sponsors: DWF Labs, Internet Computer, MEET48, OKX Web3, TON Foundation, ZA Bank
- Strategic Partner: Cyberport, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), InvestHK
- Platinum Sponsors: Chainlink, Cregis, Deepcoin Labs, Gate.io, Gunzilla Games, NEAR Protocol, Neo, Polkadot, Qtum, SlowMist, Telos Foundation, Victory Securities, Zetrix, Zircuit
- Co-organizers: Arkreen, AWS, Bitcoin Magazine, Nervos CKB, PlatON, SNZ, 香港虚拟资产行业协会, ZAN
- Side Event Partners: ABGA, Animoca Brands & Chromia, Aptos, DRK Lab, Filecoin Foundation, GoPlus, HashKey Exchange, SlowMist, TON Foundation, UOVABOX
- Gold Sponsors: AltLayer, Cards Ahoy!, CESS, Kaspa, Kava, 鲲KUN, Mask Network, PortUS, Roam, Rollux, X-mint
- Primary Exhibition Sponsors: Alfa1, Alibaba Cloud, 百道数据, BNB Chain, CertiK, EMC, Google Cloud, Hotcoin, MicrovisionChain, OneKey, XT.com
- Secondary Exhibition Sponsors: Alchemy Pay, Bitget Wallet, Bitroo, CE Innovation Capital, Cell Studio, Conflux, Digital Reserve, Initiate Capital, Japan Open Chain, Nervape, NovaX Finance, OceanFi, PIN Labs, TynmoSpace, VoiceStreet, W3SA-HK
- Tertiary Exhibition Sponsors: 100x, Akamai, Alaya AI, Bit.Store, Bullish, ChainUp, Cloud Ace, Daling Research, dappOS, Dexpert.io, ELLIPAL, EngageLab, Hacken, ICG Trading, imToken, Keyblock Solutions, Landlord, MoreLogin, MuskEX, Notifi, OpenSand, PingCAP, PrivateAI, 山海坞, StaFi, TaxDAO, Tencent Cloud, TokenPocket, TruBit, UD Blockchain, WatchX, 伊克罗德信息+IOST, zCloak Network
- Knowledge Partners: Brevis, CoinMarketCap, Flow Traders
- Coffee Bar Sponsor: Zetrix
- Open Stage Sponsors: KongGold, 玛特宇宙, MATR1X & GEDA Esports, NovaX Finance, NuLink, OceanFi, The Sandbox
- Welcome Bag Sponsor: d.id, VIP3
- Exclusive Video Partner: Spinor
April 6th – FIRST DAY
冠名贊助商:DWF Labs、Internet Computer、MEET48、OKX Web3、TON Foundation、ZA Bank策略夥伴:數碼港、香港貿易發展局(HKTDC)、InvestHK白金贊助商:Chainlink、Cregis、Deepcoin Labs、Gate. io、Gunzilla Games、NEAR Protocol、Neo、Polkadot、Qtum、慢霧、Telos 基金會、勝利證券、Zetrix、Zircuit 協辦單位:Arkreen、AWS、Bitcoin Magazine、Nervos CKB、PlatON、SNZ、香港虛擬資產產業協會、 ZANSide 活動夥伴:ABGA、Animoca Brands & Chromia、Aptos、DRK Lab、Filecoin Foundation、GoPlus、HashKey Exchange、SlowMist、TON 基金會、UOVABOX 金牌贊助商:AltLayer、Cards Ahoy!、CESS、Kaspa、Kava、鯡、Mask Network、PortUS、Roam、Rollux、X- mint一級展覽贊助商:Alfa1、阿里雲、百道數據、BNB Chain、CertiK、EMC、Google Cloud、Hotcoin、MicrovisionChain、OneKey、XT.com二級展覽贊助商:Alchemy Pay、Bitget Wallet、Bitroo、CE Innovation Capital、Cell Studio、Conflux 、Digital Reserve、Initiate Capital、Japan Open Chain、Nervape、NovaX Finance、OceanFi、PIN Labs、TynmoSpace、VoiceStreet、W3SA-HK三級展贊助商:100x、Akamai、Alaya AI、Bit.Store、Bullish、ChainUp、Cloud Ace、Daling研究、dappOS、Dexpert.io、ELLIPAL、EngageLab、Hacken、ICG Trading、imToken、Keyblock Solutions、Landlord、MoreLogin、MuskEX、Notifi 、OpenSand、PingCAP、PrivateAI、山海塢、StaFi、TaxDAO、騰訊雲、TokenPocket、TruBit、 UD Blockchain、WatchX、伊克羅德資訊+IOST、zCloak Network知識夥伴:Brevis、CoinMarketCap、Flow Traders咖啡吧贊助商:ZetrixOpen 舞台贊助商:KongGold、瑪特宇宙、MATR1X & GEDA Esports、NovaX Finance、NuLink、OceanFi、The SandboxWelcome包款贊助商:d.id、VIP3獨家視訊合作夥伴:Spinor4 月 6 日 – 第一天
The opening ceremony will kick off at the Main Stage on the morning of April 6th. Speakers of the ceremony will include:
Dr. Xiao Feng, Chairman, Wanxiang Blockchain; Chairman and CEO, HashKey Group
肖峰博士,萬向區塊鏈董事長; HashKey 集團董事長兼首席執行官
Michael Wong Wai-lun, GBS, JP, Deputy Financial Secretary, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Deng Chao, Head, HashKey Singapore, CEO, HashKey Capital
Cathie Wood, Founder, CEO and CIO, ARK Invest
Cathie Wood,ARK Invest 創辦人、執行長兼資訊長
Duncan Chiu, Legislative Council Member (Technology & Innovation Constituency), Hong Kong
Simon CHAN, Chairman, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
Genki Oda, Chairman, Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association
Genki Oda,日本虛擬加密資產交易協會主席
David Lee, Chairman, Global FinTech Institute
David Lee,全球金融科技研究院主席
Yang Jinyan, Secretary General, Hong Kong Virtual Assets Industry Association
Dominic Williams, Founder and Chief Scientist, DFINITY Foundation
Dominic Williams,DFINITY 基金會創辦人兼首席科學家
Steve Yun, President, TON Foundation
Steve Yun,TON 基金會主席
John Hyman, Chief Investment Officer, Telegram APP
John Hyman,Telegram APP 首席投資官
On the afternoon of April 6, intriguing sessions will take place concurrently at the Main Stage, Stage 1-4, and Open Stage.
