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以太坊的 Dencun 升級是「Deneb」和「Cancun」的混合體,引入了鏈下資料 blob 以提高可擴展性。 Blob 允許 Optimism、Base、Arbitrum 和 zkSync 等第 2 層 (L2) 解決方案在鏈外儲存數據,從而顯著降低這些網路上的交易費用。此升級還包括其他八個EIP,可增強網路功能,例如改進以太坊執行層和共識層之間的通訊以及Uniswap 版本4 的臨時儲存。Proto-Danksharding 是Dencun 升級的關鍵元件,透過刪除大量數據來解決數據可用性問題從區塊鏈到 blob。這使得 L2 能夠在不產生過高儲存成本的情況下擴展執行規模,從而使 L2 解決方案的交易成本預計降低 90%。
Ethereum's Dencun Upgrade: Ushering in the 'Blobband' Era for Enhanced Scalability and Reduced Fees
Ethereum, the pioneering blockchain platform renowned for its focus on scalability, security, and decentralization, has been facing a surge in user adoption. This growth has exerted pressure on the network, leading to increased gas fees and highlighting scalability limitations.
To address these challenges, Ethereum developers have introduced a suite of upgrades, culminating in the Dencun update of March 13, 2024. This significant upgrade incorporates proto-danksharding, facilitated by EIP-4844, which introduces off-chain "data-blobs." These blobs dramatically reduce the cost of storing transaction data, primarily benefiting Layer 2 (L2) networks.
為了應對這些挑戰,以太坊開發人員推出了一系列升級,最終於2024 年3 月13 日進行了Dencun 更新。這項重大升級包含了由EIP-4844 推動的原始danksharding,它引入了鏈下「數據塊」。這些 blob 大大降低了儲存交易資料的成本,主要有利於第 2 層 (L2) 網路。
The Dencun Effect: A Surge in Scalability, a Drop in Fees
Dencun 效應:可擴展性激增,費用下降
The Dencun upgrade, combining elements from the Cancun and Deneb updates, has invigorated Ethereum's scalability and efficiency. Data from popular L2 solutions reveals substantial reductions in average transaction fees. Optimism's fees plummeted to $0.05, Base to $0.064, Arbitrum to $0.5, and zkSync Era to $0.16.
Dencun 升級結合了 Cancun 和 Deneb 更新的元素,增強了以太坊的可擴展性和效率。來自流行 L2 解決方案的數據顯示平均交易費用大幅降低。 Optimism 的費用暴跌至 0.05 美元,Base 跌至 0.064 美元,Arbitrum 跌至 0.5 美元,zkSync Era 跌至 0.16 美元。
The Power of Blobs: Reducing Data Storage Costs
Blob 的力量:降低資料儲存成本
Proto-danksharding introduces Binary Large Objects (blobs), allowing for the attachment of sizable data chunks to standard transactions. Unlike conventional call data, blobs store data off-chain, becoming inaccessible after three weeks. This innovation significantly reduces the cost of storing transaction data for L2 rollups.
Proto-danksharding 引入了二進位大型物件(blob),允許將相當大的資料區塊附加到標準事務中。與傳統的呼叫資料不同,blob 將資料儲存在鏈外,三週後將無法存取。這項創新顯著降低了儲存 L2 匯總事務資料的成本。
Rollups, which process transactions off the Ethereum main chain and consolidate them into one transaction before submission, have embraced the use of blobs. By storing data in blobs instead of costly call data, they can significantly reduce transaction processing expenses.
Rollups 可以處理以太坊主鏈上的交易,並在提交之前將它們合併為一筆交易,它已經採用了 blob 的使用。透過將資料儲存在 blob 中而不是昂貴的呼叫資料中,它們可以顯著降低事務處理費用。
The Blob Effect: Making Rollups More Accessible
The introduction of blobs has garnered widespread support, with industry experts predicting a potential 90% decrease in transaction costs on L2 solutions. Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum's co-founder, estimates that a 125 kb of call data, which currently costs around 0.06 ETH ($222), could be reduced to 0.001 ETH ($3.7) with the use of blobs.
Blob 的引入獲得了廣泛的支持,行業專家預測 L2 解決方案的交易成本可能會降低 90%。以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin 估計,125 kb 的通話數據目前的成本約為 0.06 ETH(222 美元),而使用 blob 可以將其減少至 0.001 ETH(3.7 美元)。
Beyond Rollups: Potential Benefits for Mainnet
While the Dencun upgrade primarily targets L2 rollups, it could also contribute to fee reduction on the Ethereum mainnet. As L2s alleviate some of the transaction load from the mainnet, congestion should decrease, resulting in lower gas fees for mainnet transactions.
