英俊的美國陸軍中士與“令人愉快的”第一夫人梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)跳舞,將其確定為中士。路易斯·阿維拉少校

American Army sergeant who danced with First Lady Melania Trump at the Governor's Ball on January 20, 2017, has been identified as Staff Sergeant Justin Gerhardt. Gerhardt is a member of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, known as "The Old Guard," which serves as the ceremonial escort to the President of the United States. He is a native of New Jersey and has been serving in the Army for seven years.
美國陸軍中士於2017年1月20日在州長舞會上與第一夫人梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)跳舞,已被確定為參謀長賈斯汀·格哈特(Justin Gerhardt)。格哈特(Gerhardt)是第三步兵團的成員,被稱為“老後衛”,作為美國總統的禮儀護送。他是新澤西州的本地人,已經在軍隊任職七年。
Trump and Gerhardt danced to the song "My Way" by Frank Sinatra, and their performance was widely praised by attendees at the ball. Gerhardt later told reporters that he was "honored" to dance with the First Lady and that she was "a very gracious and beautiful woman."
特朗普和格哈特(Gerhardt)跳舞了弗蘭克·辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)的歌曲“ My Way”,他們的表現受到與會者在球上的廣泛讚揚。格哈特後來告訴記者,他“很榮幸”與第一夫人跳舞,她是“一個非常親切而美麗的女人”。
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