- Main Stage – Journey to Building Hong Kong into a Digital Economic Hub
Focusing on Hong Kong policies, regulation and fintech development, this session will gather professionals and project leaders including:
Livio Weng, COO, HashKey Group; CEO, HashKey Exchange
Livio Weng,HashKey 集團營運長; HashKey 交易所首席執行官
Eugene Ng, Founding Partner, DWF Labs
Eugene Ng,DWF Labs 創始合夥人
Hong, President, OKX,
Charlie Chen, Vice President, Asia Pacific, Archblock
Charlie Chen,Archblock 亞太區副總裁
Rita Liu, CEO, RD Technologies
Rita Liu,RD Technologies 執行長
Raagulan Pathy, Vice President, Asia Pacific, Circle
Raagulan Pathy,Circle 亞太區副總裁
Paul Kremsky, Head of Business Development, Cumberland
Paul Kremsky,坎伯蘭業務開發主管
Jordan Dunne, Head of DeFi, TON Wallet in Telegram
Jordan Dunne,Telegram TON 錢包 DeFi 負責人
Sergey Nazarov, Co-Founder, Chainlink
謝爾蓋·納扎羅夫,Chainlink 聯合創始人
Alice Liu, Research Lead, CoinMarketCap
Alice Liu,CoinMarketCap 研究主管
Devon Sin, Alternate Chief Executive, ZA Bank
Devon Sin,ZA 銀行副首席執行官
Frank Zhang, Executive Director, OKX Hong Kong
Frank 張,OKX 香港執行董事
Paolo Chen, CSO, VDX
Paolo Chen,CSO,VDX
Darshan Vaidya, CEO & Co-Founder, Credora
Darshan Vaidya,Credora 執行長兼聯合創始人
Richard Teng, Chief Excutive Officer, Binance
Anna Liu, General Manager of Tokenisation, HashKey Group
Anna Liu,HashKey Group 代幣化總經理
Emily Parker, Former CoinDesk and US State Department
Emily Parker,前 CoinDesk 和美國國務院
Jupiter Zheng, Partner, HashKey Capital
Deborah FUHR, ETFGI, Managing Partner, Founder, Owner
Deborah FUHR,ETFGI,執行合夥人、創始人、所有者
Giovanni Vicioso, Global Head of Cryptocurrency Products, CME Group
Giovanni Viciioso,芝商所加密貨幣產品全球主管
Giselle Lai, Associate Investment Director of Digital Assets, Fidelity International
Giselle Lai,富達國際數位資產投資副總監
Jean-Francois MESNARD-SENSE, Senior Vice President & Head of Exchange Traded Products, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Jean-Francois MESNARD-SENSE,香港交易及結算所有限公司資深副總裁暨交易所交易產品主管
Derek Wang, Head of Sales & Client Service, Bosera International
Derek Wang,博時國際銷售及客戶服務主管
Chen Yu, Chief Advisor, KUN
- Stage 1 – GameFi New Paradigm
Co-organized by Gunzilla Game, this session will dive into the magic of Web3 games, as well as user behaviors in Web2 and Web3 games. It will feature an eclectic lineup of speakers from across the globe:
第一階段-GameFi新典範由Gunzilla Game共同主辦,本次會議將深入探討Web3遊戲的魔力,以及Web2和Web3遊戲中的使用者行為。它將有來自全球各地的不拘一格的演講者陣容:
Yat Siu, Co-Founder and Chairman, Animoca Brands
蕭逸 (Animoca Brands 共同創辦人兼主席)
Kevin Shao, Co-Founder of Bitrise Capital, Executive Chairman of ABGA, Advisor to ICC Group
邵文,Bitrise Capital共同創辦人、ABGA執行主席、ICC集團顧問
Jerry Liu, Gunzilla Games
傑瑞·劉(Jerry Liu),岡吉拉遊戲
Arron Goolsbey, COO, Mythical Games
Arron Goolsbey,Mythical Games 營運長
Jason Gu, CEO, NetEase Chain; Game Advisor, Cards Ahoy!
Jason Gu,網易鏈執行長;遊戲顧問,卡牌啊嘿!
