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不可替代代幣(NFT)市場是一個新興的線上市場,在將用戶的現實世界身分轉化為 NFT 市場方面發揮著至關重要的作用。
The United States has a long history of disparities in wealth, education, employment, and consumption based on gender and race. Studies on modern marketplaces, such as online rental and labor markets, have found ways to reduce gender and racial inequality.
The non-fungible token (NFT) market, an emerging online marketplace, plays a crucial role in translating users' real-world identities into the NFT marketplace. Given recent social movements and the younger demographics associated with these digital spaces, some anticipate that the NFT marketplace and its more liberal and progressive inhabitants will reduce prejudice and social bias.
不可替代代幣(NFT)市場是一個新興的線上市場,在將用戶的現實世界身分轉化為 NFT 市場方面發揮著至關重要的作用。鑑於最近的社會運動和與這些數位空間相關的年輕人口統計數據,一些人預計 NFT 市場及其更自由和進步的居民將減少偏見和社會偏見。
In a new study, researchers from the Tepper School of Business and other universities examined the impact of avatars' gender and race on transaction prices in the NFT marketplace. They found that contrary to expectations, there were pronounced gender and racial disparities in NFT prices.
在一項新研究中,來自泰珀商學院和其他大學的研究人員研究了化身的性別和種族對 NFT 市場交易價格的影響。他們發現,與預期相反,NFT 價格存在明顯的性別和種族差異。
They also found that avatars with features associated with high-tech or higher education countered these disparities. The authors offer insights into policy strategies to promote racial and gender equity in the NFT marketplace.
他們還發現,具有與高科技或高等教育相關的特徵的化身可以抵消這些差異。作者對促進 NFT 市場種族和性別平等的政策策略提出了見解。
The study, by researchers from the Tepper School at Carnegie Mellon University, New York University, and Harvard University, appears in the International Journal of Research in Marketing.
"Based on the observation that NFT investors often represent a younger, wealthier, and more politically progressive demographic, we sought to determine whether this marketplace might be less susceptible to prejudice and social bias," says Yuan Yuan, a Ph.D. student in marketing at Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business, who led the study.
「根據觀察,NFT 投資者通常代表更年輕、更富有、政治上更進步的人群,我們試圖確定這個市場是否不太容易受到偏見和社會偏見的影響,」博士袁媛說。卡內基美隆大學泰珀商學院市場營銷專業的學生,領導了這項研究。
"As the NFT market continues to grow and increasingly leverages digital communities as brand assets, such questions will become increasingly important."
“隨著 NFT 市場的不斷增長,並越來越多地利用數位社區作為品牌資產,這些問題將變得越來越重要。”
Gender and race are key factors that can lead to discrimination and inequality within fields such as marketing and economics. These disparities impact both the fairness and the performance of the NFT marketplace, where avatar headshots serve as representations of individuals' digital identities. In this study, researchers sought to identify the effects of avatars' gender and race on NFT prices, how these effects varied over time, and what providers can do to mitigate disparities.
性別和種族是可能導致行銷和經濟學等領域歧視和不平等的關鍵因素。這些差異影響了 NFT 市場的公平性和表現,在該市場中,頭像頭像代表了個人的數位身分。在這項研究中,研究人員試圖確定化身的性別和種族對 NFT 價格的影響、這些影響如何隨時間變化,以及提供者可以採取哪些措施來縮小差異。
The study found that female CryptoPunks avatars were sold at a 37% lower price than their male counterparts (i.e., avatars with similar image attributes), while Black CryptoPunks avatars were sold at a 31% lower price than their White counterparts. In a controlled lab experiment, the study causally confirmed both gender and race price premiums, as well as the presence of racial bias in these purchasing behaviors.
研究發現,女性 CryptoPunks 頭像的售價比男性頭像(即具有相似圖像屬性的頭像)低 37%,而黑人 CryptoPunks 頭像的售價比白人頭像低 31%。在一項受控實驗室實驗中,該研究證實了性別和種族價格溢價的因果關係,以及這些購買行為中存在種族偏見。
Researchers also identified features of the avatars linked to high-tech or higher education (e.g., 3D virtual reality headsets or nerd glasses), finding that avatars with these features countered the disparities. This suggests incorporating such attributes into avatars could counteract bias in the NFT marketplace.
研究人員還確定了與高科技或高等教育相關的化身特徵(例如 3D 虛擬實境耳機或書呆子眼鏡),發現具有這些特徵的化身抵消了這種差異。這表明將這些屬性納入化身可以抵消 NFT 市場中的偏見。
While previous studies have suggested that conservative ideologies may exhibit greater prejudices against underserved groups, including women, and that such biases are more pronounced among older adults compared to younger ones, this study challenges the notion that gender and racial biases are diminished in the emerging, technologically advanced marketplace.
The findings reveal deep-seated and persistent societal stereotypes and prejudices in the digital marketplace, particularly in the devaluation of Black avatars across demographics, highlighting the complexity of biases in digital marketplaces.
"By considering our findings, NFT creators and platforms can promote a more balanced marketplace by introducing attributes that counteract bias," explains Kannan Srinivasan, Professor of Management, Marketing, and Business Technology at Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business, who co-authored the study.
卡內基美隆大學泰珀商學院管理、行銷和商業技術教授 Kannan Srinivasan 解釋道:「透過考慮我們的發現,NFT 創作者和平台可以透過引入抵消偏見的屬性來促進更加平衡的市場。」學習。
"NFT platforms that want to harmonize efficiency with fairness can also adopt policies that discourage bias, providing more equitable guidelines for the creation and transaction of NFTs."
“想要協調效率與公平的 NFT 平台也可以採取消除偏見的政策,為 NFT 的創建和交易提供更公平的指導方針。”
The authors note some limitations of their study, including the challenge of distinguishing between factors perceived as more valuable and those that are personally preferred, and the exclusivity of their focus on human avatars. In addition, they note that their database's diversity might not fully represent the general population.
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