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加密貨幣潛在的高額回報吸引了大批詐騙者。據 FBI 稱,2023 年,加密貨幣詐騙給受害者造成了 56 億美元的損失。
Cryptocurrency markets have experienced a resurgence after the presidential election, with coins like bitcoin, ethereum and dogecoin leading the charge. The price of a single bitcoin, for example, recently eclipsed $100,000 for the first time.
總統選舉後,加密貨幣市場經歷了復甦,比特幣、以太幣和狗狗幣等加密貨幣引領潮流。例如,單一比特幣的價格最近首次突破 10 萬美元。
Experts attribute this trend to several factors, including President-elect Donald Trump's favorable comments about cryptocurrency on the campaign trail, renewed interest from retail investors and increased institutional adoption.
Crypto is notoriously volatile. The digital assets' value can swing wildly in a matter of days or hours, making them both a thrilling and high-risk investment. But there's another dangerous side of the crypto boom: the resurgence of crypto scams.
Crypto presents a golden opportunity for scammers. The crypto market is mostly unregulated and once a transaction is made, it's nearly impossible to reverse it. That means if a scammer takes off with your crypto, there's little you can do to get your money back.
If you're actively investing in crypto or keeping an eye on digital currencies, make sure you know how to spot these get-rich-quick schemes and other ploys.
Top cryptocurrency scams to watch out for
The potential high payoff of crypto attracts droves of scammers. In 2023, crypto scams cost victims $5.6 billion, according to the FBI. These are some examples of common crypto scams.
加密貨幣潛在的高額回報吸引了大批詐騙者。據 FBI 稱,2023 年,加密貨幣詐騙給受害者造成了 56 億美元的損失。這些是常見加密貨幣詐騙的一些例子。
Phishing attempts
A phishing scam tries to get you to reveal sensitive personal or financial information by sending you a fraudulent email, text or phone call.
Crypto phishing scams take on many forms. For example, it's common for bad actors to impersonate legitimate exchanges to try to trick you into sharing your private key -- a unique passcode that lets you access your crypto -- by prompting you to click an embedded link in a text or email.
Other examples of phishing attempts related to crypto, according to the FTC, include:
* Fraudulent emails or texts that appear to be from a cryptocurrency exchange, a hardware wallet manufacturer or a well-known figure in the crypto space. These messages typically contain a link that takes you to a phishing site designed to look like the real thing. Once you enter your login credentials or other sensitive information on the phishing site, the scammers have what they need to access your crypto holdings.
* 看似來自加密貨幣交易所、硬體錢包製造商或加密貨幣領域知名人物的詐騙電子郵件或簡訊。這些訊息通常包含一個鏈接,可將您帶到一個看起來像真實網站的網路釣魚網站。一旦您在網路釣魚網站上輸入登入憑證或其他敏感訊息,詐騙者就擁有存取您的加密資產所需的資訊。
* Scammers may also create fake websites or social media profiles that closely resemble those of legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges or influencers. If you're not paying close attention, you could easily be fooled into visiting one of these fake sites and falling for a phishing scam.
* 詐騙者也可能創建與合法加密貨幣交易所或影響者的網站或社群媒體資料非常相似的虛假網站或社群媒體資料。如果您不密切注意,您可能很容易被愚弄,訪問這些虛假網站之一併陷入網絡釣魚騙局。
* Another common phishing tactic is for scammers to send out emails or texts that contain QR codes. When you scan one of these QR codes with your mobile phone, it could take you to a phishing site or automatically download malware onto your device.
* 詐騙者另一個常見的網路釣魚策略是發送包含二維碼的電子郵件或簡訊。當您使用手機掃描這些二維碼之一時,它可能會將您帶到網路釣魚網站或自動將惡意軟體下載到您的裝置上。
Social engineering
Scammers can also build deep connections with you and then try to manipulate your emotions to compel you to make a rash decision, such as going all in on a new type of crypto.
"In a bull market, scammers lean into human greed, promising high returns and exploiting the fear of missing out. In a bear market, they play on fears that cryptoassets are at risk," said Nick Percoco, chief security officer at cryptocurrency exchange Kraken.
加密貨幣交易所Kraken 首席安全官尼克·佩爾科科(Nick Percoco) 表示:「在牛市中,騙子會利用人類的貪婪,承諾高額回報,並利用人們對錯失良機的恐懼。在熊市中,他們利用對加密資產面臨風險的擔憂。
Percoco added that investors should be wary of high-pressure tactics. "Scammers know that if you ultimately do nothing, they lose. Take your time and research opportunities carefully."
佩爾科科補充說,投資人應該警惕高壓策略。 “騙子知道,如果你最終什麼都不做,他們就會輸。花點時間仔細研究機會。”
Rug pulls and fake tokens
Developers often create new tokens designed to look like legitimate crypto coins to attract investors into purchasing cryptocurrency. Once a purchase is made, the fraudster takes your money and vanishes, leaving you with nothing except a counterfeit token.
Many times this scam happens when bad actors encourage investors to act fast to get in on a new crypto project before the price skyrockets. If you're not sure if a token is legitimate, be sure to research the asset, its website, the project's founders and the digital coin's transaction activity. If no website exists or the project's creators are anonymous, it could signal high risk.
Bitcoin ATM scams
In this scam, a cybercriminal tries to trap you by posing as law enforcement or a financial institution. The scammer might tell you that you need to pay a fine or that a bill is past due. To avoid legal action, the scammer instructs you to use a bitcoin ATM to send them funds.
在這個騙局中,網路犯罪分子試圖冒充執法部門或金融機構來誘騙您。騙子可能會告訴您,您需要支付罰款或帳單已逾期。為了避免法律訴訟,詐騙者會指示您使用比特幣 ATM 向他們發送資金。
Legitimate entities will never ask for payments via bitcoin ATMs. You should ignore such requests entirely.
合法實體永遠不會要求透過比特幣 ATM 付款。您應該完全忽略此類請求。
What if I fall for a cryptocurrency scam?
If you fall for a cryptocurrency scam, it's unlikely that you'll get your money back. Part of what makes these swindles attractive to cybercriminals is that cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible. Money is also hard to track after it's sent because scammers can transfer it to any part of the world.
"Investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any cryptocurrency platform or investment opportunity," Jacqueline Cooper, CEO
「投資者在參與任何加密貨幣平台或投資機會之前應謹慎行事並進行徹底的研究,」執行長 Jacqueline Cooper
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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