Andy Dan, Head, HashKey Japan
安迪丹 (Andy Dan),HashKey 日本負責人
Ryo Matsubara, Representative Director, Oasys Pte. Ltd.
Ryo Matsubara,Oasys Pte. 代表董事有限公司
Seihaku Yoshida, CEO, HashPort
吉田誠博,HashPort 執行長
YASUSHI TERAMURA, Head of Blockchain Business, gumi Inc.
YASUSHI TERAMURA,gumi Inc. 區塊鏈業務主管
Yoshiaki Harai, Director, Brilliant Crypto
Yoshiaki Harai,Brilliant Crypto 總監
Pär Helgosson, Head of Web3 and Metaverse, PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN
Pär Helgosson,巴黎聖日耳曼 Web3 和 Metaverse 負責人
Anthony Blackburn, Growth Lead, Gunzilla Games
Anthony Blackburn,Gunzilla Games 成長主管
Ellidan Cober, SMILECOBRA PTE. LTD. O-Principal
科伯 (Ellidan Cober),SMILECOBRA PTE。有限公司O-主要
Ann Chien, IVC合伙人
Ann Chien, IVC合夥人
Riccardo Sibani, CPO, My Neighbor Alice
Riccardo Sibani,《我的鄰居愛麗絲》首席產品官
Michael Tong, Founder, Xterio; CSO, Funplus
Michael Tong,Xterio 創辦人;首席策略官,Funplus
Viola Lee, COO, Metalist Game; Operation Manager, Cards Ahoy!
Viola Lee,Metalist Game 營運長;營運經理,卡片啊嘿!
- Stage 2 – Web3+AI
Co-organized by AWS, the “Web3+AI” forum will be held at Stage 2, discussing trending topics around the integration of Web3 and AI. Confirmed speakers of this session include:
第二階段-Web3+AI 由 AWS 共同主辦,第二階段將舉辦「Web3+AI」論壇,討論圍繞 Web3 與 AI 融合的熱門話題。本次會議已確認的演講嘉賓包括:
John Liu, Head of Products for Blockchain and Web3, AWS
John Liu,AWS 區塊鏈和 Web3 產品主管
Yike Guo, Provost, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yu Du, General Manager, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs; Initiator, Future3 Campus
Yu Du, General Manager, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs; Initiator, Future3 Campus
Seth Ginns, Managing Partner and Head of Liquid Investments, CoinFund
Seth Ginns,CoinFund 執行合夥人兼流動性投資主管
Yilin Hu, Associate Professor of Department of the History of Science, Tsinghua University; Founder, HuawenDao
SY Lee, CEO and Co-founder, Story Protocol
Story Protocol 執行長兼聯合創辦人 SY Lee
Ethan Sun, Co-Founder, Myshell
孫宇晨,Myshell 共同創辦人
Yu Hu, CEO, Kaito.ai
胡宇,Kaito.ai 首席執行官
Saneel Sreeni, Founding Member, Ritual.net
Saneel Sreeni,Ritual.net 創始成員
Amber, Co-Founder, No Capital
Akina Ho, Co-Founder, AllStarsWomen DAO
Akina Ho,AllStarsWomen DAO 共同創辦人
Annie Hui, COO and Co-Founder, Custonomy Company Limited
Custonomy Company Limited營運長兼聯合創辦人許安妮
Megan, CEO, Regtank
梅根,Regtank 首席執行官
Tess Hau, Founder, Tess Ventures
Tess Hau,Tess Ventures 創辦人
The “Web3+AI” forum will also feature a special session, where Dr. Xiao Feng and John Liu will announce the projects selected into Future3 Campus Cohort III, powered by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and partnered with HashKey Capital.
「Web3+AI」論壇也將舉辦特別會議,馮曉博士和劉約翰將宣布入選由萬向區塊鏈實驗室支持、HashKey Capital合作的Future3 Campus第三期計畫。
- Stage 3 – Digital Asset Custody and Blockchain Security
Sessions on Stage 3 will feature a wide range of topics on digital asset custody and blockchain security, joined by professionals and experts including:
Pauline Fan, Senior Vice President, Fintech, InvestHK
Pauline Fan,投資推廣署金融科技資深副總裁
Kang Li, Chief Security Officer, CertiK
李康,CertiK 首席安全官
Anthony Chung, Chief Product Executive, Cregis
Anthony Chung,Cregis 首席產品執行官
Keywolf, Partner and CPO, SlowMist
Eskil, Co-Founder, GoPlus
Eskil,GoPlus 共同創辦人
Yiqun, Product Lead, imToken
益群,imToken 產品負責人
Xiao Zhang, Founder, zCloak Network
Zack Yang, Co-Founder, FOMO Pay
楊扎克,FOMO Pay 聯合創始人
Christoph Simmchen, Co-Founder, Safe Ecosystem Foundation
Christoph Simmchen,安全生態系統基金會共同創辦人
YQ, Founder, AltLayer
Michael Chen, Head, HashKey Wealth
Michael Chen,HashKey 財富主管
Lily Z. King, COO, Cobo
Lily Z. King,Cobo 營運官
TRUNG BANH, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, HOLDSTATION
Michael Lau, Senior Vice President & Global Head of Sales, Bullish
Michael Lau,Bullish 資深副總裁兼全球銷售主管
Matthew Le Merle, Managing Partner and CEO, Blockchain Coinvestors
Matthew Le Merle,Blockchain Coinvestors 執行合夥人兼首席執行官
- Open Stage
The Open Stage will feature various trending topics around Web3, bringing together bigwigs like:
開放舞台開放舞台將展示圍繞 Web3 的各種熱門話題,匯集大咖,例如:
Tim Yang, Founder and CEO, .bit
Tim Yang,.bit 創辦人兼首席執行官
Charles, Co-founder, VIP3
查爾斯,VIP3 聯合創始人
Viola Lee, COO, Metalist Game, Operation Manager, Cards Ahoy!
