
Gate.io users can now access their personalized 2024 Annual Reports, which offer a unique blend of comprehensive data analysis and exciting user rewards thanks to a special partnership with the renowned football club Inter.
Gate.io 用戶現在可以存取個人化的 2024 年年度報告,由於與著名足球俱樂部國際米蘭的特殊合作,該報告提供了全面的數據分析和令人興奮的用戶獎勵的獨特結合。
These reports provide a detailed overview of each user's trading activity and preferences throughout the year, showcasing their individual trading journeys. Moreover, users will have the opportunity to win exclusive Inter merchandise, home accessories, and even trading fee rebates.
To access their personalized annual reports and collect their rewards, Gate.io users can simply log into their accounts and visit the Annual Report event page, where they will be able to view their tailored trading summaries and claim their prizes with ease.
This initiative adds a layer of personalized engagement to the usual year-end summary reports, further strengthening the connection between Gate.io and its valued user community.
這項措施為通常的年終總結報告增加了一層個人化參與,進一步加強了 Gate.io 與其尊貴用戶社群之間的聯繫。
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