雖然 Dencun 升級主要針對 L2 匯總,但它也可能有助於降低以太坊主網上的費用。隨著 L2 減輕了主網的部分交易負載,擁塞應該會減少,從而導致主網交易的 Gas 費用降低。
The 'Blobband' Era: A Paradigm Shift in Ethereum's Evolution
The introduction of blobs parallels the evolution of the World Wide Web from its sluggish dial-up days to the high-speed broadband era. Blobs address the persistent issue of data availability, allowing Ethereum to scale execution and data availability separately.
blob 的引入與萬維網從緩慢的撥號時代向高速寬頻時代的演變並行。 Blob 解決了長期存在的數據可用性問題,使以太坊能夠分別擴展執行和數據可用性。
Similar to broadband's revolution of the internet, blobs are poised to revolutionize Ethereum by enhancing data availability. Instead of storing transaction data indefinitely on every node, rollups using proto-danksharding can reference data stored in blobs, reducing storage costs and improving scalability.
與互聯網的寬頻革命類似,blob 準備透過增強數據可用性來徹底改變以太坊。使用原始 danksharding 的匯總可以引用儲存在 blob 中的數據,從而降低儲存成本並提高可擴展性,而不是在每個節點上無限期地儲存事務資料。
How Blobs Keep Ethereum's Traffic Moving
Blob 如何保持以太坊的流量流動
Blobs can be likened to high-speed buses for Ethereum's data, efficiently transporting large volumes across the network. They keep the main network free for everyday transactions and smart contract executions, preventing congestion and ensuring smoother operations.
Blob 可以比喻為以太坊資料的高速匯流排,可以在網路上有效地傳輸大量資料。它們使主網路能夠自由進行日常交易和智慧合約執行,防止擁塞並確保營運更加順暢。
Benefits for Developers, Users, and Validators
The Dencun upgrade and blob implementation empower developers to create more intricate smart contracts without prohibitive gas costs. Users enjoy reduced fees, increasing accessibility of L2-based applications. Validators benefit from optimized disk space usage, as blobs are pruned after approximately two weeks.
Dencun 升級和 blob 實作使開發人員能夠創建更複雜的智慧合約,而無需高昂的 Gas 成本。用戶可享有更低的費用,提高基於 L2 的應用程式的可存取性。驗證器受益於最佳化的磁碟空間使用,因為 blob 會在大約兩週後被修剪。
Blob Pricing Dynamics: A New Market for Data
Blob 定價動態:數據的新市場
EIP-4844 introduces a new fee marketplace for blobs, decoupled from the main Ethereum fee structure. This ensures that blob fees remain low even during periods of network congestion. However, it adds a layer of complexity for L2 operators, who must choose the most cost-effective fee mechanism based on prevailing network conditions.
EIP-4844 引入了一個新的 blob 費用市場,與主要的以太坊費用結構脫鉤。這確保了即使在網路擁塞期間,blob 費用也保持在較低水平。然而,這為二級運營商增加了一層複雜性,他們必須根據當前的網路條件選擇最具成本效益的收費機制。
Conclusion: A Giant Leap for Ethereum
The Dencun update, bringing together the Cancun and Deneb upgrades, is the most significant Ethereum update since the Shapella upgrade in April 2023, which enabled the unstaking of Ether from the Beacon Chain. EIP-4844 is a major stride in Ethereum's pursuit of scalability and reduced transaction costs, significantly enhancing the user experience and making dApps more accessible.
Dencun 更新匯集了 Cancun 和 Deneb 升級,是自 2023 年 4 月 Shapella 升級以來最重要的以太坊更新,該升級使得以太坊能夠從信標鏈中解除質押。 EIP-4844 是以太坊追求可擴展性和降低交易成本的一大進步,顯著增強了用戶體驗並使 dApp 更易於存取。
As blobs gain traction, Ethereum should witness reduced congestion, freeing up space for other transactions. This transition marks a shift away from storing a complete record of all data, but introduces a new era of efficiency and scalability for the Ethereum ecosystem.
隨著 blob 越來越受歡迎,以太坊應該會減少擁塞,為其他交易騰出空間。這一轉變標誌著不再儲存所有數據的完整記錄,而是為以太坊生態系統引入了效率和可擴展性的新時代。
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