Viola Lee,Metalist Game 營運官,Cards Ahoy! 營運經理
Yilin Hu, Associate Professor, Department of the History of Science, Tsinghua University
Bo Chen, CEO, 玛特宇宙
Bo Chen, CEO, 瑪特宇宙
April 7th – Day II
4 月 7 日 – 第二天
- Main Stage – Layer1 + Layer2
The “Layer1+Layer2” Forum will be held on April 7th at the Main Stage, focusing on trending topics such as the latest landscape of Layer1, sustainable public chain, successful applications, Layer2 development, uses cases, ecosystem service and applications, best practice, investment trend, BTC Layer2, and more. Confirmed speakers of this forum include:
主舞台-Layer1+Layer2主舞台將於4月7日舉辦「Layer1+Layer2」論壇,聚焦Layer1最新動態、永續公鏈、成功應用、Layer2發展、用例、生態服務等熱門話題和應用程式、最佳實踐、投資趨勢、BTC Layer2 等。本次論壇已確認的演講嘉賓包括:
Avery Ching, Co-Founder and CTO, Aptos Labs
Avery Ching,Aptos Labs 聯合創辦人兼技術長
Dato Fadzli Shah, Co-Founder, Zetrix
Dato Fadzli Shah,Zetrix 共同創辦人
Lily Liu, President, Solana Foundation
劉莉莉,Solana 基金會主席
Scott Stuart, Co-Founder, Kava
斯科特·斯圖爾特 (Scott Stuart),Kava 聯合創始人
Haseeb Qureshi, Managing Partner, Dragonfly Capital
Haseeb Qureshi,蜻蜓資本執行合夥人
Kai Xu, COO, MEET48
Eli Ben Sasson, CEO and Co-founder, StarkWare
Eli Ben Sasson,StarkWare 執行長兼共同創辦人
Smokey, Co-Founder, Berachain
Smokey,Berachain 共同創辦人
Ross Zhang, Managing Partner, SNZ Capital
Ross 張,SNZ資本管理合夥人
Tom Ngo, Executive Lead, Metis
Tom Ngo,Metis 執行主管
Terence Lam, COO, Taiko
Terence Lam,太鼓首席營運官
Sergei Medvedev, CMO, IntMax
謝爾蓋·梅德韋傑夫 (Sergei Medvedev),IntMax 首席行銷長
Leo Fan, Founder, Cysic
Cysic 創辦人 Leo Fan
YQ, Founder, AltLayer
Angel Xu, Co-founder, Zircuit
徐安琪,Zircuit 共同創辦人
Sam Seo, Representative Director, Klaytn Foundation
Sam Seo,Klaytn 基金會代表董事
Sreeram Kannan, CEO, EigenLabs
Sreeram Kannan,EigenLabs 首席執行官
Keith Chen, Managing Director, SNZ Capital
Keith Chen,SNZ資本董事總經理
Mo Dong, Co-founder, Brevis
Daniel Marin, CEO, Nexus
丹尼爾·馬林,Nexus 首席執行官
Georgi Koreli, Founder, Hinkal
Georgi Koreli,欣卡爾創辦人
Fubiao Xia, Co-founder, PADO Labs
Fubiao Xia, Co-founder, PADO Labs
Dennis Song, Chief Security Officer, Mind Network
Dennis Song,Mind Network 首席安全官
Ryan Chen, Managing Partner, HashKey Capital
陳瑞恩,HashKey Capital 管理合夥人
Lasse Clausen, Founding Partner, 1kx
萊塞克勞森 (Lasse Clausen),1kx 創始合夥人
Alexander Pack, Managing Partner, HackVC
亞歷山大帕克 (Alexander Pack),HackVC 執行合夥人
Vineet Budki, Managing Partner and CEO, Cypher Capital
Vineet Budki,Cypher Capital 管理合夥人兼首席執行官
Gavin Wang, CIO, SNZ Capital
Gavin Wang,SNZ Capital 首席資訊官
Emma Cui, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Longhash Ventures
Emma Cui,Longhash Ventures 共同創辦人兼執行合夥人
Rena Shah, VP of Product & Operations (stacks ecosystem), Trust Machines
Rena Shah,Trust Machines 產品與營運副總裁(堆疊生態系統)
Cipher, Co-founder, Cell Studio
Cipher,Cell Studio 共同創辦人
Eason, CEO, TerpLayer
Eason,TerpLayer 首席執行官
Blue, Partner and CTO, Slowmist
Jan Camenisch, CTO, DFINITY Foundation
Jan Camenisch,DFINITY 基金會首席技術官
- Stage 1 – DePIN
DePIN represents a new paradigm for building and managing physical infrastructure, and is undoubtedly a game changer for the crypto sector. Get ready to explore the current DePIN landscape and RWA at this forum co-organized by arkreen Stage 1, where you’ve got the chance to connect with an all-star lineup of guest speakers, top DePIN project founders, investors, and visionaries.
