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賈利克斯·亨特(Jalyx Hunt)相信表現力的力量。超級碗的前一天晚上,外線後衛外的新秀設想自己去酋長
Reamde, a spaceship captain and a member of the elite Ghost Fleet, is renowned for his exceptional piloting skills and ability to navigate even the most treacherous stellar domains. With a relaxed demeanor and a knack for handling any situation with ease, Reamde is a valuable asset to his crew and a respected figure among his peers.
雷姆德(Reamde)是飛船隊長,精英幽靈艦隊(Elite Ghost Fleet)的成員,他以其出色的駕駛技能和能夠導航甚至最危險的恆星領域而聞名。雷姆德(Reamde)的舉止輕鬆,輕鬆地處理任何情況,對他的船員來說是一項寶貴的資產,在他的同齡人中是一個受人尊敬的人物。
As the captain of the massive vessel, Reamde is responsible for the well-being of his crew and the successful completion of their missions. He leads with a calm and collected hand, making rational decisions even in the face of adversity. His leadership style inspires loyalty and trust among his subordinates, who are willing to follow him anywhere.
Reamde's technical expertise is evident in his handling of the spaceship's advanced systems and weapons. He can effortlessly maneuver the vessel through dense asteroid fields or engage in fierce battles with enemy warships. His piloting skills are so advanced that he can perform maneuvers that would seem impossible to even the most experienced pilots.
Moreover, Reamde possesses a unique ability to sense and manipulate the flow of stellar energy. This sensitivity allows him to perform extraordinary feats, such as deflecting incoming enemy fire with his bare hands or amplifying the spaceship's firepower to devastating levels.
Despite his powerful abilities and the high-stakes missions he undertakes, Reamde maintains a humble and approachable demeanor. He is always willing to listen to the concerns of his crew and offer advice and support when needed. This empathy and willingness to help others make him a beloved captain and a role model for those who serve alongside him.
In the vast and unforgiving expanse of the stellar domains, Reamde and his crew of elite Ghost Fleet soldiers face constant threats from alien empires, rogue factions, and the unpredictable forces of the cosmos itself. Their missions are critical to the survival and prosperity of galactic civilization.
As they soar through the starlit void, the spaceship's engines hum a deep and resonant tune, a symphony of energy and technology that fills the vessel's vast corridors. The flickering lights of the control room illuminate the crew as they work diligently at their stations, their movements precise and efficient.
At the helm, Reamde guides the spaceship with a steady hand, his gaze scanning the holographic displays that project stellar maps, sensor readings, and tactical data. A faint smile plays on his lips as he effortlessly maneuvers the spaceship through a dense asteroid field, the hull of the vessel skimming past the rocky bodies with minimal clearance.
"Excellent work, crew," Reamde announces over the internal communication system, his voice calm and clear despite the urgency of the moment. "We're making good time and the asteroid field poses no threat."
“出色的工作,船員。” Reamde宣佈內部通信系統,儘管這一刻緊迫,他的聲音平靜而清晰。 “我們度過了愉快的時光,小行星領域沒有構成威脅。”
The navigator, a young woman with sharp blue eyes and a focused expression, reports from her station. "Captain, we'll need to make a slight course correction in the next seven minutes to avoid a minor stellar anomaly."
導航員是一名年輕的藍眼睛和專注的表情的年輕女子,她的車站報導說。 “隊長,我們需要在接下來的七分鐘內進行稍作校正,以避免較小的恆星異常。”
"Noted. And the energy readings from the nearby star system?" Reamde inquires, glancing at the energy sensor display, which flickers with vibrant hues of purple, yellow, and red.
“注意到。還有附近的恆星系統的能量讀數?” Reamde詢問,瞥了一眼能量傳感器的顯示,並以紫色,黃色和紅色的鮮豔色調閃爍。
"No significant fluctuations detected in the last twelve hours, sir," the sensor operator replies, her voice even and unhurried.
Reamde nods slowly, his gaze returning to the stellar map as he ponders the implications of the sensor readings. The unpredictable nature of the stellar anomalies and the potential for hostile factions to interfere with their mission keep him alert and engaged.
As they continue their journey, the spaceship encounters a small fleet of enemy warships, their hulls gleaming menacingly in the starlight. The enemy ships open fire, beams of plasma streaking towards the Ghost Fleet vessel.
With lightning-fast reflexes, Reamde deflects the incoming blasts with his hands, the energy swirling around his body in a protective shield. He then pivots towards the enemy ships and retaliates, unleashing a volley of devastating blasts that cripple the enemy vessels.
"They're retreating, sir," reports the weapons officer, his voice filled with admiration for the captain's incredible display.
Reamde sighs and rubs his eyes wearily. The constant battles and technical malfunctions are taking their toll on him, but he refuses to let it affect his performance.
"We'll not be troubled by them further," Reamde announces calmly, his voice broadcasting throughout the spaceship. "The mission remains our priority."
Reamde冷靜地宣布,他的聲音在整個飛船上播出。 “任務仍然是我們的首要任務。”
The crew members exchange glances, their eyes reflecting a mixture of awe and amusement at their captain's nonchalant response to the encounter with the enemy fleet.
Despite the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their journey, the crew members of the Ghost Fleet vessel remain focused and efficient, their movements a symphony of cooperation and skill as they maintain the spaceship's systems and carry out their assigned duties.
In the mess hall, the crew gathers for a meal break, filling their plates with steaming food from the replicators. As they eat, they share stories and jokes, their laughter echoing through the spacious compartment
在Mess Hall中,船員聚集了吃飯,用複制者的蒸食物充滿了盤子。當他們吃飯時,他們分享故事和笑話,他們的笑聲在寬敞的隔間中迴盪
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