第一階段-DePINDePIN 代表了建構和管理實體基礎架構的新範例,無疑是加密產業的遊戲規則改變者。準備好在這個由 arkreen Stage 1 聯合舉辦的論壇上探索當前的 DePIN 格局和 RWA,您將有機會與全明星陣容的演講嘉賓、頂級 DePIN 項目創始人、投資者和夢想家進行交流。
Abhay Kumar, CEO, Helium Foundation
Abhay Kumar,氦氣基金會首席執行官
Andy Chatham, Co-Founder, DIMO
安迪·查塔姆,DIMO 聯合創始人
Sal Gala, Founder, EV3
Sal Gala,EV3 創辦人
Ivy Peng, Founder, Open Infra Capital
彭毅,Open Infra Capital創辦人
Yu Du, General Manager, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs; Initiator, Future3 Campus
Yu Du, General Manager, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs; Initiator, Future3 Campus
Leo Lin, Founder, arkreen
Leo Lin,arkreen創辦人
Yuan Gao, Head of Growth, Helium Foundation
高媛,Helium 基金會成長主管
Kuleen Nimkar, Head of DePIN, Solana Foundation
Kuleen Nimkar,Solana 基金會 DePIN 負責人
Henrique Centieiro, Research Manager, Hashkey Capital
Henrique Centieiro,Hashkey Capital 研究經理
Adrian Clevenot, Digital Assets Markets Lead, PwC HK
Adrian Clevenot,普華永道香港數位資產市場主管
Yves La Rose, CEO, EOS Network Foundation
Yves La Rose,EOS 網路基金會首席執行官
Richard Liu, Co-founder & Co-CEO, Huma Finance
Henry Zhang, Founder & CEO, DigiFT
張亨利,DigiFT 創辦人兼首席執行官
Kazuhiro Sudo, COO, BOOSTRY
須藤一宏,BOOSTRY 營運長
Abba Garba, Head of Product and Partnership, arkreen Network
Abba Garba,arkreen Network 產品與合作夥伴主管
Fredrik Ahlgren, CEO and Co-founder, Srcful.io
Fredrik Ahlgren,Srcful.io 執行長兼聯合創辦人
Dayon Elings, Business Developer, bloXmove
Dayon Elings,bloXmove 業務開發人員
Ting, Founder, PowerPod
Sascha Kubisch, Co-Founder & CTO, Penomo
Sascha Kubisch,Penomo 聯合創辦人兼首席技術官
Alex, Co-Founder, EMC
Diana Biggs, Partner, 1kx
Kang Shen, Founder, Hash Global
沉康,Hash Global 創辦人
Shawn Lim, Founder & Partner, Artichoke Capital
Shawn Lim,Artichoke Capital 創辦人兼合夥人
Ray Xiao, Senior Director, IOSG Ventures
蕭銳,IOSG Ventures 資深總監
Eo Hao, Co-Founder, Future Money Group
Dexter Luo, General Manager of Ecosystem Partnership, Fibocom Wireless
Dexter Luo,廣和通無線生態系統合作部總經理
Jose Marcelino, Solutions Architect, RAKwireless
Jose Marcelino,RAKwireless 解決方案架構師
Joey Jiang, VP, Seeedstudio
Joey Jiang,Seeedstudio 副總裁
Yiming Wang, Partner, JDI
Yiming Wang, Partner, JDI
Yuning Liang, Founder & CEO, Xcalibyte & DeepComputing
Yuning Liang, Founder & CEO, Xcalibyte & DeepComputing
Daniel Andrade, CTO & Co-Founder, Hotspotty
Daniel Andrade,Hotspotty 技術長兼聯合創辦人
Nico Burkart, Partnerships & Business Development, Streamr Network
Nico Burkart,Streamr Network 合作夥伴與業務開發
Luis Gruson, Co-Founder and BD Lead, Kwil
Luis Gruson,Kwil 聯合創辦人兼業務拓展主管
Chess, CEO, GMNetwork
Chess,GMNetwork 首席執行官
Andrew Law, Research Scientist, IoTeX
Andrew Law,IoTeX 研究科學家
- Stage 2 – The Future of Web3 & Web3 Payment Re-imagined
The morning session at Stage 2 will convene Web3 bigwigs across the globe to explore the next big thing that’s shaping the future of Web3.
階段 2 – 重新構想 Web3 和 Web3 支付的未來第 2 階段的上午會議將聚集全球各地的 Web3 大佬,共同探討塑造 Web3 未來的下一個重大事件。
Chae Ho Shin, CFO, 1inch
Chae Ho Shin,財務長,1inch
Akif, Regional Growth Lead, Deepcoin Labs
Akif,Deepcoin Labs 區域成長主管
Kevin Lee, CEO, Gate.HK
Gate.HK執行長Kevin Lee
Jehan Chu, Founder, Kenetic Capital;
Jehan Chu,創力資本創辦人;
Uri Ferruccio, CEO, Concordia
Uri Ferruccio,Concordia 首席執行官
Augie, Head of Asia, CMT
Augie,CMT 亞洲區主管
Stanley Huo, Partner & Head of Asia, Hivemind Capital
霍斯坦,Hivemind Capital 合夥人兼亞洲區主管
Steve Lee, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Neoclassic Capital
Steve Lee,新古典資本聯合創辦人兼管理合夥人
Balal Khan, Co-founder, ZKEX.com
Balal Khan,ZKEX.com 共同創辦人
Adrian Wang, Founder and CEO, Metalpha
Adrian Wang,Metapha 創辦人兼首席執行官
Shawn Lim, Founder & Partner, Artichoke Capital
Shawn Lim,Artichoke Capital 創辦人兼合夥人
Paul Kim, Notifi CEO
Paul Kim,Notify 首席執行官
Smokey, Co-Founder, Berachain
Smokey,Berachain 共同創辦人
Tim Wang, COO, Elixir Network
Tim Wang,Elixir Network 營運官
Rushi Manche, CEO, Movement Labs
Rushi Manche,運動實驗室首席執行官
The spotlight will be on Web3 payment at the afternoon session co-organized by PlatON, discussing topics like “Innovative use cases in Stablecoins”, “Global Regulatory Focus Trends Discussion in Web3 Payment”, and more. It will bring together esteemed speakers including:
PlatON 聯合組織的下午會議將聚焦 Web3 支付,討論「穩定幣的創新用例」、「Web3 支付的全球監管焦點趨勢討論」等主題。它將匯集受人尊敬的演講者,包括:
Abdallah Abu-Sheikh, Co-Founder of Astra Tech & CEO of Botim
Abdallah Abu-Sheikh,Astra Tech 聯合創始人兼 Botim 首席執行官
Charles Huang, Chairman of DCS Fintech Holdings
黃先生,DCS Fintech Holdings 董事長
Anson Zeall, Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Compliance at dtcpay
Anson Zeall,dtcpay 首席策略長兼合規主管
Adam Farhat, Director of Partnerships, Alchemy Pay
Adam Farhat,Alchemy Pay 合作夥伴總監
Helen Chen, Senior Director, Payment Asia
Helen Chen,亞洲支付資深總監
Li Hui, CEO, Fatpay
Ceridwen Choo, CEO, DCS Innov
Ceridwen Choo,DCS Innov 首席執行官
Daniel Lee, Head of Web3, Banking Circle
Daniel Lee,銀行業 Web3 負責人
Laurence Yuan, Partner, Fangda Partners
Paul Li, President, Hong Kong Fintech Industry Association
Emil Chan, Co-Chair, Hong Kong Digital Finance Association
陳華健 (Emil Chan),香港數位金融協會聯合主席
Chen Yu, Chief Consultant, KUN
Chen Yu, Chief Consultant, KUN
Jason Gu, CEO, NetEase Chain
Jason Gu,網易鏈首席執行官
Amor Maclang, Convenor, International Digital Economies Association
Amor Maclang,國際數位經濟協會召集人
- Stage 3 – Web3 Infrastructure & Web3 Mass Adoption
At the morning session at Stage 3, a wide range of topics will be discussed around Web3 infrastructure. Intriguing discussions will surely ignite the stage with the participation of world-leading projects like Qtum, Polygon Labs, Conflux, Neo, Google Cloud, Kaspa, Avail, ChainIDE, BNBChain, Astar, Ripple, Manta, and more. Confirmed speakers of this session include:
第 3 階段 – Web3 基礎設施和 Web3 大規模採用 在第 3 階段的上午會議上,將圍繞 Web3 基礎設施討論廣泛的主題。 Qtum、Polygon Labs、Conflux、Neo、Google Cloud、Kaspa、Avail、ChainIDE、BNBChain、Astar、Ripple、Manta 等世界領先專案的參與必將引發精彩的討論。本次會議已確認的演講嘉賓包括:
Marc Boiron, Chief Executive Officer, Polygon Labs
Marc Boiron,Polygon Labs 執行長
Miguel Palencia, Co-Founder, Qtum
米格爾·帕倫西亞 (Miguel Palencia),Qtum 聯合創始人
Ming Wu, Co-Founder & CTO, Conflux
吳明,Conflux 聯合創始人兼首席技術官
Da Hongfei, Founder, NEO
Da Hongfei, Founder, NEO
Rishi Ramchandani, Head of APAC Web3 GTM, Google Cloud
Rishi Ramchandani,Google Cloud 亞太區 Web3 GTM 主管
Jagdeep Sidhu, CEO/President, SYS Labs/SYS Foundation
Jagdeep Sidhu,SYS 實驗室/SYS 基金會執行長/總裁
Shai Wyborski, Core Researcher, GHOSTDAG coauthor, Kaspa
Shai Wyborski,Kaspa 核心研究員、GHOSTDAG 合著者
Anurag Arjun, Co-Founder, Avail
阿努拉格·阿瓊 (Anurag Arjun),Avail 聯合創始人
Ling, Founder of ChainIDE, Executive Committee Member of ETH Riyadh
Ling,ChainIDE 創辦人、利雅德 ETH 執行委員會成員
Sarah, APAC BD Lead, BNBChain
Sarah,BNBChain 亞太區業務拓展主管
Mingshi Song, Head of Strategy, Astar Network
宋明石,Astar Network 策略主管
Emi Yoshikawa, VP, Strategic Initiatives, Ripple
Emi Yoshikawa,Ripple 策略計畫副總裁
Kenny Li, Co-Founder, Manta Network
Kenny Li,Manta Network 共同創辦人
The afternoon session aims to delve deep into the transformative concepts and technologies that are driving the mass adoption of Web3. Co-organized by ZAN, this forum will gather professionals and visionaries exchange insights and shed light on solutions towards Web3 mass adoption. It will feature an all-star lineup of speakers including:
下午的會議旨在深入探討推動 Web3 大規模採用的變革性概念和技術。該論壇由 ZAN 聯合主辦,將聚集專業人士和有遠見的人士交流見解,並闡明 Web3 大規模採用的解決方案。它將擁有全明星演講者陣容,包括:
Bin Chen, General Manager, Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc
Bin Chen, General Manager, Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc
Victor Zhou, CEO of Namefi, Ethereum EIP Editor
Victor Zhou,Namefi首席執行官,以太坊EIP編輯
Yisi Liu, Co-Founder and CTO, Mask Network
劉一思,Mask Network 聯合創辦人兼技術長
Dongliang Guo, VP, Product & Solutions, Alibaba Cloud International
Dongliang Guo, VP, Product & Solutions, Alibaba Cloud International
Rich Rines, Initial Contributor, Core DAO
Rich Rines,核心 DAO 初始貢獻者
Zheming Lin, Co-Founder and CEO, Mempool and DotWallet
林哲明,Mempool 和 DotWallet 聯合創始人兼首席執行官
Cobe Zhang, Head of Web3 and AI products, ZAN
Cobe 張,ZAN Web3 與 AI 產品負責人
Cipher, Co-founder, Nervos; Founder, Cell Studio
Cipher,Nervos 共同創辦人;細胞工作室創辦人
Jerry Li, CEO, Artela Network
李傑瑞,Artela Network首席執行官
Peet, Co-Founder, Trusta Labs
Peet,Trusta Labs 共同創辦人
Kai Xu, COO, MEET48
Ken, Partner & Head of APAC Investment, Web3Port Foundation
Ken,Web3Port 基金會合夥人兼亞太區投資主管
Sam, Operation Manager, TokenPocket
Sam,TokenPocket 營運經理
Shier, Co-Founder, NFTScan Labs
石二,NFTScan Labs 共同創辦人
Charles, Co-Founder, VIP3
查爾斯,VIP3 聯合創始人
Rene Z, Founder, CharacterX
Rene Z,CharacterX 創辦人
Daniel Dai, Partner, LFG
Eva Beylin, Director, The Graph
Eva Beylin,The Graph 總監
Tegan Kline, CEO, Edge & Node
Tegan Kline,Edge & Node 首席執行官
- Open Stage
Notable speakers worldwide will be gathered at the Open Stage for ground-breaking discussions on Web3 and blockchain:
Open Stage 世界各地的知名演講者將齊聚 Open Stage,就 Web3 和區塊鏈進行開創性的討論:
Jason Runyon, CEO, NovaX
Jason Runyon,NovaX 首席執行官
Olaf Niggemann, CEO, OceanFi
Olaf Niggemann,OceanFi 首席執行官
Kathy Qu, Research Manager, HashKey Cloud
Kathy Qu,HashKey 雲端研究經理
Jason Choi, Head of Strategy, Cointelegraph
Jason Choi,Cointelegraph 策略主管
Sreeram Kannan, Founder, Eigenlayer
Sreeram Kannan,Eigenlayer 創辦人
David Tse, Co-Founder, BabylonChain
謝大衛,BabylonChain 共同創辦人
Dorothy Liu, Head of Growth, Altlayer.io
Dorothy Liu,Altlayer.io 成長主管
Lucas Kozinski, Founding Contributor, Renzo Protocol
Lucas Kozinski,Renzo Protocol 創始貢獻者
Ranvir Rana, Co-Founder, WitnessChain
Ranvir Rana,WitnessChain 共同創辦人
Erich Wong, Head of Growth of, The Sandbox Hong Kong
Erich Wong,The Sandbox 香港發展部主管
Rachel Lee, Senior Manager, FinTech, Cyberport
Rachel Lee,數碼港金融科技資深經理
Also enjoy an excellent idol performance like no other given by SNH48 Group!
還可以欣賞SNH48 Group無與倫比的精彩偶像表演!
April 8th – DAY III
4 月 8 日 – 第三天
Get yourself immersed in a crypto journey on April 8th with side-event partners as they take the center stage at the Festival.
4 月 8 日,與週邊活動夥伴一起沉浸在加密貨幣之旅中,他們將成為節日的中心舞台。
Main Stage: TON At Web3 Festival
主舞台:TON 在 Web3 節上
Stage 1 (Morning): Only On Aptos
第一階段(上午):僅在 Aptos 上
Stage 1 (Afternoon): Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2024 Official GameFi Side Event
第一階段(下午):香港 Web3 Festival 2024 官方 GameFi 邊會
Stage 2 (Morning): HashKey Exchange
Stage 2 (Afternoon): GoPlus User Security Summit HongKong
第二階段(下午):GoPlus 香港用戶安全高峰會
Stage 3 (Morning): FIL Hong Kong
第三階段(上午):FIL 香港
Stage 3 (Afternoon): Hacking Time: Web3 Security and Compliance
第三階段(下午):駭客時間:Web3 安全性與合規性
- Web3 Festival Side-events:
Web3 節慶會外活動:https://en.web3festival.org/Side_Event.html
- Create a campaign:
- Register for an event:
An exciting Web3 professional esports tournament will kick off at the Open Stage from April 8 to 9, hosted by Matr1x and GEDA Esports. Get prepared!
由 Matr1x 和 GEDA Esports 主辦的激動人心的 Web3 職業電競錦標賽將於 4 月 8 日至 9 日在公開舞台拉開序幕。準備好!
April 9th – LAST DAY
4 月 9 日—最後一天
The last day of the event will see exciting side-events organized by Animoca Brands, DRK Lab, and UOVABOX, alongside two forums held by the hosts and co-organizers.
活動最後一天將有由 Animoca Brands、DRK Lab 和 UOVABOX 組織的精彩邊會,以及主辦單位和協辦單位舉辦的兩場論壇。
Forum – BTC Technology Development and Ecosystem Construction
This forum will take place at the Main Stage (morning) and Stage 3 (afternoon), with a special focus on the Bitcoin ecosystem. It will invite:
Jan, Architect, Nervos
John Lilic, Executive Director, Telos
John Lilic,Telos 執行董事
John Riggins, Partner, BTC Inc
約翰‧里金斯 (John Riggins),BTC 公司合夥人
Jeff Ren, Partner, OKX Venture
Xing Kong, Founder, Bixin Group
Xing Kong, Founder, Bixin Group
Shen Yu, Co-Founder & CEO, Cobo
Jeffrey Hu, Head of Investment Research, HashKey Capital
Jeffrey Hu,HashKey Capital 投資研究主管
Ben, Founder, Discoco labs
Arthur, Creator, Atomicals
Cipher, Co-founder, Nervos; Founder, Cell Studio
Cipher,Nervos 共同創辦人;細胞工作室創辦人
Rena Shah, VP Products & Operations, Trust Machines
Rena Shah,Trust Machines 產品與營運副總裁
David Tse, Founder, Babylon
謝大偉(David Tse),巴比倫創辦人
Jeff, Founder, Merlin Chain
Han Tang, Founder, SeeDAO
Yunwen, Researcher, Cryptape
Zhao Zhang, CTO, OneKey
Zhao Zhang, CTO, OneKey
Shawn, Head of Incubator, SeeDAO
Shawn,SeeDAO 孵化器負責人
Forest, Founder, Foresight Ventures; Chairman of The Block
Forest,Foresight Ventures 創辦人;街區主席
Jianping Kong, Founder, Nano Labs
Jianping Kong, Founder, Nano Labs
Wang Feng, CEO & Founder, Element
Brutoshi, Co-Founder, Wizz Wallet
Bratoshi,Wizz 錢包聯合創始人
Zhixiong Pan, Co-Founder, ChainFeeds
Zhixiong Pan, Co-Founder, ChainFeeds
Keith Chen, Managing Partner, SNZ Capital
Keith Chen,SNZ資本管理合夥人
Jerry Liu, Founding Partner, Waterdrip Capital
Audrey Tang, Founder, DRK Lab
Audrey Tang,DRK Lab 創辦人
BMAN, Co-Founder, ABCDE
Forum- Tokenization
This forum will mark an official end to this incredible journey, where you’ve got the chance to connect with:
Yike Guo, Provost, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Duncan Chiu, Legislative Council Member (Technology & Innovation Constituency), Hong Kong
Dr. XIAO Feng, Chairman of Wanxiang Blockchain, Chairman and CEO of HashKey Group
Leo Lin, Founder, arkreen
Leo Lin,arkreen創辦人
Cao Meiying, Co-Initiator, ThreeDAO
Cao Meiying, Co-Initiator, ThreeDAO
Leo, Co-Founder & Chief Content Officer, Moore Finance
Alex, Co-Founder, VIP3
亞歷克斯,VIP3 聯合創始人
Leo Li, CEO, HashKey Cloud
Loong Pui Fung Andrew, Principal Consultant, Cascade Capital Limited
Loong Pui Fung Andrew,Cascade Capital Limited 首席顧問
Kennix Chan, Executive Director, Victory Securities Company Limited
Merida PAN, COO, Magic Circle Technology Limited
潘美麗達(Merida PAN),魔環科技有限公司首席營運官
Hannah Cassidy, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills; Asia Head, Financial Services Regulatory
Hannah Cassidy,史密夫斐爾律師事務所合夥人;金融服務監理亞洲主管
Jong-Goo Yi, Senior Foreign Attorney, Kim & Chang
Jong-Goo Yi,Kim & Chang 資深外國律師
Jay Lee, Partner, K&L Gates
Jay Lee,K&L Gates 合夥人
About Web3 Festival
關於 Web3 節
Hong Kong Web3 Festival is a premier Web3 event hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and HashKey Group, and organized by W3ME. Hong Kong Web3 Festival provides an open stage to foster collaboration, explore the Web3 landscape and establish a shared vision of the digital future. Learn more at web3festival.org
香港Web3節是由萬向區塊鏈實驗室和HashKey Group主辦、W3ME承辦的頂級Web3活動。香港 Web3 節提供了一個開放的舞台,以促進合作、探索 Web3 格局並建立數位未來的共同願景。了解更多信息,請訪問 web3festival.org
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- 比特幣[BTC]的價格變動仍然是不可預測的,在看漲和看跌趨勢之間搖擺。